Abstract for PSF for z/OS: Customization

Purpose of this information

This information provides details about changing and maintaining Print Services Facility (PSF) for z/OS® licensed program (Program Number 5655-M32), referred to as PSF.

This information assumes you have experience in system programming and are familiar with Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) printers. In this information, the word printing refers to presentation on paper, foils, labels, or microfilm. (Microfilm can mean either microfiche or 16 mm film.)

If you need to install PSF, see Program Directory for Print Services Facility for z/OS before continuing. The program directory contains most of the instructions for installing PSF, while this information gives details about modifying the host system for PSF.

Who should read this information

This information is for use by system programmers who:
  • Install PSF by using System Modification Program/Extended (SMP/E).
  • Change the system environment.
  • Create a communication network.
  • Maintain data security.
  • React to abnormal events.
  • Code exit routines.
You should have system-level programming knowledge, including a thorough understanding of:
  • Job control language (JCL)
  • Job Entry Subsystem (JES)
  • TCP/IP
  • Advanced communication functions for non-channel-attached printers:
    • Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM®)
    • Network Control Program (NCP)

You should also be familiar with using PSF. See PSF for z/OS: User's Guide if you need a description of the job control language (JCL) used to print jobs on AFP printers, a description of resources used in AFP printing (data streams, form definitions, page definitions, fonts, page segments, overlays, and object containers), or examples of some common printing tasks.

Related information

For additional information about z/OS and PSF for z/OS, go to these web pages:

To obtain the latest documentation updates for z/OS base elements and optional features that result from DOC APARs and PTFs, see the z/OS APAR book.

To obtain the latest documentation updates for PSF for z/OS, see these members in SYS1.SAMPLIB:
Table 1. SYS1.SAMPLIB Members for PSF Documentation Updates
Member Publication
APSGADP6 PSF for z/OS: AFP Download Plus
APSGCUS6 PSF for z/OS: Customization
APSGDGN6 PSF for z/OS: Diagnosis
APSGDLG6 PSF for z/OS: Download for z/OS
APSGMAC6 PSF for z/OS: Messages and Codes
APSGSEC6 PSF for z/OS: Security Guide
APSGUSR6 PSF for z/OS: User's Guide