The DFSMS Data Collection Facility (DCOLLECT) is a function of access method services. DCOLLECT collects stored data set, volume and policy values into a sequential file you can use as input to other programs or applications.

Note: There is a Report Generator option in the ISMF Storage Administrator primary panel 'G' Report Generator that can be used to create reports based on the sequential file contents that DCOLLECT produces. The report generator ships sample report types for DCOLLECT, both DFSMSdfp and DFSMShsm DCOLLECT record types. In addition, it will ship some sample reports based on those.
DCOLLECT obtains data on:
  • Active Data Sets

    DCOLLECT provides data about space use and data set attributes and indicators on the selected volumes and storage groups.

  • VSAM Data Set Information

    DCOLLECT provides specific information relating to VSAM data sets residing on the selected volumes and storage groups.

  • Volumes

    DCOLLECT provides statistics and information on volumes that are selected for collection.

  • Inactive Data
    DCOLLECT produces output for DFSMShsm-managed data, (inactive data management), which includes both migrated and backed up data sets.
    • Migrated Data Sets: DCOLLECT provides information on space utilization and data set attributes for data sets migrated by DFSMShsm.
    • Backed Up Data Sets: DCOLLECT provides information on space utilization and data set attributes for every version of a data set backed up by DFSMShsm.
  • Capacity Planning
    Capacity planning for DFSMShsm-managed data (inactive data management) includes the collection of both DASD and tape capacity planning.
    • DASD Capacity Planning: DCOLLECT provides information and statistics for volumes managed by DFSMShsm (ML0 and ML1).
    • Tape Capacity Planning: DCOLLECT provides statistics for tapes managed by DFSMShsm.
  • SMS Configuration Information

    DCOLLECT provides information about the SMS configurations. The information can be from either an active control data set (ACDS) or a source control data set (SCDS), or the active configuration.

    DCOLLECT provides attributes that are in the selected configuration for the following:
    • Data Class Constructs
    • Storage Class Constructs
    • Management Class Constructs
    • Storage Group Constructs
    • SMS Volume Information
    • SMS Base Configuration Information
    • Aggregate Group Construct Information
    • Optical Drive Information
    • Optical Library Information
    • Cache Names
    • Accounting Information for the ACS routines

Restriction: Use the DCOLLECT command only with volumes that contain an MVS™ VTOC. If you use the DCOLLECT command with volumes that contain a VM VTOC, the DCOLLECT command fails and error message IDC21804I is displayed.

For information on calling DCOLLECT from ISMF, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration. For information on using DCOLLECT to monitor space usage, see Using the data collection application in z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration.

The syntax of the DCOLLECT command is:

Command Parameters
  {[VOLUMES(volser[ volser...])]
     [EXCLUDEVOLUMES(volser[ volser...])]
     [STORAGEGROUP(sgname[ sgname...])]}

DCOLLECT can be abbreviated: DCOL

Exception: Although BACKUPDATA, CAPPLANDATA, MIGRATEDATA, SMSDATA, STORAGEGROUP, and VOLUMES are designated as optional parameters, you must use at least one of them. You can use any combination of these parameters; use at least one.
For a description of the DCOLLECT User Exit, refer to DCOLLECT User Exit.
For an explanation of how to interpret DCOLLECT output, see Interpreting DCOLLECT Output.
DCOLLECT Security Considerations
APF Authorization: For information on a program calling DCOLLECT see Invoking Access Method Services from Your Program.
DCOLLECT HFS Considerations
The information in DCOLLECT type 'D' records for HFS files are not all contained in the VTOC, VVDS or catalog. You must define an appropriate OMVS segment in order to gather all statistics.
RACF® Authorization: To control access to the DCOLLECT function, a RACF check for authorization is made for a FACILITY class profile of STGADMIN.IDC.DCOLLECT. If this profile exists, then read authority is necessary. The command will not be successful if the user is not authorized.