Tape mount messages

DFSMSrmm displays tape fetch and mount messages on both the operator console and the drive display panel. DFSMSrmm modifies fetch and mount messages to provide information about shelf location and scratch pools, when appropriate.

To list mount messages at the console, you can enter
at the console.

Use MNTMSG commands in parmlib to identify the messages to be updated. DFSMSrmm adds a pool prefix to the message for a non-specific mount request and to the tape drive display unless you specify a pool name using the VLPOOL commands with the NAME operand. In that case, DFSMSrmm adds the pool name to the message. See z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide for information on the DFSMSrmm parmlib options.

For a specific mount request, DFSMSrmm adds the rack number to the message text. The rack number identifies the specific shelf location where the volume resides to help you locate the volume. This is particularly useful in those cases where the rack number for a volume differs from its volume serial number.

When the rack number or pool prefix or pool name is added to the end of the mount message, the rack number or pool identifier is preceded by eitherRACK= or POOL=. When the rack number or pool identifier is added anywhere else in the message, DFSMSrmm does not add the descriptive text.

These are some of the mount messages DFSMSrmm issues:

When DFSMSrmm uses the pool name rather than the pool prefix to update the tape drive display for a mount request, if the pool name is six characters or less, DFSMSrmm only updates the middle six characters of the display.

The drive display of eight characters normally looks like this for a mount of a standard label non-specific volume:
When DFSMSrmm updates the display with a six character pool prefix, the display might look like this:
When DFSMSrmm updates the display with an eight character pool name, the display might look like this:
When DFSMSrmm updates the display with a pool name that is six characters or less, the display might look like this:

DFSMSrmm provides EDG019VM as a replacement for IFG019VM. This installation exit is used to obtain the tape label of an NL tape mounted as a scratch tape on a non-specific request from the operator.