Determining table size

The length of any row in a table cannot exceed 65␠536 bytes. The length can be computed as follows:
Row size = 22 + 4a + b + 9c
= total number of variables in the row, including extensions
= total length of variable data in the row
= total number of extension variables in the row
The maximum number of rows allowed in a table is 16␠777␠215. However, dialog variables later used in processing can only keep a value of 999␠999 as the maximum number of table rows. The total table size is the sum of the row lengths, plus the length of the data table control block (DTCB), plus the sort information record for sorted tables. The length of the DTCB can be computed as follows:
DTCB length = 152 + 16d
= total number of columns in the table, not including extension variables
The length of the sort information record can be computed as follows:
sort-information length = 12 + 8e
= number of sort fields

The number of tables that can be processed at one time is limited only by the amount of available virtual storage.