IEC141I 013-rc,mod,jjj,sss, ddname[-#] [,dev,volser, dsname(member)]


An error occurred during the processing of an OPEN macro. System completion code 013, with the return code, accompanies this message.

In the message text:
The return code.
The name of the module in which the error was detected.
The job name.
The step name.
A data definition (DD) name, followed by a concatenation number (#) if the DD statement is part of a concatenation and not the first DD statement in the concatenation.
The device number.
The volume serial number.
The data set name. Member name if specified.

For a subsystem data set, such as SYSIN or SYSOUT, or a z/OS® UNIX file, the dev, volser, and dsname fields do not appear.

Explanations of the hexadecimal return codes follow.
Return Code
One of the following problems occurred:
  • ISO/ANSI tape labels were specified in the LABEL parameter of the DD statement (as AL), but the system does not support them.
  • OPTCD=Q processing was specified, but the system does not support it.
ISO/ANSI tape labels were specified in the LABEL parameter of the DD statement (as AL), but the UNIT parameter specified a 7-track tape drive. ISO/ANSI tape labels are not valid for 7-track drives. Correct the LABEL or UNIT parameter, or both, in the DD statement.
A buffer length of 0 was specified for a BDAM data set for which dynamic buffering was requested. Correct the data control block (DCB) by specifying a valid buffer length.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a dummy data set; the BLKSIZE and BUFL values are both 0. Correct the DCB by specifying a BLKSIZE or BUFL value other than 0.
One of the following problems occurred: 
  • An OPEN macro instruction was issued with OUTPUT or OUTIN specified. The DCB specifies DSORG=PO or POU, but the data set control block (DSCB) indicates that the data set is not partitioned.
    Take one of these actions to correct the problem:
    • Change the DCB macro instruction DSORG subparameter to PS.
    • Delete and recreate the data set and imply partitioned organization by allocating space for the directory in the SPACE parameter of the DD statement.
    • Verify that the values of the DSNAME and VOLUME parameters in the DD statement are correct.
  • An OPEN macro instruction was issued with INPUT specified. The DSCB indicates that the DSORG value is PO, but the DCB specifies neither DSORG=PO nor DSORG=PS.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a partitioned data set. The DSNAME parameter specified a member that could not be found.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a partitioned data set, but an I/O error occurred during a search of the directory.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a sequential data set using queued access. BLKSIZE is not a multiple of LRECL, or LRECL is 0 with RECFM=FB or RECFM=FBS, or BLKSIZE is not at least four bytes greater than LRECL with RECFM=V.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued with INPUT, INOUT, RDBACK, or UPDATE specified, but the DCB did not specify a MACRF value of EXCP, GET, or READ.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued with OUTPUT, OUTIN, OUTINX, or EXTEND specified, but the DCB did not specify a MACRF value of EXCP, PUT, or WRITE.
A sequential data set using queued access with exchange buffering was opened for input, and the buffer control-block address was 0. Verify that DCBBUFCB was not incorrectly modified. This type of error often occurs if two or more tasks share a DCB or if the DCB is opened and closed several times within one job step.
A sequential data set using the queued access technique with exchange buffering was opened for output, but the buffer control-block address is 0. Verify that DCBBUFCB was not incorrectly modified. This type of error often occurs if a DCB is shared or is opened and closed several times within one job step.
The system detected one of these conditions:
  • The following combination was specified: QSAM, MACRF=GD or PD, and a RECFM value that is not VS, VBS, DS, or DBS.
  • An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a data set with BLKSIZE and BUFL equal to 0. The system determined that it had to obtain buffers but was unable to do so.
  • RECFM was specified with both the A and M attributes.
  • The following combination was specified: QSAM, LRECL=0, and a RECFM value that is not V or VB.
  • The following combination was specified: RECFM=V or VB and LRECL greater than the quantity BLKSIZE minus 4.
  • The following combination was specified: QSAM and BLKSIZE=0. No nonzero BLKSIZE value was available from any source and the system could not determine one. Coding BLKSIZE=0 in the JCL never has an effect except when overriding a cataloged procedure variable.
  • The following combination was specified: RECFM not variable or undefined and LRECL greater than BLKSIZE.
  • The following combination was specified: BFTEK=A, RECFM=VBS, and LRECL=0.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a sequential data set on a direct access device with track overflow, but the buffer control block address was zero. Verify that DCBBUFCB was not incorrectly modified. This type of error often occurs if a DCB is reused or is opened and closed several times within one job step.
A sequential data set was opened for INPUT, OUTPUT, or EXTEND, but the next available buffer address in the buffer control block was 0. Verify that DCBBUFCB was not incorrectly modified. This type of error often occurs if a DCB is reused or is opened and closed several times within one job step.
A sequential or direct data set was opened for INPUT, but the next available buffer address in the buffer control block was 0. Verify that DCBBUFCB was not incorrectly modified. This type of error often occurs if a DCB is reused or is opened and closed several times within one job step.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a data set on a direct access device for which chained scheduling was specified, but the next available buffer address in the buffer control block was 0. Verify that DCBBUFCB was not incorrectly modified. This type of error often occurs if a DCB is reused or is opened and closed several times within one job step.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a sequential data set using the queued access techniques, but the next available buffer address in the buffer control block was 0. This means the DCB has an existing buffer pool that does not have enough available buffers.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a data set using queued access. The system determined that a buffer pool existed for this data set and checked the buffer length value as follows, detecting an error:
  • If the data was to be sent directly to a unit record device (no spooling), the buffer length value in the buffer control block had to be equal to or greater than the value specified in the DCB for LRECL. This type of error often occurs if a DCB is shared by two or more tasks or is opened or closed several times within one job step.
  • Otherwise, the buffer length value in the buffer control block or in DCBBUFL had to be equal to or greater than the value specified in the data control block extension (DCBE) or DCB for BLKSIZE.
An OPEN macro instruction issued for a data set allocated to a printer did not have OUTPUT specified as an OPEN option.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a paper-tape data set, but concatenation with unlike attributes was specified; that is, the DCBOFLGS bit 4 was 1. Set the DCBOFLGS bit 4 to 0 and do not attempt to concatenate a data set on paper tape with data sets of unlike attributes.
One of the following events occurred:
  • An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a sequential data set using queued access. The data set contained spanned variable-length records larger than 32 756, but GET locate mode was not specified, or the logical record interface (LRI) and LRECL=x were both specified.
  • An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a sequential data set with the DCB specifying BFTEK=A logical record interface and MACRF=GM or MACRF=PM.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a data set with the DCB specifying RECFM=F, but the BLKSIZE value was not equal to LRECL. Correct the DCB parameters to specify RECFM=FB, or make LRECL and BLKSIZE equal.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a dummy data set using an access method other than QSAM or BSAM. Correct the DD statement to specify a real data set, or access the data set using BSAM or QSAM.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a data set for which the DCB or DCBE specified a block size and key length whose sum is greater than the maximum allowed for the allocated device. For information about the maximum block size and key length, see z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a data set with RECFM=T in the DCB, requesting track overflow, but the direct access device allocated does not support track overflow. Correct the DCB or specifically request a device that supports track overflow, through the unit parameter or through a generic name that applies only to the needed devices.
One of the following events occurred:
  • An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a data set on magnetic tape. A conflict exists between LABEL parameters in the DD statement and the DCBRECFM, DCBOPTCD, DCBBUFOF, and DCBUSASI fields, which give the appearance of mixed ASCII and EBCDIC attributes for the data set; or TRTCH was specified for a 9-track tape.

    Some examples of conflicts are that you cannot use RECFM=V, VB, or U with AL tapes, and the BLKSIZE value must be no more than 2048 with AL Version 1 tapes. For details about AL tape restrictions, see z/OS DFSMS Using Magnetic Tapes. Most utilities (except IEHINITT) do not support ASCII.

  • An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a data set not on magnetic tape. Either OPTCD=Q was specified, or OPEN was issued for an ISAM data set using QSAM.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for an optical character reader data set, but option 1 in the OPEN macro instruction did not specify input.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for an optical character reader data set. The BUFL parameter in the DCB was either specified as zero or incorrectly modified during processing.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for an optical character reader data set, but the LRECL parameter value in the DCB was zero. Specify an LRECL value other than zero, and rerun the job.
An OPEN macro was issued for an optical character reader data set, but the specified BUFL value was less than LRECL. Specify BUFL equal to, or greater than, LRECL, and rerun the job.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a BSAM, BPAM or QSAM DCB for a telecommunications device, but the DD statement or dynamic allocation did not specify TERM=TS, which would signify a TSO terminal.
RECFM was not specified for a direct organization (BDAM) data set. Specify the correct RECFM value in the DCB.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a 3890 document processor. It did not specify INPUT.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a 3890 document processor. The BUFL or BLKSIZE parameter in the DCB was less than 16 times the LRECL parameter in the DCB.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a 3890 document processor. The RECFM parameter in the DCB did not specify F or FB.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a 3890 document processor. The MACRF parameter in the DCB was not GM, or the DSORG parameter in the DCB was not PS.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a 3890 document processor. The LRECL parameter in the DCB was not specified or was less than 12 or greater than 48.
A DCB was opened for a subsystem data set, such as SYSIN or SYSOUT, but DSORG was not specified as PS.
An incorrect record format was requested for a SYSIN, SYSOUT, or subsystem data set with BSAM or QSAM or for a z/OS UNIX directory with BPAM. One of the following conditions was detected:
  • RECFM=D was specified.
  • Variable spanned records (VS or VBS) were requested for input.
  • Both ANSI and machine control characters were specified.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a sequential data set using the queued access technique. However, a key length that is not supported for using the queued access technique was specified in the DCB.
An OPEN macro instruction specified the RDBACK option, and the DCB specified a record format of variable spanned records. These are conflicting parameters.
An OPEN macro instruction specified the INOUT, OUTIN, or OUTINX option, and the DCB specified QSAM MACRF values. These are conflicting parameters.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for a 3890 document processor. The DCBHDR parameter was not specified in the DCB.
A subsystem DCB, such as SYSIN, SYSOUT, or a z/OS UNIX FIFO file, was opened with incorrect options. One of these was true:
  • The OPEN option 1 specified UPDAT or RDBACK.
  • For BSAM, the NOTE and POINT macro function was selected (MACRF=RP or WP) for a FIFO file. Repositioning or updating a FIFO file is not permitted. It is also not permitted to open the file for writing with the PATHOPTS=OAPPEND option.
  • For a subsystem data set, the OPEN option 1 was OUTINX.
  • Both the CNTRL and POINT macros were requested as if MACRF=RCP or WCP were coded. The CNTRL and POINT options are mutually exclusive.
An open failure occurred for a subsystem data set. Possible failures follow:
  • A SYSIN or SYSOUT data set opened by JES
  • A SYSIN or SYSOUT data set opened under the master subsystem
  • A z/OS UNIX file
  • A subsystem data set (specified with SUBSYS= on the DD statement or dynamic allocation equivalent)

    For JES2, a SYSOUT data set incurred a subsystem JCL failure (SJF), and JES2 might issue a $HASP708 message to further describe the error. For JES3, a reserved DD name, such as JOURNAL, might have been specified in a DD statement. In either case, the failing DCB was not opened; processing for other DCBs opened in parallel continues normally.

During the creation of a direct data set, the open routine found that the DCB specified READ (R) or GET (G) in the MACRF field. Only WRITE LOAD (WL) is allowed.
One of the following events occurred:
  • The open subsystem module was passed an error return code in register 15 after issuing the IEFSSREQ macro to connect the access method control block (ACB) to the subsystem. This indicates that the subsystem was not operating, unless the recovery routine recovered from a prior program check.
  • IEFSSREQ failed. SMS is not available.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued for the IBM® 3800 Printing Subsystem, but the SETPRT processing to set up the device failed. For the reason for the failure, see the accompanying IEC162I message.
An incorrect record format of FBS or FS was specified for a partitioned data set. RECFM=FS or FBS is not supported with BPAM.
A DS/DBS record format has been specified for QSAM locate mode, but the logical record interface is not present in the associated buffer control block; that is, segment mode is implied.
A conflict has occurred for the extended logical record interface (XLRI) of the spanned record format.
An internal system error occurred with the DEBCHK macro during the open function.
The DEVTYPE macro issued during open processing had an error (register 15 was nonzero). This is probably a system error.
A data set with a block size greater than 32 760 is being opened for input or output extend processing, but the large block interface is not being used.
In a partitioned concatenation, the sum of the following numbers exceeded 255: the number of partitioned data sets extended (PDSEs), the number of UNIX directories, and the number of partitioned data set (PDS) extents. Before z/OS 1.5, the limit was approximately 120.
The open verification function of the IEFSSREQ macro passed an error return code in register 15. This indicates an error in connecting to the subsystem or a failure in the subsystem verification processing for the data set.
An OPEN macro instruction was issued with a DCB that specified an LRECL value different from that specified by the format-1 DSCB. The data set was a PDSE. For data sets in the compressed format, this return code is issued only if the data set is open for output and RECFM=FB.
A catalog error occurred during an attempt to update the catalog record for a data set on a direct access device.
An error occurred in reading the catalog record during an attempt to open an extended-format data set. Reading this record is required to determine the stripe count.
OPEN was issued for a DCB that specifies QSAM, RECFM=F or FB, a block size greater than 32 767, and no LRECL value. Correct the DCB parameters by specifying an LRECL value.
OPEN was issued for a DCB that specifies that the system is to obtain and build the buffer pool. However, the calculated size of the buffer pool is greater than the maximum size that can be requested. The calculated size of the buffer pool is the size of the buffer control block plus the product of BUFNO (or NCP) and the buffer length. Unless the DCB specified QSAM and RMODE31=BUFF is coded in the DCBE, the maximum buffer storage request is 16 777 208 bytes.
OPEN was issued for a DCB that specifies both the large block interface and OPTCD=H.
OPEN was issued with the UPDAT option for a DCB that specifies the large block interface.
OPEN was issued for a DCB that specifies both the large block interface and exchange buffering.

System action

The system issues a WTP message to give the ABEND and return codes, records pertinent control blocks on the GTF data set, and abnormally ends the job.

System programmer response

If the error recurs and the program is not in error, see the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the SYSOUT output for the job.

Programmer response

Correct the error that caused the abnormal end, as indicated by the return code in the message text. Then rerun the job.

If ddname is part of a concatenation, the error is probably because of a violation of the sequential concatenation requirements. For more information, see z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets.

A C8 return code indicates that the subsystem was not operating when OPEN was issued. Notify your system programmer.

If the return code is D4, specify the logical record interface by using the BUILDRCD macro before OPEN processing or by specifying A for the DCB BFTEK operand. If records are greater than 32 KB, specify the extended logical record interface (XLRI) by using 0K for the DCB LRECL operand.

If the return code is D8, follow these rules:
  • LRECL=nnnnnK for JCL, or dynamic allocation requires the DCB to indicate the K format. You can indicate the DCB K format by specifying LRECL=0K in the DCB macro instruction or by a DCB exit during open setting DCBBFTEK=DCBBFTK and DCBLRECL=0. Do not specify LRECL=0K in a JCL DD statement. The use of XLRI is not required for an LRECL value less than 32 760.
  • A spanned-record-format data set with a logical record length greater than 32 760 requires the use of XLRI. The record length can come from the label for input data sets with the spanned format, up to 99 999 bytes.
  • LRECL=X is not valid for spanned record format.
  • The value for XLRI LRECL cannot exceed 16383K (in which K indicates 1024-byte multiples).
  • XLRI is valid only for an ISO/ANSI-label (AL) tape. The DCB must indicate spanned record format (DS or DBS); and the access method must be QSAM locate mode.

If the return code is F0, notify your system programmer to correct the catalog error, and then rerun the job.

If the return code is F4, notify your system programmer to correct the catalog error, and then rerun the job.




IFG0194F, IGGS0OPN, IGG0193K, IGG0203K

Routing code


Descriptor code