
Configuring an instance of IBM HTTP Server on z/OS V2R1

You can configure an instance of IBM® HTTP Server on the z/OS® operating system after installing IBM HTTP Server code by using IBM Installation Manager.

Before you begin

Before you use the installer program, check for the following:
  • Ensure that your environment meets the prerequisites for the application server. For more information, see Preparing the base operating system.
  • Install the IBM HTTP Server product code using IBM Installation Manager.
  • Mount the file system containing this directory on the z/OS system where the IBM HTTP Server instance runs.
  • Perform the z/OS system configurations that are required for IBM HTTP Server.
  • For first-time installation, create a System Authorization Facility (SAF) user ID and group for IBM HTTP Server. For information, see the topic about required z/OS system configurations.

    The examples that follow in this topic assume a server user ID of WWWSERV and a server group of WWWGROUP.

  • Create an installation directory for the configuration files for the server instance. For more information, see the topic about migrating and installing IBM HTTP Server on z/OS systems.
    The examples that follow in this topic assume an installation directory of /etc/websrv1. Set the directory permissions to 770 and the directory ownership to the server user ID and group:
    mkdir  /etc/websrv1 
    chown  WWWSERV:WWWGROUP /etc/websrv1
    chmod 770 /etc/websrv1
  • For first-time installation, enable the administrative console to modify the httpd.conf file by adding the WebSphere® Application Server control region user ID to the IBM HTTP Server group using SAF. For example, to add a user ASCR1 to the group WWWGROUP, type the following command:

About this task

Using the installer program, install a running instance of IBM HTTP Server for z/OS on your machine.


  1. Log in to the z/OS UNIX System Services shell with the user ID that runs the installer. Change the directory to the IBM HTTP Server product code directory. See the following example:
    cd /usr/lpp/IHSA/V9R0
    For z/OS V2R2 and later, change the directory to the IBM HTTP Server product code directory. See the following example:
    cd /usr/lpp/ihsa_zos 
  2. Set the umask value to 022 by specifying umask 022. To verify that the umask value is set to 022, run the umask command.
  3. Run the installer program to install the product files into the installation directory, perform initial customization, and create symbolic links from the installation directory to the product directory.
    bin/install_ihs  -admin  server_installation_directory server_port
    Three parameters can be used to invoke the installer program.
    • The -admin keyword, which allows you to use the administrative console to modify the httpd.conf file.
    • The installation directory for the server instance. This must not be the same as the product directory.
    • The non-SSL port for the web server. The default port is 80. You can also change the port on the Listen directive.
    You can invoke the command with or without support for modifying the httpd.conf file. For both examples, /etc/websrv1 is the installation directory, and 80 is the non-SSL port for the Web server. Use the following examples to invoke the installer program from the administrative console:
    • Invoke the command with support for modifying the httpd.conf file.
      bin/install_ihs -admin /etc/websrv1 80
    • Invoke the command without support for modifying the httpd.conf file.
      bin/install_ihs /etc/websrv1 80
    Note: If your product directory path contains symbolic links, point the symbolic links to the following default product directory: /usr/lpp/IHSA/V9R0. If you do not use the default product directory, you must invoke the installation script using its absolute path, such as /WebSphere/9.0/SMPE/bin/install_ihs. If you do not use of the two options, IBM HTTP Server creates physical links, not logical links, when it creates the symbolic links for the installation directory.
  4. Optional: This step is optional unless the administrative console is configured to start and stop IBM HTTP Server. You can start the IBM HTTP Server instance from the MVS™ console by creating a JCL cataloged procedure for the instance. For more information, see the topic about using JCL procedures to start IBM HTTP Server on z/OS. Ensure that the JCL procedure is assigned to the user and group you defined for IBM HTTP Server, as described in the topic about performing required z/OS system configurations.
    Warning: The PARM value on your JCL cataloged procedure is limited to 100 characters. Since the PARM value contains the installation directory (&DIR), the total length could exceed the 100 character limit if the directory path is too long. The path name length needs to be taken into consideration when choosing the installation directory. If the installation directory path name is too long, it is possible to use a shorter named path in the JCL that is symbolically linked to the original installation directory path name.
  5. Optional: You can create multiple instances of IBM HTTP Server by running the IBM HTTP Server installer program more than once. However, you must specify a different installation directory each time you run the installer program.


Perform the following steps to confirm that you have successfully installed a running version of the product on your machine:

  1. Log in to the OMVS shell using the server user ID. Verify that the server user ID has a non-zero UID value. Change the directory to the server instance's installation directory:
    cd /etc/websrv1
  2. Run the following command to verify the installation of the program: apachectl -v and apachectl configtest
    The following sample output is an example of a successful program installation:
    # bin/apachectl -v
    Server version: IBM_HTTP_Server/ (Unix)
    Server built:   Jan  9 2016 11:20:34
    # bin/apachectl configtest
    Syntax OK
    The actual version string and build date varies.
  3. Start IBM HTTP Server.
    bin/apachectl start
  4. Point a web browser to the IP name or address of your z/OS system, using either the non-SSL port number you specified when running the installer program, or the default port of 80. You should see the IBM HTTP Server default home page.
  5. Stop IBM HTTP Server by running the following command:
    bin/apachectl stop

What to do next

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Timestamp icon Last updated: August 2, 2016 3:13
File name: tihs_installihsz_v2r1.html