MKdir subcommand—Create a directory on the remote host


Use the MKdir subcommand to create a PDS, PDSE, or z/OS® UNIX directory on the remote host.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramMKdirdirectory(likelocal_directory


Specifies the name of the remote directory to be created.
Specifies the name of a local directory that is to be a model for the remote directory.
  • local_directory and directory must be MVS™ directories.
  • The server must be a Communication Server for z/OS FTP server.
  • Use this parameter only when you have called the FTP client interactively.
  • You can use this parameter to specify a local MVS directory that has characteristics you want for the remote directory. For example, use the (like parameter when allocating the target of a load module transfer to ensure that the source and target directories are compatible for load module transfer.
  • Only the 3390 device architecture is supported. Unpredictable results will occur if the source or target directory is on devices that use a different architecture.
  • FTP can only approximate the following characteristics of local_directory: SPACETYPE, DIRECTORY, PRIMARY, and SECONDARY. Thus, the corresponding characteristics of directory might not match the original allocation of local_directory. For complete control over these characteristics, do not use the (like parameter.
  • FTP must read local_directory to determine its characteristics. Do not use the (like parameter if this is not acceptable.
  • FTP sends a SIte command to the server for you to configure the FTP server to allocate directory with the same characteristics as local_directory. A SIte command changes the server configuration for the rest of the session; consequently, the server configuration changes for the rest of the session when you specify the (like parameter. Do not use the (like parameter if you do not want the server configuration to change.
  • If local_directory is a migrated data set, FTP checks the local AUTORECALL setting to determine whether to recall the data set or fail the request.
    • If AUTORECALL is true, FTP tries to recall the migrated data set.
    • If AUTORECALL is false, FTP fails the MKdir request.
    You can change the local AUTORECALL setting with the LOCSIte subcommand. Choosing AUTORECALL might result in a long delay when the FTP client waits for the data set to become available.
  • If local_directory is a data set that is not mounted, FTP checks the local AUTOMOUNT setting to determine whether to mount the data set or fail the request.
    • If AUTOMOUNT is true, FTP tries to mount the data set.
    • If AUTOMOUNT is false, FTP fails the MKdir request.
    You can change the local AUTOMOUNT setting with the LOCSIte subcommand. Choosing AUTOMOUNT might result in a long delay when the client waits for the data set to become available.


The MKdir subcommand directs the FTP client to send an MKD command to the remote host FTP server to create a directory with name directory.
  • If the server is a Communications Server for z/OS FTP server, and directory is a fully qualified MVS data set name, the server allocates a PDS or PDSE named directory. For example, MKdir 'USER33.TEST.PDS' causes the server to create a PDS or PDSE named 'USER33.TEST.PDS'.
  • If the server is a Communications Server for z/OS FTP server, and directory is an absolute path name, the server creates a z/OS UNIX directory named directory. For example, mkdir/tmp/logs directs the server to create a z/OS UNIX directory named /tmp/logs.
Otherwise, the current working directory at the remote host determines whether the FTP server interprets directory as an MVS low level qualifier (LLQ) or as a z/OS UNIX relative path name.
  • If the current working directory is an MVS directory, the server allocates a PDS or PDSE in the current working directory whose LLQ is directory. For example, suppose the current working directory is 'USER33.TEST'. The subcommand MKdir PDS directs the server to create a PDS or PDSE called 'USER33.TEST.PDS'.
  • If the current working directory is a z/OS UNIX directory, the server creates a subdirectory within the current working directory. For example, suppose the current working directory is /tmp. The subcommand MKdir logs direct the server to create the directory /tmp/logs.

For a z/OS FTP server, the characteristics of the z/OS UNIX directory or MVS directory are determined by the server's configuration. For example, when the server is allocating an MVS directory, the server PDSTYPE configuration option specifies whether the server allocates a PDS or PDSE. You can use the STAtus subcommand to display the server configuration and the SIte subcommand to change the server configuration.


In this example, a directory is created on the remote host ( in this example). Both EXAMPLE and FTP.EXAMPLE are created in the remote host, showing the difference between specifying and omitting quotation marks in the directory name.

  User: ftp
System:    IBM FTP CS V1R5
           FTP: using TCPCS
           Connecting to, port 21
           220-EZAFTSRV IBM FTP CS V1R2 at EMU.ABC.OZ, 15:34:32 on 2000-08-03.
           220 Connection will not timeout.
           NAME (<host>:tsouserid):
  User:  user121
System:    >>>USER user121
           331 Send password please.
           >>>PASS ********
           230 USER121 is logged on.  Working directory is '/u/user121".
  User:  dir
System:    >>>PORT 9,67,112,25,4,96
           200 Port request OK.
           125 List started OK.
           total 2768
          -rwxr-xr-t    2  USER121  SYS1     389120  Feb  5  16:03  ftpdka
          -rwxr-xr-t    2  USER121  SYS1     962560  Feb  5  16:04  ftpsrvka
          -rw-r-----    1  USER121  SYS1      11648  Jan 20  14:30  g.s
          drwxr-x---    3  USER121  SYS1          0  Oct 21  17:50  msg
          -rw-r-----    1  USER121  SYS1       1458  Jan 10  19:25  s.k
          drwxr-x---    2  USER121  SYS1          0  Feb  6  15:59  tcpip
          drwxr-x---    2  USER121  SYS1          0  Feb  6  17:29  test
           250 List completed successfully.
  User:  mkdir example
System:    >>>MKD example
           257 "/u/user121/example" created.
  User:  dir
System:    >>>PORT 9,67,112,25,4,97
           200 Port request OK.
           125 List started OK.
           total 2768
           drwxr-xr--    2  USER121  SYS1          0  Feb  7  19:57  example
           -rwxr-xr-t    2  USER121  SYS1     389120  Feb  5  16:03  ftpdka
           -rwxr-xr-t    2  USER121  SYS1     962560  Feb  5  16:04  ftpsrvka
           -rw-r-----    1  USER121  SYS1      11648  Jan 20  14:30  g.s
           drwxr-x---    3  USER121  SYS1          0  Oct 21  17:50  msg
           -rw-r-----    1  USER121  SYS1       1458  Jan 10  19:25  s.k
           drwxr-x---    2  USER121  SYS1          0  Feb  6  15:59  tcpip
           drwxr-x---    2  USER121  SYS1          0  Feb  6  17:29  test
           250 List completed successfully.
  User:  mkdir '/u/user121/ftp.example'
System:    >>>MKD '/u/user121/ftp.example'
           257 "/u/user121/ftp.example" created.
  User:  dir
System:    >>>PORT 9,67,112,25,4,98
           200 Port request OK.
           125 List started OK.
           total 2800
           drwxr-x---    2  USER121  SYS1          0  Feb  7  19:57  example
           drwxr-x---    2  USER121  SYS1          0  Feb  7  19:57  ftp.example
           -rwxr-xr-t    2  USER121  SYS1     389120  Feb  5  16:03  ftpdka
           -rwxr-xr-t    2  USER121  SYS1     962560  Feb  5  16:04  ftpsrvka
           -rw-r-----    1  USER121  SYS1      11648  Jan 20  14:30  g.s
           drwxr-x---    3  USER121  SYS1          0  Oct 21  17:50  msg
           -rw-r-----    1  USER121  SYS1       1458  Jan 10  19:25  s.k
           drwxr-x---    2  USER121  SYS1          0  Feb  6  15:59  tcpip
           drwxr-x---    2  USER121  SYS1          0  Feb  6  17:29  test
           250 List completed successfully.
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