Rules with multiple actions

A rule can have more than one action. For example, you might have:
a : A1 {action1} A2 {action2} A3 {action3};
The nonterminal symbol a consists of symbols A1, A2, and A3. When A1 is recognized, action1 is invoked; when A2 is recognized, action2 is invoked; and when A3 is recognized (and therefore the entire symbol A), action3 is invoked. In this case:
$1   — is the value of A1
$2   — is the value of $$ in action1
$3   — is the value of A2
$4   — is the value of $$ in action2
$5   — is the value of A3
If types are involved, multiple actions become more complicated. If action1 mentions $$, there is no way for yacc to guess what type $$ has, since it is not really associated with a token or nonterminal symbol. You must therefore state it explicitly by specifying the appropriate type name in angle brackets between the two dollar signs. If you had:
%union {
    int intval;
    float realval;
you might code:
in place of $$ in the action, to show that the result had type float. In the same way, if action2 refers to $2 (the result of action1), you might code:
To deal with multiple actions, yacc changes the form of the given grammar rule and creates grammar rules for dummy symbols. The dummy symbols have names made up of a $ followed by the rule number. For example:
a : A1 {action1} A2 {action2} A3 {action3};
might be changed to the rules:
$21 : /* null */ {action1} ;
$22 : /* null */ {action2} ;
a : A1 $21 A2 $22 A3 {action3};
These rules are shown in the rules summary of the parser description report.
This technique can introduce conflicts. For example, if you have:
a : A1 {action1} A2 X;
b : A1 A2 Y;
These are changed to:
$50 : /* null */ {action1};
a : A1 $50 A2 X;
b : A1 A2 Y;
The definitions of a and b give a shift-reduce conflict because the parser cannot tell whether A1 followed by A2 has the null string for $50 in the middle. It has to decide whether to reduce $50 or to shift to a state diagrammed by:
b : A1 A2.Y

As a general rule, you can resolve this conflict by moving intermediate actions to just before a disambiguating token.