IEC161I (return code 115) rc[(sfi)]-ccc,jjj, sss,ddname,dev,ser,xxx, dsname,cat


For general information about message IEC161I, see the explanation for return code 001.

Specific information for this return code: An encryption key other than type AES256 was specified on the data set.
  • ccc = 162 – VSAM Open for encrypted data set
  • ccc = 819 – RLS Open for encrypted data set

System action

OPEN processing ends for the data set. The error flag (ACBERFLG) in the ACB (access method block) for the data set is set to 169 (X'A9').

Programmer response

Redefine data set with an AES256 encryption type.


IDA0192A, IDA0194A

Routing code


Descriptor code