Example of a service stub

Figure 1 through Figure 5 show an example of a service stub for an installation-defined callable service.

Figure 1. Example of a service stub (1 of 5)
**** START OF SPECIFICATIONS *****************************************
*                                                                    *
*    MODULE NAME = CSFGEN                                            *
*    DESCRIPTIVE NAME = SERVICE STUB                                 *
*                                                                    *
*    FUNCTION =                                                      *
*    (DECIMAL).                                                      *
*    MODULE TYPE = ASSEMBLER                                         *
*       PROCESSOR = ASSEMBLER                                        *
*       MODULE SIZE = ONE BASE REGISTER                              *
*                                                                    *
**** END OF SPECIFICATIONS *******************************************
 CSFGEN  START 0                                                      
 GENSNUM EQU   50                                                     
 CSFGEN  CSECT                                                        
 CSFGEN  AMODE 31                                                     
 CSFGEN  RMODE ANY                                                    
 MAINENT DS    0H                                                     
         USING *,R15                                                  
         LAE   R15,0(R15,0)                                           
         L     R15,=A(CICSTEST)                                       
         BAKR  0,R15              PR from CICSTEST will restore GPRs  
         LTR   R15,R15                                                
         BC    2,NOCICS                                               
YESCICS DS    0H                                                     
         SAC   0                                                      
         STM   R14,R12,12(R13)                                        
         LR    R12,R15                                                
         DROP  R15                                                    
         USING MAINENT,R12                                            
         LR    R3,R0                                                  
         B     NORMAL                                   
         NOCICS  DS    0H                                                     
         USING MAINENT,R12                                            
         BSM   R14,0                                                  
         BAKR  R14,0                                                  
         LAE   R12,0                                                  
         LR    R12,R15                                                
         SLR   R13,R13                                             
 * At this point, R0 must contain the service number.                 
 *                If we are to call the TRUE, R13 is non-zero         
 *                R1 points to the caller's parameter list.           
 NORMAL  DS    0H                                                    
         LA    R0,GENSNUM           R0 gets service number           
         SLR   R10_ZERO,R10_ZERO                                     
         LR    RC,R10_ZERO                                           
         L     R2,CVTPTR                                             
         USING CVT,R2                                                
         L     R2,CVTABEND    
Figure 2. Example of a service stub (2 of 5)
         CLR   R2,R10_ZERO                                            
         BC    8,NOICSF                                               
         USING SCVTSECT,R2                                            
         L     R2,SCVTCCVT                                            
         CLR   R2,R10_ZERO                                            
         BC    8,NOICSF                                               
         USING CCVT,R2                                                
         TM    CCVTSFG1,B'00110000' IS ICSF ACTIVE                    
         BC    1,YESICSF                                              
NOICSF   LA    RC,12                Set return code to 12 decimal     
         L     R7,RETURN_CODE_PTR(,R1)                                
         ST    RC,RETURN_CODE(,R7)                                    
         SLR   R0,R0                                                  
         L     R7,REASON_CODE_PTR(,R1)                                
         ST    R0,REASON_CODE(,R7)                                    
         B     FINISHED                                               
YESICSF  DS    0H   
* Note that, if we're in CICS, the prolog code pointed R3 at the AFCB 
* and R13 at the caller's savearea--they're still pointing.  Also, R0 
* contains the service number, with the high order bit ON if the TRUE 
* has been tried and found wanting. In this last case, CSFVCCPP will    
* check the high order bit and not attempt to call the TRUE.            
* If R13 is zero, we're using the linkage stack. That means we can      
* call CSFAPRPC.                                                        
* If R13 is not zero, we're using non-stack linkage. That means the     
* caller's savearea will be used. CSFVCCPP uses this kind of linkage.   
* But note that CSFVCCPP won't return here. Instead, it will return     
* directly to the caller--that is, to the owner of the only save        
* area around.                                                          
          CLR   R13,R10_ZERO                                             
          BC    8,EXECPRPC                                               
          L     R15,CCVTPRPD                                             
          BALR  R14,R15                                                  
LR    RC,R15                                                   
          B     FINISHED                                                 
 EXECPRPC L     R15,CCVTPRPC                                             
          BALR  R14,R15                                                  
          LR    RC,R15                                                   
 FINISHED DS    0H          
 * This routine uses the linkage stack to save the caller's regs        
 * if this is not a CICS environment.  In CICS, it uses the save        
 * area pointed to by register 13.  So the epilog code takes one        
 * of two forms.  If this is CICS (i.e. if R13 is non-zero),            
 * return is via LM and BR 14.  If this is not CICS, return is          
 * via PR.                                                              
 * On return, the PR of ESA linkage does not restore registers          
 * 0, 1, 14 and 15.  In the LM of normal BR 14 linkage, however,        
 * everything but 13 gets restored.  Since this routine has no          
 * autodata, there's no way to pass back return and reason codes        
 * unless we leave 0 and 15 intact.  The solution is to deviate         
 * slightly from normal BR 14 linkage and restore only registers        
 * 1 through 12 and 14.                                                 
           LTR   R13,R13                                                
           BC    8,ENDNOCICS                                            
Figure 3. Example of a service stub (3 of 5)
ENDCICS    LR    R15,RC                                                 
           L     R14,SAVE14(,R13)               
           LM    R1,R12,24(R13)                                          
           BR    R14                                                     
           LR    R15,RC 
           LA    R7,12 
           CR    R15,R7 
           BNE   ENDSVC 
           LA    R7,16 
           CR    R0,R7 
           BNE   ENDSVC 
           L     R7,RETURN_CODE_PTR(,R1)
           ST    R15,RETURN_CODE(,R7) 
           L     R7,REASON_CODE_PTR(,R1)
           ST    R0,REASON_CODE(,R7) 
ENDSVC     LR    R15,RC                                                  
 **  CICSTEST:  Decides whether this is a CICS environment               
 CICSTEST DS   0H                                                        
         LAE   R12,0               Clear AR 12                           
         LR    R12,R15             Addressability via R12                
         USING CICSTEST,R12                                              
         L     R15,=A(CSFGEN)       R15 gets caller's base reg           
         L     R2,CVTPTR            GET CVT POINTER                      
         USING CVT,R2                                                    
         L     R2,CVTABEND          AND SECONDARY CVT POINTER            
         USING SCVTSECT,R2                                               
         L     R2,SCVTCCVT          POINT TO CSF CCVT    
         LTR   R2,R2                IS CRYPTO INSTALLED?                
         BZ    RETRN                IF NOT, GO HOME                     
         USING CCVT,R2                                                  
         TM    CCVTSFG1,B'00110000' IS ICSF ACTIVE                      
         BNO   RETRN                IF NOT , GO HOME  

 * Check for wait list routine                                          
         TM    CCVTCICS,B'10000000' Q. CCVTPRPA ON?                     
         BZ    RETRN                      no---No CICS capability       
         TM    CCVTCICS,B'01000000' Q. CCVTCKWL ON?                     
         BZ    CKWLHERE                   no---use imbedded routine     
 *                                           yes--use installed routine               
         LA    R0,GENSNUM           R0 gets service number              
         LR    R3,R1                R3 saves R1                         
         LR    R4,R14               R4 saves R14                        
         LR    R5,R15               R5 saves R15                        
         L     R15,CCVTCKWL         R15 gets routine address            
         BALR  R14,R15              Go check for CICS                  
         LR    R0,R15               Save return code in R0              
         LR    R15,R5               Restore R15                         
         LR    R14,R4               Restore R14                         
         LR    R1,R3                Restore R1                          
         LTR   R0,R0                Q. CICS?                            
         BZ    RETRN                  no---return                       
 *                                    yes--pass info along              
         O     R15,M_CICS           Enable high bit of R15 to CICS      
         B     RETRN                Return                              
Figure 4. Example of a service stub (4 of 5)
 * Cannot use installed routine.  Use imbedded routine    
 CKWLHERE DS    0H                  Imbedded check for TRUE routine    
         SLR   R0,R0                Init R0 to 0                        
         CPYA  R8,R12               Zero AR 8                           
         SLR   R8,R8                Init R8 to 0                        
         USING PSA,R8                                                   
         L     R8,PSATOLD           R8->TCB                             
         USING TCB,R8                                                   
         LTR   R8,R8                Q.  Is there a TCB?                 
         BC    8,RETRN                no---return                       
 *                                    yes--check state and key          
         CPYA  R11,R12              Zero AR 11                          
         LA    R11,1                Get PSW state and key in R6         
         ESTA  R6,R11                                                   
         LR    R7,R6                Copy of state & key in R7           
         N     R7,M_KEY             Q.  problem key?                    
         BZ    RETRN                  no---return                        
 *                                    yes--check state                   
         N     R6,M_STATE           Q.  problem state?                   
         BZ    RETRN                  no---return                        
 *                                    yes--get the CICS eye-catcher      
         LA    R6,2                 Set ARs 6 and 8 to home              
         SAR   R6,R6                                                     
         SAR   R8,R6                                                     
         L     R8,TCBEXT2           R8->TCB extension                    
         USING TCBXTNT2,R8                                               
         ICM   R4,B'1111',TCBCAUF   R4 gets AFCX address                 
 *                                  Q.  Address there?                    
         BZ    RETRN                      no---return                    
 *                                        yes--check eye-catch           
         CLC   0(4,R4),CICS_EYE     Q.  CICS?                             
         BNE   RETRN                  no---return                        
 *                                    yes--pass info along               
         LR    R0,R4               R0 gets the AFCX pointer              
         O     R15,M_CICS           Enable high order bit of R15          
 RETRN   DS    0H                                                        
         DROP  R12                   Free R12                           
          PR                         Return from CICSTEST subroutine      
          DS    0D   
 GENSDATA DS    0F                                                       
 R10_ZERO EQU   10                                                       
 RC       EQU   05                                                       
 R0       EQU   0                                                        
 R1       EQU   1                                                        
 R2       EQU   2                                                        
 R3       EQU   3                                                        
 R4       EQU   4                                                        
 R5       EQU   5                                                        
 R6       EQU   6                                                        
 R7       EQU   7                                                        
 R8       EQU   8                                                        
 R9       EQU   9                                                        
 R10      EQU   10                                                       
 R11      EQU   11                                                       
 R12      EQU   12                                                       
 R13      EQU   13                                                      
 R14      EQU   14                                                      
 R15      EQU   15                                                      
Figure 5. Example of a service stub (5 of 5)
 INPUT_PARMS     EQU 0,8,C'C'                                           
 RETURN_CODE_PTR EQU INPUT_PARMS,4,C'A'                                 
 REASON_CODE_PTR EQU INPUT_PARMS+4,4,C'A'                               
 RETURN_CODE     EQU 0,4,C'F'                                           
 REASON_CODE     EQU 0,4,C'F'                                           
 SAVAREA  EQU   0,72,C'C'                                               
 SAVE14   EQU   SAVAREA+12,4,C'A'                                       
 SAVE01   EQU   SAVAREA+24,4,C'A'                                       
 SCVTSPTR EQU   CVTABEND,4,C'F'                                         
 TCBPTR   EQU   PSATOLD,4,C'F'                                          
          DS    0D                                                      
          DS    0F                   Align                              
 M_KEY    DC    X'00800000'         Problem key mask                    
 M_STATE  DC    X'00010000'         Problem state mask                  
 M_NOCICS DC    X'7FFFFFFF'         Not-CICS mask                       
 M_CICS   DC    X'80000000'         Yes-CICS mask                      
          DS    0D                                                     
 CICS_EYE DC    CL4'AFCX'           CICS eye catcher                   
          TITLE 'DSECT CVT'                                            
          CVT DSECT=YES                                                
          TITLE 'DSECT SCVT'                                           
          IHASCVT DSECT=YES                                            
          TITLE 'DSECT TCB'                                            
          TITLE 'DSECT CCVT'                                           
          LA R7,12 
          CR R15,R7 
          BNE ENDGSVC 
          LA R7,16 
          CR R0,R7 
          BNE ENDGSVC 
          L R7,RETURN_CODE_PTR(,R1)
          ST R15,RETURN_CODE(,R7) 
          L R7,REASON_CODE_PTR(,R1)
          ST R0,REASON_CODE(,R7) 
          ENDGSVC DS 0H 


In Figure 1, the service stub, CSFGEN, checks that ICSF is active, places the service number 50 into register 0, and calls CSFAPRPC.

The service number 50 (in the case of this example) must be bound to the installation-defined service by using the SERVICE keyword in the installation options data set. The service number is bound to the service when ICSF interprets the SERVICE installation option statement and loads the service at ICSF startup. To run the callable service that is associated with service number 50, call the service stub CSFGEN from an application program.

For flexibility, to create a service stub for a different installation-defined callable service, you can copy an existing service stub and just change the service number that you load into register 0.