The PREFIX operand determines the first qualifier to be added to all data sets that are not fully qualified. To request the system use a specific user ID or other valid string as the first qualifier of data sets that are not fully qualified, use the PREFIX operand followed by the user ID or string enclosed in parentheses.

To use NEWID as the first-level qualifier of all non-fully-qualified data sets, enter after the READY mode message:

Then when you specify a data set without quotes, such as TEST.DATA, the system recognizes it as NEWID.TEST.DATA.

If you do not want to append a prefix to non-fully-qualified data sets, enter:

The default prefix for foreground processing is your user ID. NOPREFIX is the default for background processing.

Note: When RACF® or an Other Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) security server is installed, the default is the user ID. Otherwise, the default is no prefixing of data set names.