TCP/IP Discard reason codes

The OSAENTA command collects packets from the Open System Adapter (OSA) that might have been discarded. The PKTTRACE command collects packets from TCPIP that might have been discarded. Each command returns a specific nonzero reason code when the packet has been discarded by their respective functions.

OSA-Express® uses the discard reason codes from 1 to 4095 (see the OSA network traffic analyzer (OSAENTA) discard codes information in z Systems: Open Systems Adapter-Express Customer's Guide and Reference for more information about OSA discard reason codes), and TCP/IP uses the discard codes from 4096 to 20479. Packets discarded by the Interface (IF) and IP layer use the discard reason codes from 4096 to 8191; packets discarded in the TCP protocol layer use the discard reason codes from 8192 to 12287; packets discarded in the UDP protocol layer use the discard reason codes from 12288 to 16383; packets discarded in the RAW protocol layer use the discard reason codes from 16384 to 20479.

Table 1 describes the packet trace discard reason codes for the IP protocol. Table 2 describes the packet trace discard reason codes for the TCP protocol. Table 3 describes the packet trace discard reason codes for the UDP protocol. Table 4 describes the packet trace discard reason codes for the RAW protocol.

Table 1. Packet trace discard reason codes for the IP protocol
1000 4096 IP_NO_INTERF No interface was found for the packet because the interface had been deleted.
1001 4097 IP_NOT_ACTIVE The interface is not active.
1002 4098 IP_MAL_VER The IP version field is not IPv4 or IPv6.
1003 4099 IP_MAL_IPHL The IP header length is too short.
1004 4100 IP_MAL_IPLEN The IP header length is longer than the packet.
1005 4101 IP_MAL_DATA The packet data is incomplete as sent.
1006 4102 IP_BAD_CKSUM The IP header checksum is not valid.
1007 4103 IP_BAD_IPLEN Packet is not long enough for a protocol header.
1008 4104 IP_OPT_IDS The IP option is restricted by IDS Policy.
1009 4105 IP_OPT_SECLBL A security label is not allowed.
100A 4106 IP_OPT_NATT Network address translation option is not allowed.
100B 4107 IP_OPT_FWD The packet cannot be forwarded.
100C 4108 IP_IDS_PROTO The IP protocol is disallowed by IDS policy.
100D 4109 IP_MAP_ADDR IPv6-mapped addresses are not supported.
100E 4110 IP_SRC_ADDR The source address is a loopback address.
100F 4111 IP_SRC_HOST The source address is a host address.
1010 4112 IP_DST_ADDR The destination address is a loopback address or broadcast address.
1011 4113 IP_NO_MULTI There is no multicast listener.
1012 4114 IP_MAC_BRDCST The MAC broadcast packet not accepted.
1013 4115 IP_XCF_NONEWCONN Discard SYN packet to allow a new XCF connection to be established.
1014 4116 IP_XCF_SYNACK The new DVIPA connection has not been received.
1015 4117 IP_XCF_TONOROUTE No route is available during takeover or takeback.
1016 4118 IP_XCF_SERVDOWN No server was found with a listen active.
1017 4119 IP_XCF_NODXCF Dynamic XCF is not active.
1018 4120 IP_XCF_NOTDVIPA This is not a DVIPA or it is DVIPA that is not active.
1019 4121 IP_XCF_NODXCFRTE Dynamic XCF has no active routes.
101A 4122 IP_XCF_NOCONN The connection request was received out of order.
101B 4123 IP_XCF_NODVIPA The stack is not currently joined to the sysplex.
101C 4124 IP_XCF_NOROUTE There is not a route available for the packet.
101D 4125 IP_XCF_NODEST There is not an available target stack for the packet.
101E 4126 IP_XCF_NOTREADY The target destination stack was not ready.
101F 4127 IP_XCF_ERROR An error occurred in XCF routing.
1020 4128 IP_XCF_NOAFFIN A fixed affinity structure could not be created.
1021 4129 IP_XCF_NOSTOR No storage was available for a new connection.
1022 4130 IP_XCF_AFFTO The backup DVIPA has not yet connected. A takeover is in progress.
1023 4131 IP_XCF_NOSECLBL An MLS security label is missing.
1024 4132 IP_XCF_BADSECLBL An unknown MLS security label was found.
1025 4133 IP_XCF_MISMATCH There is a connection integrity problem with the target DVIPA.
1026 4134 IP_XCF_NOVIPARTE No VIPAROUTE was found.
1027 4135 IP_XCF_NOACTRTE No active VIPAROUTE was found.
1028 4136 IP_XCF_NOTTAKE There is no route available for takeover or takeback.
1029 4137 IP_XCF_SYNCH An encapsulated packet was received before a new connection could be established.
102A 4138 IP_XCF_TERM XCF is ending.
102B 4139 IP_GRE_ADDR The address family in the GRE SRE is not IPv4.
102C 4140 IP_GRE_PROTO The protocol in the GRE header is not IPv4.
102D 4141 IP_GRE_SIZE The GRE header in the buffer is incomplete.
102F 4143 IP_BAD_TCP_LEN The packet length does not include the TCP header.
1030 4144 IP_BAD_UDP_LEN The packet length does not include the UDP header.
1031 4145 IP_RSMTO There was a reassembly timeout.
1032 4146 IP_CASA_NOACCEPT The CASA packet was not accepted.
1033 4147 IP_FW_NOACCEPT The firewall did not accept the packet.
1034 4148 IP_FW_KEEPALIVE The NAT ESP keeplive packet was discarded.
1035 4149 IP_FW_MISMATCH There was a mismatch with the firewall tunnel.
1036 4150 IP_FW_REJECT The packet was rejected by the firewall.
1037 4151 IP_FW_NOSTOR Storage was unavailable for the firewall function.
1038 4152 IP_FW_REJECTRC The packet was rejected by the firewall. A bad return code was seen.
1039 4153 IP_INCOMP_ADDR The IPv6 interface address is not complete.
103A 4154 IP_LNKLCL_ADDR The destination address is not on the same physical network.
103B 4155 IP_HDR_OPT The IP packet header options were bad or could not be updated.
103C 4156 IP_FWD_TTL The IP packet timed out when the TTL field became 0.
103D 4157 IP_FWD_LCLBCAST The IP packet cannot be forwarded to a local broadcast interface.
103E 4158 IP_FWD_NOSTOR There was not enough storage to create the outbound packet.
103F 4159 IP_FWD_NOMSG There was not enough storage available to copy the outbound packet.
1041 4161 IP_FRAG_SHORT The fragment is too short to be processed.
1042 4162 IP_FRAG_DEATH The fragment ending offset is greater than the maximum allowable packet size of a Ping of Death packet
1043 4163 IP_FRAG_ATTACK The packet fragment appears to be an attack.
1044 4164 IP_BAD_ADDR The destination address of the packet is not correct.
1045 4165 IP_MAL_ADDR The destination address is the same as the source address.
1046 4166 IP_TCP_ADDR The destination address for a TCP packet is incorrect.
1047 4167 IP_NO_FWD The packet cannot be forwarded.
1048 4168 IP_BADMEDIA The media header was incorrect.
1049 4169 IP_NODATA There was not enough data in the packet for an IP header.
104A 4170 IP_NODEVICE An active device interface was not found for the packet.
104B 4171 IP_NOTRDY_INTF The interface was not ready for traffic.
104C 4172 IP_BAD_IPV6 Invalid inner IPv6 header where the previous IP header was an IPv6 header.
104D 4173 IP_NOT_IPV6 Invalid inner IPv6 header where the previous IP header was not an IPv6 header.
104E 4174 IP_HOPOPTS The HOPOPTS extension header is misplaced.
104F 4175 IP_MISS_SLLA_OPT The source link address is missing from a neighbor solicit ICMPv6 packet.
1050 4176 IP_NONE The extension header was misplaced.
1051 4177 IP_PULLUP The interface was not ready for traffic.
1052 4178 IP_ICMP_ERR There are multiple ICMPV6 error headers.
1053 4179 IP_OPTS_DISCARD The option type in a HOPOPTS or DESTOPTS extension header is not supported.
1054 4180 IP_OPTS_ERROR The option type in a IP header, HOPOPTS extension header, or DESTOPTS extension header is not supported.
1055 4181 IP_OPTS_TYPE The option type in a HOPOPTS or DESTOPTS extension header is not supported.
1056 4182 IP_ROUTING_LEN The length of a routine extension header was incorrect.
1057 4183 IP_ROUTING_SEGLEFT The segments left value in the routing extension header was incorrect.
1058 4184 IP_ROUTING_ADDR An unsupported address was found in the routing extension header.
1059 4185 IP_ROUTING_SEGADDR The address in the routing extension header was not a valid address.
105A 4186 IP_ROUTING_SEGTTL The TTL value became 0 while the routing extension header was being processed.
105B 4187 IP_ROUTING_HDR A routing extension header was misplaced in the packet.
105C 4188 IP_FRAG_MF0 The payload length of fragment was not a multiple of 8 bytes.
105D 4189 IP_FRAG_BAD The fragment extension header is duplicated or out of place.
105E 4190 IP_ROUTING_TYPE An unknown routing type extension header was found.
105F 4191 IP_ESP The ESP extension header is misplaced.
1060 4192 IP_AH The AH extension header is misplaced.
1061 4193 IP_SRC_LINK_ADDR The source link address was not valid.
1062 4194 IP_BAD_OPT_LEN The ICMPV6 option length was bad.
1065 4197 IP_FRAG_DATA The fragment contains no data.
1066 4198 IP_OPTS_LEN The option length in HOPOPTS or DSTOPTS extension header is is not correct.
1067 4199 IP_BAD_ICMP An unknown ICMP type or code value was found.
1068 4200 IP_SECLBL_NO A security extension header was present but is not supported.
1069 4201 IP_SECLBL_DUP A duplicate security extension header was found.
106A 4202 IP_SECLBL_LEN The length of the security extension header was incorrect.
106B 4203 IP_SECLBL_TAGNAME The set name is missing from the security extension header.
106C 4204 IP_SECLBL_TAGTYPE The tag type was incorrect in the security extension header.
106D 4205 IP_SECLBL_TAGLEN The tag length was incorrect in the security extension header.
106E 4206 IP_SECLBL_TAGDOM The RACF® domain was missing from the security extension header.
106F 4207 IP_SECLBL_TAGSEC The security label was missing from the security extension header.
1070 4208 IP_SECLBL_NOLBL The security label was missing from the first IP header.
1071 4209 IP_SECLBL_IPHDR The security label did not match the security label from the first IP header security extension.
1072 4210 IP_SECLBL_NFOUND The label from the security extension header was not found.
1073 4211 IP_SECLBL_BADTYPE The type field from the security extension header was not recognized.
1074 4212 IP_ROUTFWD_TYPE The routing extension header for the packet that was forwarded contains a unknown type value.
1075 4213 IP_ROUTFWD_DEST The forwared packet is being routed to an incorrect address.
1076 4214 IP_ROUTFWD_LEN The routing extension header for a forwarded packet contains a bad length value.
1077 4215 IP_ROUTFWD_SEGLEFT The routing extension header for a forwarded packet contains a bad segments left value.
1078 4216 IP_ROUTFWD_ADDR The routing extension header for a forwarded packet contains a bad forwarding address.
1079 4217 IP_INNER_IPHDR An unexpected inner IP header was found.
107A 4218 IP_NOIPHDR The expected inner IP header was not found.
107B 4219 IP_QUICKDISCARD A null packet was discarded.
107C 4220 IP_DUP_RST_4_DVIPA A duplicate RST was passed to the distributor and should be silently discarded.
107D 4221 IP_XCF_THRT Our Sysplex Throttle limit has been met, we should silently discard hoping resources have been freed.
107E 4222 IP_BAD_NTA_FRAME A bad OSAENTA frame was found.
107F 4223 IP_IDS_NEXTHDR The IPv6 next header is disallowed by IDS policy.
1080 4224 IP_IDS_HOPOPTS The IPv6 hop-by-hop option is disallowed by IDS policy.
1081 4225 IP_IDS_DSTOPTS The IPv6 destination option is disallowed by IDS policy.
1082 4226 IP_ND_RA An IPv6 Router Advertisement has one of the following errors:
  • source IP address is not a link-local address
  • hop limit is not 255
  • ICMP code is not 0
1083 4227 IP_ND_NS An IPv6 Neighbor Solicitation has one of the following errors:
  • source IP address is the unspecified address and destination IP address is not a solicited-node multicast address
  • target IP address is a multicast address
  • hop limit is not 255
  • ICMP code is not 0
1084 4228 IP_ND_NA An IPv6 Neighbor Advertisement has one of the following errors:
  • destination IP address is a multicast address and advertisement indicates it was solicited
  • target IP address is a multicast address
  • hop limit is not 255
  • ICMP code is not 0
1085 4229 IP_ND_REDIRECT An ICMPv6 Redirect has one of the following errors:
  • source IP address is not a link-local address
  • destination IP address is a multicast address
  • target IP address is not a link-local address and is not the destination IP address
  • hop limit is not 255
  • target IP address is a local address
  • ICMP code is not 0
1086 4230 IP_MLD_QUERY An MLD Query message has one of the following errors:
  • source IP address is not a link-local address
  • destination IP address is not a multicast address
  • hop limit is not 1
1087 4231 IP_MLD_REPORT An MLD Report message has one of the following errors:
  • source IP address is not a link-local address
  • destination IP address is not a multicast address
  • hop limit is not 1
1088 4232 IP_MLD_REDUCTION An MLD Reduction message has one of the following errors:
  • source IP address is not a link-local address
  • destination IP address is not a multicast address
  • hop limit is not 1
1089 4233 IP_TRANS_NO_RCV The transport is not receiving.
108A 4234 IP_FRAG_CANCEL Fragmentation reassembly was cancelled.
108B 4235 IP_FRAG_DUP Fragment is a duplicate of a previously received fragment.
108C 4236 IP_FRAG_LIMIT Fragmentation reassembly not started - reassembly limit exceeded.
108D 4237 IP_FRAG_NOSTOR No storage for fragmentation reassembly.
108E 4238 IP_ICMP_BAD_CKSUM The ICMP header checksum is bad.
108F 4239 IP_QOS_POLICY Packet denied by QoS policy.
1090 4240 IP_ICMP_NOSTOR There was no storage for ICMP processing.
1091 4241 IP_IGNORE_REDIRECT ICMP Redirect ignored due to configuration or IDS policy.
1092 4242 IP_BAD_ICMP_LEN The ICMP packet length does not include the ICMP header or does not include the required length of data.
1093 4243 IP_OPT_NATT_EXT Extended network address translation option is not allowed.
1094 4244 IP_IDS_DATAHIDE_IPOPT Non-zero bytes in IP option padding are disallowed by IDS policy.
1095 4245 IP_IDS_DATAHIDE_DSTOPT Non-zero bytes in destination option header padding are disallowed by IDS policy.
1096 4246 IP_IDS_DATAHIDE_HOPOPT Non-zero bytes in hop-by-hop option header padding are disallowed by IDS policy.
1097 4247 IP_IDS_DATAHIDE_ICMPERR ICMP error message with destination that does not match source of embedded packet is disallowed by IDS policy.
1098-1FFF 4248-8191 N/A Codes reserved for future use.
Table 2. Packet Trace Discard reason codes for the TCP Protocol
2000 8192 TCP_ALREADY_KLOSED The session is already closed or about to be opened or for a listen.
2001 8193 TCP_DATA_TOO_SHORT Not all the data is present in the packet.
2002 8194 TCP_BAD_CHECKSUM The TCP header checksum is incorrect.
2003 8195 TCP_OUTSIDE_WINDOW The segment falls outside of the current window sequence space.
2004 8196 TCP_RECEIVED_RESET A reset has been received.
2005 8197 TCP_MISSING_ACK Once connected the ACK flag should always be set.
2006 8198 TCP_RECEIVED_LASTACK The stream was closed when this last ACK was processed.
2007 8199 TCP_TCB_HEADLESS There is no longer a connection with the socket.
2008 8200 TCP_NO_LISTENER There is no listen active to accept the SYN request.
2009 8201 TCP_ACK_TOO_HIGH The ACK sequence number is greater than the next sequence number to be sent.
200A 8202 TCP_CONNECT_RESET A reset was received during the three-way handshake.
200B 8203 TCP_CONNECT_FAIL The ACK sequence number was not correct for the SYN.
200C 8204 TCP_FRCA_RESET AFPA reset the FRCA connection.
200D 8205 TCP_FRCA_FAIL The connection was aborted by AFPA.
200E 8206 TCP_ALREADY_ TIMEWAIT The connection has been closed and TCP is waiting for the ACK FIN.
200F 8207 TCP_OLD_TIMESTAMP The timestamp on a TCP packet is older than the timestamp on a packet that was previously processed from the sender.
2010 8208 TCP_FRR_REACH_ THRESH Entering fast retransmit recovery.
2011 8209 TCP_FRR_EXCEED_ THRESH Discarding input for fast retransmit recovery; the window was exceeded.
2012 8210 TCP_FIREWALL_DENY The IPSEC instances do not match.
2013 8211 TCP_INTRUSION_DENY IDS has denied the connection as a result of a flood attack.
2014 8212 TCP_SECLABEL_PRESENT An MLS security label was present but the socket did not expect one.
2015 8213 TCP_SECLABEL_NOT_ PRESENT An MLS security label was not present but the socket expected one.
2016 8214 TCP_SECLABELS_NOT_ EQUIV The MLS security labels were unacceptable to RACF.
2017 8215 TCP_BAD_ACKNUM The ACK sequence number is greater than the greatest sequence number that was sent.
2018 8216 TCP_TOO_SMALL The size of the IP and TCP headers is longer than the packet.
2019 8217 TCP_BADHDR The size of the TCP header is smaller than the minimum length allowed.
201A 8218 TCP_SYN_NOPORT The local port connection was not found. The SYN packet was ignored.
201B 8219 TCP_SYN_NOTFOUND2 The local port connection was not listening. The SYN packet was ignored.
201C 8220 TCP_SYN_DUPTCP A TCP session for this connection has already been established. The SYN packet was ignored.
201D 8221 TCP_SYN_RESET A TCP packet was received with the RST flag set. The RST packet was ignored.
201E 8222 TCP_SYN_DUPSYN A duplicate SYN packet has been received with a matching sequence number and the current TCP is in SYNCHRCV state. The SYN packet was ignored.
2020 8224 TCP_SYN_PORT SHAREPORT or SHAREPORTWLM has been specified and a bind to a specific remote port has been performed. The incoming SYN was not from that remote port. The SYN packet was ignored.
2021 8225 TCP_SYN_BACKLOG0 The backlog count was set to 0. No sessions can be queued. The SYN packet was ignored.
2022 8226 TCP_SYN_BACKLOGS No new sessions can be queued because the backlog count would be exceeded. The SYN packet was ignored.
2023 8227 TCP_SYN_BACKLOGE The backlog count would be exceeded as a result of a possible SYN flood attack. The backlog queue cannot be extended. The SYN packet was ignored.
2024 8228 TCP_SYN_BACKLOGN During a SYN flood attack, the backlog queue could not be expanded as the result of a storage shortage. The SYN packet was ignored.
2025 8229 TCP_SYN_BACKLOGR During a SYN flood attack a backlog queue entry could not be randomally released. The SYN packet was ignored.
2026 8230 TCP_SYN_ROUTE A route back to the remote host could not be determined. The SYN packet was ignored.
2027 8231 TCP_SYN_STORAGE No storage was available to define the connection control blocks. The SYN packet was ignored.
2028 8232 TCP_SYN_STATE The SYN packet arrived for a connection to a port that was not in LISTEN state. The SYN packet was ignored.
2029 8233 TCP_SYN_ADDCONN An unknown condition has occurred when attempting to set up the connection. The SYN packet was ignored.
202A 8234 TCP_SYN_POLICY A policy was defined that required that the connection be reset. A RESET was sent back to the host.
202B 8235 TCP_SYN_MALFORMED The IP addresses and port numbers are the same. The SYN packet was ignored.
202C 8236 TCP_SYN_NETACCESS The netaccess RACF definitions required that the connection be reset. A RESET was sent back to the host.
202D 8237 TCP_SYN_FIREWALL The netaccess RACF definitions required that the connection be reset. A RESET was sent back to the host.
202E 8238 TCP_SYN_DUPCONN A SYN request has been received that requests a connection that has already been established. The SYN packet was ignored.
202F 8239 TCP_ATTLS_DROP A packet was dropped because the secure data flow closed due to a SSL close notify and the remote partner did not accept the SSL close notify from ATTLS.
2030 8240 TCP_SYN_OSMERROR OSM connections must only come from link local addresses. A RESET was sent back to the host.
2031 8241 TCP_NO_CONN A packet was dropped because its TCP connection was not found.
2032 8242 DRC_TCP_ATTLS_ERR A packet was dropped because AT-TLS reset the connection due to an error.
2033-2FFF 8243-12287 N/A Codes reserved for future use
Table 3. Packet Trace Discard reason codes for the UDP Protocol
3000 12288 UDP_IDS_UDPTR Packet discarded by IDS UDP TR due to port constraint.
3001 12289 UDP_IDS_PERPECHO IDS detected that the packet would cause a perpetual echo.
3002 12290 UDP_EE_LDLCCHECK Enterprise Extender packet received on wrong port
3003 12291 UDP_EE_PORTCHECK Enterprise Extender packet detected with incorrect source port
3004 12292 UDP_EE_MALFORMED Enterprise Extender received a malformed packet
3005 12293 N/A Code reserved for future use.
3006 12294 UDP_NO_SOCKET Datagram discarded because no UDP socket was found.
3007 12295 UDP_QOS_POLICY Datagram denied by QoS policy.
3008 12296 UDP_FW_NOSTOR Datagram discarded because there is not sufficient storage for IP Security checks.
3009 12297 UDP_FIREWALL_DENY Datagram denied by IP Security checks.
300A 12298 UDP_BAD_LEN Datagram is larger than receive buffer size.
300B 12299 UDP_NOT_CONN_ADDR Datagram discarded because source IP address is not the address for the connected socket.
300C 12300 UDP_BAD_CKSUM Datagram discarded due to bad UDP checksum.
300D 12301 UDP_STATE_PROB Datagram discarded because UDP socket is in wrong state.
300E 12302 UDP_MALFORMED Datagram discarded because it exceeds the maximum size allowed for a UDP datagram.
300F 12303 UDP_OTHER_POL Datagram discarded because it exceeds the configured maximum size for a UDP datagram.
3010 12304 UDP_QUEUE_FULL Datagram discarded because receive queue is full.
3011 12305 UDP_NETACCESS Datagram denied by netaccess.
3012 12306 UDP_NOSTOR Datagram discarded because there is not sufficient storage available to process the packet.
3013 12307 UDP_ROUTE_MISMATCH ICMP datagram discarded because the destination IP address in the inner UDP packet did not match the route destination last used by this UDP socket.
3014 12308 UDP_ICMP_TIME ICMP time exceeded or source quench packet discarded.
3015 12309 UDP_OSMACCESS Datagram denied by OSM access.
3016 - 3FFF 12310 - 16383 N/A Codes reserved for future use.
Table 4. Packet Trace Discard reason codes for the RAW Protocol
4000 16384 RAW_IDS_OUTRAW Packet discarded by IDS Attack Outbound Raw or Outbound Raw IPv6 checking.
4001 16385 RAW_NO_SOCKET Datagram discarded because no raw socket was found.
4002 16386 RAW_QOS_POLICY Datagram denied by QoS policy.
4003 16387 RAW_NOSTOR There was no storage available to duplicate the datagram.
4004 16388 RAW_BAD_LEN Datagram is larger than receive buffer size.
4005 16389 RAW_NOT_CONN_ADDR Datagram discarded because source IP address is not the address for the connected socket.
4006 16390 RAW_QUEUE_FULL Datagram discarded because receive queue is full.
4007 16391 RAW_NETACCESS Datagram denied by netaccess.
4008 16392 RAW_MULTIPLE Datagram denied for multiple reasons.
4009 16393 RAW_OSMACCESS Datagram denied by OSM access.
400A - 4FFF 16394 - 20479 N/A Codes reserved for future use.