Building and using Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs)

A dynamic link library (DLL) is a collection of one or more functions or variables in an executable module that is executable or accessible from a separate application module. In an application without DLLs, all external function and variable references are resolved statically at bind time. In a DLL application, external function and variable references are resolved dynamically at run time.

This topic defines DLL concepts and shows how to build simple DLLs. Building complex DLLs shows how to build complex DLLs and discusses some of the compatibility issues of DLLs.

There are two types of DLLs: simple and complex. A simple DLL contains only DLL code in which special code sequences are generated by the compiler for referencing functions and external variables, and using function pointers. With these code sequences, a DLL application can reference imported functions and imported variables from a DLL as easily as it can non-imported ones.

A complex DLL contains mixed code, that is, some DLL code and some non-DLL code. A typical complex DLL would contain some C++ code, which is always DLL code, and some C object modules compiled with the NODLL compiler option bound together.

The object code generated by the z/OS® XL C++ compiler is always DLL code. Also, the object code generated by the z/OS XL C compiler with either the DLL compiler option or the XPLINK compiler option is DLL code. Other types of object code are non-DLL code. For more information about compiler options for DLLs, see the z/OS XL C/C++ User's Guide.

XPLINK compiled code and non-XPLINK compiled code cannot be statically mixed (with the exception of OS_UPSTACK and OS_NOSTACK (or OS31_NOSTACK) linkages). The XPLINK compiled code can only be bound together with other XPLINK-compiled code. You can mix non-XPLINK compiled DLLs with XPLINK compiled DLLs (the same is true for routines which you load with fetch()). The z/OS XL C++ runtime library manages the transitions between the two different linkage styles across the DLL and fetch() boundaries.

  1. There is inherent performance degradation when the z/OS XL C++ runtime library transitions across these boundaries. In order for your application to perform well, these transitions should be made infrequently. When using XPLINK, recompile all parts of the application with the XPLINK compiler option wherever possible.
  2. As of z/OS V1R9, all support for the C/C++ IBM Open Class® Library is removed. For new code and enhancements to existing applications, the Standard C++ Library should be used.