Use the PROFILEINACTIVE parameter statement to define the timeout for connections associated with a non-current profile that do not have a SNA session. A connection that does not have a SNA session for the specified time and that is associated with a non-current profile is dropped. Telnet uses one timer for the INACTIVE, PROFILEINACTIVE, PRTINACTIVE, and KEEPINACTIVE statements. See z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide for more information. You can code the PROFILEINACTIVE statement in the TELNETGLOBALS, TELNETPARMS, or PARMSGROUP statement blocks. See Rules for Telnet parameter statements and security parameters for more information about the hierarchy of parameter values.

Telnet is initialized with a PROFILEINACTIVE timeout value of 1800 seconds.


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   +-PROFILEINACTIVE --1800-+   
   '-PROFILEINACTIVE --sec--'   


This PROFILEINACTIVE timeout value sets the inactivity value to 1800 seconds.
Sets the inactivity timeout to the specified number of seconds. This number must be an integer in the range 0-99 999 999. A PROFILEINACTIVE timeout value of 0 disables the function.