The dialog test environment

The Dialog Test Primary Option Panel, shown in Figure 1, follows the conventions for a primary option panel. If you use the RETURN command from one of the selected Dialog Test options, the Dialog Test Primary Option Panel is displayed again. If you use the END command from this panel, you return to the ISPF Primary Option Menu.

When you enter Dialog Test from the ISPF Primary Option Menu, you enter a new user application with an ID of ISR. When you enter Dialog Test from the ISPF primary option panel, you enter a new user application with an ID of ISP. All options listed on the Dialog Test Primary Option Panel operate in this context. If you call a new function using the Functions options (7.1), a SELECT service call is performed, and the rules for the SELECT service are followed.

Figure 1. Dialog test primary option panel (ISPYXD1)
   Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Options  Status  Help
┌───────────────────────────── Dialog Test ──────────────────────────────┐ ────
│   Menu  Utilities  View  Help                                          │
│ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  │
│                         Primary Option Panel                           │ RN
│                                                                        │
│ 1 Functions       Invoke dialog functions/selection panel              │
│ 2 Panels          Display panels                                       │
│ 3 Variables       Display/set variable information                     │ SH
│ 4 Tables          Display/modify table information                     │
│ 5 Log             Browse ISPF log                                      │
│ 6 Dialog Services Invoke dialog services                               │ RN
│ 7 Traces          Specify trace definitions                            │
│ 8 Breakpoints     Specify breakpoint definitions                       │ A
│ T Tutorial        Display information about Dialog Test                │ 5.5
│ X Exit            Terminate dialog testing                             │
│ Option ===>                                                            │
│  F1=Help       F2=Split      F3=Exit       F4=Expand     F5=Rfind      │
│  F6=Resize     F7=Backward   F8=Forward    F9=Swap      F10=Actions    │

 Option ===> 7
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap
 F10=Actions  F12=Cancel
Note: You can set the application ID under which you enter the Dialog Test function using the Dialog Test appl ID choice from the Options pull-down on the ISPF Primary Option Menu or using the Dialog Test appl ID choice from the Test pull-down on an Edit panel.
After you begin an application under Dialog Test, you can enter the DTEST command with one of its parameters as a quicker way to start a dialog test function. For example, if you enter DTEST 8 on the command line, the Option 7.8 Breakpoints panel is displayed. The other parameters of the DTEST command also match the dialog test function they perform:
Start of changedisplay the Invoke Dialog Functions/Selection panelEnd of change
Start of changedisplay the Display Panel panelEnd of change
Start of changedisplay the Variables panelEnd of change
Start of changedisplay the Tables panelEnd of change
Start of changebrowse the logEnd of change
Start of changedisplay the Invoke Dialog Service panelEnd of change
Start of changedisplay the Traces panelEnd of change
Start of changedisplay the Breakpoints panelEnd of change

You must use a parameter with the DTEST command, otherwise an error message appears. After you complete the entries on whichever dialog test panel you invoke, leaving the panel returns you to the application you were running with the new entries in place.

Dialog Test is itself a dialog and, therefore, uses dialog variables. Because it is important to allow your dialog to operate without interference, as though in a production environment, Dialog Test accesses and updates variables independently of your dialog variables.

All breakpoints and traces that you set in Dialog Test exist only while you remain within the Dialog Test option.

You should always allocate the ISPF log when using Dialog Test. Do not suppress its generation by typing 0 in the Primary pages field that appears on the Log Data set defaults and List Data set defaults choices from the Log/List pull-down on the ISPF Settings panel. Dialog Test writes trace data to the log when you request it. Also, if Dialog Test finds an unexpected condition, it writes problem data to the log.

When you enter Dialog Test, you are given these ISPF facilities:
  • All functions you normally get by specifying the TEST parameter on the ISPSTART command
  • Logging of all severe errors, both from user dialogs and Dialog Test. This is normally done when you specify TRACE or TRACEX on the ISPSTART command.
  • Suspension of the logging of all ISPEXEC dialog service requests. Such logging normally occurs when you specify TRACE or TRACEX on the ISPSTART command. You should use the Traces option (7.7).

These facilities become active for all logical screens when you are using split-screen mode. At the completion of the last dialog test session (dialog test is no longer active in any logical screen), these options will be restored to the original values established during dialog manager start-up. Optionally, by making the appropriate selection on the ISPF Settings panel, the facilities established by dialog test will remain in effect after the last dialog test session terminates.