QUOte subcommand—Send an uninterpreted string of data


Use the QUOte subcommand to send an uninterpreted string of data to the server port on the foreign host.

The QUOte subcommand bypasses the FTP interface of your local host. You can use the QUOte subcommand to send commands that the remote server understands, but that the local host does not understand.


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Specifies the data to be sent verbatim to the remote host FTP server.


  • For example, QUOTE TYPE B 1 causes the FTP server to change its transfer type to Shift JIS kanji, without changing the transfer type in the FTP client. The client in this example should be set to the ASCII transfer type before the QUOte subcommand is issued.
  • The following example shows the screen display when setting the DBCS transfer type to JIS78KJ, shift-in JISROMAN, and then setting it to HANGEUL using EBCDIC SO/SI characters. The example shows an MVS™ TCP/IP FTP client connected to an MVS TCP/IP FTP server. All three methods of setting the DBCS transfer type are shown.
      User:  jis78kj (jisroman
    System:    >>>TYPE b 4 r
               200-Representation type is kanji JIS 1978 shift-in JISROMAN
               200 Standard DBCS control used
      User:  type b 4 r
    System:    >>>TYPE b 4 r
               200-Representation type is kanji JIS 1978 shift-in JISROMAN
               200 Standard DBCS control used
      User:  jis78kj (jisroman notype
    System:    Command:
      User:  quote type b 4 r
    System:    >>>type b 4 r
               200-Representation type is kanji JIS 1978 shift-in JISROMAN
               200 Standard DBCS control used
      User:  hangeul (sosi ebcdic
    System:    >>>TYPE b 5 s e
               200-Representation type is Hangeul
               200-SO/SI characters X'0E'/X'0F' used
               200 Data transfer is mixed SBCS/DBCS
      User:  type b 5 s e
    System:    >>>TYPE b 5 s e
               200-Representation type is Hangeul
               200-SO/SI characters X'0E'/X'0F' used
               200 Data transfer is mixed SBCS/DBCS
      User:  hangeul (sosi ebcdic notype
    System:    Command:
      User:  quote type b 5 s e
    System:    >>>type b 5 s e
               200-Representation type is Hangeul
               200-SO/SI characters X'0E'/X'0F' used
               200 Data transfer is mixed SBCS/DBCS


  • No parsing or validity checking is performed on the character string you enter by FTP on your local host. If the character string you send to the FTP server is part of a required sequence of commands, you are required to provide this sequence correctly, or the results are unpredictable.
  • The QUOte subcommand can be used to generate any of the DBCS TYpe commands supported by the server. This subcommand is used when the FTP server supports the DBCS TYpe command, but the FTP client does not.