Logging in to FTP

If you correctly specify a foreign host with the FTP command, you are prompted to identify yourself. The following is a sample of the information that is displayed after you successfully invoke the FTP command with foreign_host correctly specified.

FTP: using TCPCS                                            
Connecting to: port: 21.                      
220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V1R4 at vic135, 19:11:09 on 2003-01-15.
220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes.  
>>> USER USER10                                                
331 Send password please.                                      
>>> PASS                                                       
230 USER10 is logged on.  Working directory is "/tmp".         
After successfully identifying yourself, you are prompted for a password if the foreign host requires a password. If you enter the password correctly, you are connected to the foreign host.
  • You can use the data set NETRC to automatically provide user ID, password, and accounting information while logging in to a remote host. For information about using NETRC, see NETRC data set.
  • You can respond to the NAME prompt with the same input that the FTP client accepts as arguments of the User subcommand. See User subcommand—Identify yourself to a host or change your TSO user ID password for more information about the User subcommand.
  • You can respond to the PASSWORD prompt with the same input that the FTP client accepts as arguments of the PAss subcommand. See PAss subcommand—Supply a password for more information about the PAss subcommand.
  • If you have enabled UTF-8 encoding of the control connection, the login sequence is different. See UTF-8 enabled control connection for more information.
  • You might see one or more 230- replies while logging in to the FTP server. These replies contain information about the current session. Reply code 230 or 230- always indicates that you have successfully logged in to the FTP server. However, the replies 230- sometimes contain information about errors encountered while logging in. These replies indicate errors in the z/OS® FTP server configuration files:
    • 230- CWD cmd failed : reason
    • 230- Unrecognized parameter parameter on SITE command
    • 230- Unable to open FTPS.RC configuration file error information
    • 230- Unrecognized command -cmd- entered
    • 230- The message was truncated
    Contact the system programmer for assistance. See FTPD reply codes in z/OS Communications Server: IP and SNA Codes for additional details about 230-type replies.
  • When the FTP Client API is invoked by an application program, ddnames associated with the application are not available to the created FTP client process and the handling of prompts from the client differs. See FTP client behavior when started by the FTP Client API information in z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference for details.

For the procedure to enter the FTP environment using the FTP command, see Establishing and exiting a connection for more information.