Additional hardware requirements for running z/OS V2R3

Hardware requirements for a target system are discussed in Identifying hardware requirements for the target system. Beyond these basic requirements, certain elements and features have additional hardware requirements, as described in this topic.

Note: For more information about the requirements for a Parallel Sysplex®, see the following references:
Table 1. Additional hardware requirements for z/OS V2R3 elements and features
z/OS® element or feature Additional hardware requirements for z/OS V2R3 elements and features
Alternate Library for REXX None.
BCP Automatic tape switching requirements for 3480, 3490, 3590, or 3592 tape drives: A single I/O device should have a single device number (defined through HCD) across the entire sysplex, and that number should not be reused for any other device. For ease of management, you should use the same device number on all systems to represent an automatically switchable device. If an automatically switchable device is a 3480 without the Read Configuration Data Capable function, you must use the same device number on all systems. If you have not already applied C05566E, device numbers must be the same.
Note: 3592 tape devices are defined through HCD as device type 3590-1, the same as 3590 devices.
Automatic IPL (autoIPL) requirement:
  • The no-charge SCSI IPL hardware feature (#9904) is integrated on the IBM Z® servers. That is, no features are required on the IBM z14™ (z14), z13®, z13s™, zEC12, or zBC12 servers.
  • z/OS must be IPLed in order to detect the support.

Enablement of autoIPL in multisystem-capable sysplexes with SFM active: The use of autoIPL in multisystem-capable sysplex configurations, where a sysplex failure management (SFM) policy is active, is supported. With this support, requested autoIPL actions are performed in accordance with the DIAGxx parmlib member, even when an SFM policy is active in the sysplex.

Flash Express®, which supports storage-class memory (SCM) on Flash Express cards as optional auxiliary storage, is available on the z13 or z13s server, and on the zEC12 or zBC12 server with FC #0402.

Global resource serialization: If any systems are in a global resource serialization ring complex but not in the sysplex, global resource serialization requires basic mode CTCs to communicate with those systems.

BCP (continued) XCF (cross-system coupling facility) requirements in a sysplex configuration with one central processor complex (CPC):
  • Sysplex timing capability is not required. However, to provide timing for all members of the sysplex, one of the following must be true:
    • The sysplex is a single-system sysplex on one processor.
    • The sysplex runs in multiple logical partitions on a single CPC.
    • The sysplex runs as a set of VM guests on the same VM image.
  • Unless your system is running in XCF-local mode, a sysplex couple data set is required.
  • If you have more than one system image in the sysplex, XCF signaling connectivity is required between each system in the sysplex.
In a sysplex configuration with two or more central processor complexes (CPCs), XCF requires all of the following:
  • Sysplex timing capability that extends to all of the processors that contain any of the z/OS or coupling facility images in the sysplex. The sysplex timing capability is provided by the Server Time Protocol (STP) feature.
  • Shared DASD for the sysplex couple data set. Certain functions require additional couple data sets. For more information, see z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex.
  • XCF signaling connectivity between each system in the sysplex and every other system in the sysplex.
    This signaling connectivity can be established by using one of several methods. The signaling mechanisms that are supported are:
    • FICON® or ESCON channels that are used as extended mode CTCs
    • Coupling facility channels that are connected to a coupling facility with the use of XCF signaling structures.

The use of Parallel Sysplex functions, such as data sharing, requires a Coupling Facility.

The IBM z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP) is a specialty engine for running database workloads. Use of zIIP requires an IBM z14™ (z14), z13, z13s, zEC12, or zBC12.

All supported z/OS releases support running zAAP-eligible work on a zIIP specialty engine.

SMF record signing requires the CPACF feature.

BDT None.
BDT File-to-File None.
BookManager® READ None.
CIM None.
Communications Server See Hardware requirements for z/OS Communications Server.
Communications Server Security Level 3 If hardware cryptography is available, it is used by Communications Server Security Level 3.
  • Use of hardware cryptography by Communications Server Security Level 3 requires the Cryptographic Coprocessor hardware feature on the server
  • Use of AES-CBC algorithms for IPSec requires the CPACF feature
  • Use of algorithms other than DES, TDES, AES-CBC, MD5, and SHA1 requires ICSF
  • Use of FIPS 140 mode requires ICSF.
Cryptographic Services Cryptographic Services is supported on the following IBM Z® servers: IBM z14 (z14), z13, z13s, zEC12, zBC12, z196, z114, z10 EC, or z10 BC.
Specific functions in Cryptographic Services require additional hardware features, as follows:
  • For ICSF to provide cryptographic services, the Crypto Express feature is required. The Crypto Express feature can be configured as a CCA coprocessor, accelerator, or a PKCS #11 coprocessor. The PKCS #11 coprocessor is available on the zEC12, zEB12, and later servers.
  • For CCA secure key processing, the Crypto Express feature must be configured as a CCA coprocessor. This is the default configuration.
  • To enable clear key DES, TDES, and AES instructions, the CP Assist for Cryptographic Functions (CPACF) feature is required.
Data set encryption
See the topic on using the z/OS data set encryption enhancements in z/OS DFSMS Using the New Functions.
Catalog sharing enhancements (ECS) for Parallel Sysplex environments
To use this function, a coupling facility is required.
Defining and accessing extended format sequential data sets
Extended format data sets must reside on DASD attached through cached storage controls.
Extended address volume (EAV)
To use this function, an IBM® System Storage® DS8000® with Licensed Machine Code (LMC) level 5.4.0xx.xx (bundle version 64.0.xx.xx) or later is required.
Extended remote copy (XRC)
When migrating data with XRC, the primary storage device must be attached to an XRC-capable storage subsystem, such as an Enterprise Storage Server® with applicable feature licenses enabled.
Peer-to-peer remote copy (PPRC)
When migrating data with PPRC, the primary and secondary storage devices must be attached to a PPRC-capable storage subsystem, such as an Enterprise Storage Server with applicable feature licenses enabled.
OAM File System support
To use a file system sublevel configured with an NFS file system that is mounted in the z/OS UNIX hierarchy, an NFS server compatible with the z/OS NFS client is required.
OAM Parallel Sysplex support
To use this OAM object support capability, coupling facility hardware or a supported simulated environment is required.
OAM System Managed Tape Support
To use this support in an automated tape library environment, an IBM automated tape library or an IBM Virtual Tape Library is required. To use this support in a manual tape library environment, stand-alone tape drives are required.
Storage management subsystem system groups
Some SMS complex configurations might require DASD with enhanced connectivity. Because all systems in an SMS complex share the configuration data sets, the ACDS and the COMMDS must reside on DASD devices that are accessible to the system that activates the configuration.
VSAM record level sharing (RLS)
A coupling facility (at least one) must be connected to all systems capable of VSAM RLS. For multiple coupling facilities, select one facility with global connectivity to contain the master lock structure. The coupling facility must be at control level 2. It must be large enough to contain either a lock or a cache structure, or both, and have enough surplus space to allow the structures to be modified. The cache structures must be defined to SMS to enable it for VSAM RLS.
WORM Tape Support
Requires the IBM 3592 Enterprise Tape System and WORM tape media, or the logical WORM support in the IBM TS7700 Virtualization Engine.
DFSMSdss Concurrent copy: To use this function, data must reside on DASD volumes that are attached through a concurrent copy-capable storage subsystem.

Defining and accessing extended format sequential data sets through BSAM and QSAM: Extended format data sets must reside on DASD attached through cached storage controls and an ESCON or FICON channel adapter.

Fast replication: To use this function, you need DASD attached to a FlashCopy® capable storage subsystem, such as DS8000.

DFSMShsm Fast replication: To use this function, you need DASD attached to a FlashCopy capable storage subsystem, such as DS8000.
DFSMSrmm None.
DFSMStvs None.
DFSORT The use of High Performance FICON requires a zHPF-capable processor, zHPF-capable FICON features, and zHPF-capable devices.
Distributed File Service None.
EREP None.
ESCON Director Support None.
FFST None.
GDDM GDDM supports devices that use the 3270 Extended Data Stream, the architected extensions to SNA character string (SCS), or IPDS. GDDM supports any other terminal or terminal-attached printer and provides graphics and image functions if it is upwardly compatible with the supported device.

GDDM host graphics are supported for viewing, printing, and plotting on IBM Personal Communications/3270 V6 or later, or GDDM/MVS™ V3 download for GDDM-OS/2 Link. For Microsoft Windows, use IBM Personal Communications/3270 V5 or later, which provides a native graphics emulator.

GDDM host graphics are supported on DOS for viewing and printing/plotting to GDDM-PCLK supported devices through IBM Personal Communications/3270 V6 or later, or a download of GDDM-PCLK from GDDM/MVS V3.

GDDM host graphics are supported for viewing on AIX® terminals through the X3270 emulator or the TCP/IP GDDMXD facility.

HCD None.
HCM Hardware that can be used to establish a TCP/IP connection from the workstation to the z/OS host is required.
Workstation requirements:
  • Disk space: about 200 MB
  • Color display with 1024 x 768 resolution
  • Network adapter

Processing large configurations might require more disk space and might benefit from more memory.

HLASM To display or enter double-byte data, any of the following are required:
  • DBCS 3270 emulation on RS/6000® or PS/55
  • DBCS nonprogrammable terminal
To print double-byte data, any of the following are required:
  • AFP printers
  • 3270 remote printing on RS/6000 or PS/55
HLASM Toolkit None.
IBM HTTP Server A networked workstation with a web browser is required.

If hardware encryption is desired, cryptographic hardware is required.

IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS None.
IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) None.
ICKDSF The commands ICKDSF INIT and REFORMAT support the VERIFYOFFLINE functionality. This hardware support was provided in the following levels:
  • DS8870 R7.1 GA, Bundle, LIC
  • DS8700 R6.3 SP6, Bundle, LIC
  • DS8800 R6.3 SP6, Bundle, LIC
Infoprint Server Printer and connectivity requirements depend on the function to be performed:
  • To print output with IP PrintWay, a printer that is connected by way of the z/OS Communications Server base element (IP Services) is required. An IP connection requires a printer that supports the LPR protocol, the IPP protocol, or TCP/IP direct sockets.
  • To print AFP data streams, an IPDS (Intelligent Printer Data Stream) printer that is supported by PSF is required, with the appropriate hardware attachment (channel, SNA, or TCP/IP) for the printer.
  • Line data can be printed on any printer that is supported by JES2 or JES3.
  • To receive LPR print requests from a remote host, a TCP/IP connection is required from the remote host to the z/OS host.

A workstation capable of running Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2016 is required to use the Infoprint Port Monitor. The Infoprint Port Monitor also requires a TCP/IP connection from the workstation to the z/OS host.

Integrated Security Services None.
ISPF The ISPF base implementation requires a full-screen display terminal that supports 3270 data stream and provides a minimum interactive screen of 24 lines by 80 characters and a maximum interactive screen of 62 lines by 160 characters.
On the host, the ISPF Client/Server (ISPF C/S) implementation requires the following:
  • A TCP/IP or APPC network connection from the workstation to the z/OS host
For the workstation, the ISPF C/S implementation requires either of the following:
  • Any personal computer capable of running Windows 7 or Windows 8
  • Any RS/6000 machine capable of running AIX Version 6.1 with a display device or X-station capable of running Motif V1R2
JES2 A JES2 MAS with multiple z/OS images that use multiple central processors requires the Server Time Protocol (STP) feature or a Sysplex Timer to synchronize time across the processors.
JES3 A JES3 complex with multiple z/OS images that use multiple central processors requires the Server Time Protocol (STP) feature or a Sysplex Timer to synchronize time across the processors.
Language Environment® None.
Library Server None.
Metal C Runtime Library None.
NFS None.
OpenSSH for z/OS None.
OSA/SF OSA/SF requires an OSA. For more information, see z Systems OSA-Express Customer's Guide and Reference.
Consider the following for levels of OSA/SF:
  • OSA-1 is not supported on any IBM Z® server.
  • OSA-2 is not supported on the zEC12 or zBC12 servers.
  • OSA-Express features are not supported on the zEC12 or zBC12 servers.
OSA-Express2 features:
  • The 1000Base-T Ethernet feature is only supported on the zEC12 server.
  • The Gigabit Ethernet SX, Gigabit Ethernet LX, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet LR features are only supported on the zEC12 server.
OSA-Express3 features:
  • The Gigabit Ethernet SX, Gigiabit Ethernet LX, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet LR features are only supported on the zEC12 and zBC12 servers.
OSA-Express4S features:
  • The Gigabit Ethernet SX, Gigabit Ethernet LX, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet LR features are supported only on the z13, z13s, and zEC12 servers.
  • The 1000Base-T Ethernet feature is supported only on the IBM z14 (z14), z13, and z13s servers.
OSA-Express5S features:
  • The Gigabit Ethernet SX, Gigabit Ethernet LX, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet LR features are supported only on the z13, z13s, and zEC12 servers.
  • The 1000Base-T Ethernet feature is supported only on the IBM z14 (z14), z13, z13s, zEC12, or zBC12 servers.
OSA/SF (continued) Only 1000Base-T OSA features can be run in TCP/IP Passthru and SNA modes.

For z13, z13s, zEC12, or zBC12, servers, an OSA-Express2 1000Base-T Ethernet feature is available as a replacement for the Fast Ethernet feature.

For z13, z13s, zEC12, or zBC12 servers, an OSA-Express3 1000Base-T Ethernet feature is available as a replacement for the Fast Ethernet feature.

If the Windows (GUI) interface to OSA/SF is to be used, OSA/SF requires:
  • A workstation with a Pentium 200 MHz (or equivalent) processor, 128 MB RAM, and an SVGA display with a resolution of 1024x768x16 colors is recommended. You might be satisfied with OSA/SF GUI performance on the minimum processor that is required by your Windows operating system, but the GUI might not display correctly at a lesser resolution.
  • TCP/IP connectivity to the host system where OSA/SF is running.
Restricted use common service area (RUCSA) None.
RMF The RMF workstation functions require a networked workstation with a web browser.
Runtime Library Extensions None.
SDSF None.
Security Server None.
SMP/E None.
TIOC None.
TSO/E These requirements apply to interactive use of TSO/E, not to batch use. A terminal that is supported by base element Communications Server is required. The full-screen LOGON, TRANSMIT and RECEIVE commands, the Session Manager, and the Information Center Facility, which need a minimum screen size of 24 by 80, require one of the following terminals:
  • IBM 3270 Information Display System Terminals
    • 3275 Models 2 and 12
    • 3276 Models 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, and 14
    • 3277 Model 2
    • 3278 Models 2, 3, 4, and 5 (monochrome)
    • 3279 Models 2A, 2B, 2X, 3A, 3B, 3X, S2A, S2B, and S3G (base color mode)
  • IBM 3472 Family
  • IBM 3178 Display Terminal Models C1, C2, C3®, and C4
  • IBM 3179 Display Terminal Model 1 and Model G (alphanumeric mode)
  • IBM 3180 Display Terminal Models 100 and 110
  • IBM 3191 Display Terminal Models A30, A40, B30, B40, D, E, and L
  • IBM 3192 Color Display Terminal Models A, B, C, D, F, G, L, and W
  • IBM 3194 Display Terminal
  • IBM 3290 Information Panel
  • IBM PS/2 family (configured for 3270 support)
  • IBM Personal Computer (configured for 3278/79 support)
  • IBM PS/55 family (configured for 3270 support)
  • IBM 5550 family (configured for 3270 support)
  • Any other terminal that functions in compatibility mode with the terminals in the list.

The VM/PC servers (spool, disk, and file) available with the MVSSERV command processor require the IBM Personal Computer Models XT/370 or AT/370 with an IBM 3278/79 Device Emulation Adapter.

z/OS V2R3 is the last release of z/OS to support the Server-Requester Programming Interface (SRPI). This API was introduced in TSO/E in the 1980s to provide a programming interface to enhance the environment of IBM workstations that communicate with IBM mainframes running z/OS. If your applications use SRPI, IBM recommends that you migrate to TCP/IP for z/OS for similar function. For reference, see IBM United States Software Announcement 217-085, "IBM z/OS Version 2 Release 3—Engine for digital transformation" dated February 21, 2017.

XL C/C++ Running code that is compiled with specific ARCH and TUNE levels requires processors that support the instructions that the compiler uses when they are specified. For more information, see z/OS XL C/C++ User's Guide.
z/OS Font Collection None.
z/OS UNIX The extended user interface support allows existing hardware (such as terminals and workstations) and existing telecommunications software (such as VTAM® and TCP/IP) that run on z/OS to be used.
For 3270 support, most 3270 type terminals or 3270 emulators in a z/OS network from which a user can interactively log on to TSO/E are supported by z/OS UNIX services and include:
  • Real and emulated 3270s in a VTAM SNA network, which satisfy the following requirements:
    • The minimum screen size is 24x80.
    • The terminal must be known to TSO/E and VTAM as a full-screen device. z/OS UNIX services use full-screen mode.
    • The terminal must support uppercase and lowercase characters.
    • A minimum of 12 PF keys are required.
  • UNIX workstations and other workstations in a TCP/IP network that supports the TELNET 3270 (TN3270) client function.
  • The OMVS command supports customized PF keys to scroll backward/forward, display HELP, hide input that is typed into the command line, refresh the screen, retrieve previous commands, and enter TSO/E commands.
For ASCII control sequence support from 3270 displays, the OMVS command, with the pseudoterminal functions, maps and transforms a 3270 TSO/E terminal interface and user externals to the POSIX 1003.1 defined terminal interface that is expected by POSIX compliant user processes, including the POSIX 1003.2 Shell. This mapping consists of:
  • Use of 3270 key sequences to emulate ASCII terminal control is supported.

    A set of system-defined 3270 default key sequences that map to ASCII escape control values is supplied. The user can tailor the system defaults.

  • Execution in canonical (line-oriented) mode only.
  • Conversion tables that map the 3270 data stream to a pseudoterminal device driver for both control and data are provided. Users can customize these tables.

For ASCII terminal interface, UNIX workstations and other workstations in a TCP/IP network that support the telnet or rlogin virtual terminal protocols can login directly to the z/OS shell through Communications Server. The supported ASCII terminal interface conforms to X/OPEN Issue 4, Version 2.

3270 PC File Transfer Program An IBM or compatible PC with appropriate communications device, such as a LAN adapter or modem, is required.