EZD0830I   Tunnel distribution failed : timestamp vpnaction= vpnaction tunnel ID= tunID AHSPI= AHindex ESPSPI= ESPindex


The specified tunnel cannot be distributed because an error occurred while initializing data in the coupling facility.

timestamp is the stack timestamp that indicates the time at which the tunnel was added by the stack. This time is retrieved from the system time-of-day clock, which usually reflects coordinated universal time. This timestamp might be different than the syslogd message timestamp.

vpnaction is the vpnaction name specified on the IpDynVpnAction statement.

tunID is the tunnel ID.

AHindex is the AH security parameter index.

ESPindex is the ESP security parameter index.

System action

TCP processing continues; the tunnel is not distributed but might be used on this system.

Operator response

Contact the system programmer. When the issue is resolved, refresh the indicated SA to allow distribution.

System programmer response

Ensure that the sysplex-wide Security Association (SWSA) coupling facility structure is set up correctly.

See the information about diagnosing sysplex-wide Security Association (SWSA) problems in z/OS Communications Server: IP Diagnosis Guide for information about diagnosing SWSA problems.



Procedure name
