Finding information for OPERLOG log stream

Use Table 1 to find information to help you set up and use the OPERLOG system logger application.

Table 1. Finding OPERLOG information
What is your goal? You need to read:
  • Learn about the operations log stream (OPERLOG).
  • Decide whether to use OPERLOG or SYSLOG as your hardcopy medium.
  • Plan to use OPERLOG as your hardcopy medium.
z/OS MVS Planning: Operations
Learn requirements for system logger applications. Understand the requirements for system logger.
Develop a naming convention for system logger resources. Develop a naming convention for system logger resources
Do set-up for the OPERLOG log stream. See Preparing to use system logger applications.
Size the coupling facility structure space needed for the OPERLOG log stream. See the appendix on coupling facility structures in System/390® MVS™ Parallel Sysplex® Configuration Cookbook, SG24-4706.
Tune the OPERLOG log stream definition using SMF record type 88. z/OS MVS System Management Facilities (SMF)
Delete OPERLOG log data.
At IBM's request, gather system logger component trace data. z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids