The template keyword as qualifier (C++ only)

Use the keyword template as a qualifier to distinguish member templates from other entities. The following example illustrates when you must use template as a qualifier:
class A
    template<class T> T function_m() { };

template<class U> void function_n(U argument)
  char object_x = argument.function_m<char>();  // ill-formed
In this example, the definition of the variable object_x is ill-formed. The compiler assumes that the symbol < is a less-than operator. In order for the compiler to recognize the template function call, you must add the template qualifier:
char object_x = argument.template function_m<char>();
If the name of a member template specialization appears after a ., ->, or :: operator, and that name has explicitly qualified template parameters, prefix the member template name with the keyword template. The following example demonstrates this use of the keyword template:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class X {
      template <int j> struct S {
         void h() {
            cout << "member template's member function: " << j << endl;
      template <int i> void f() {
        cout << "Primary: " << i << endl;

template<> void X::f<20>() {
   cout << "Specialized, non-type argument = 20" << endl;

template<class T> void g(T* p) {
   p->template f<100>();
   p->template f<20>();
   typename T::template S<40> s; // use of scope operator on a member template

int main()
   X temp;
See the output of this example:
Primary: 100
Specialized, non-type argument = 20
member template's member function: 40
If you do not use the keyword template in these cases, the compiler will interpret the < as a less-than operator. For example, the following line of code is ill-formed:
The compiler interprets f as a non-template member, and the < as a less-than operator.