The dynamic_cast operator (C++ only)

The dynamic_cast operator checks the following types of conversions at run time:
  • A pointer to a base class to a pointer to a derived class
  • An lvalue referring to a base class to an lvalue reference to a derived class
  • C++11An xvalue referring to a base class to an rvalue reference to a derived classC++11
A program can thereby use a class hierarchy safely. This operator and the typeid operator provide runtime type identification (RTTI) support in C++.
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dynamic_cast operator syntax


C++11With the right angle bracket feature, you may specify a template_id as T in the dynamic_cast operator with the >> token in place of two consecutive > tokens. For details, see Class templates (C++ only).C++11

The expression dynamic_cast<T>(v) converts the expression v to type T. Type T must be a pointer or reference to a complete class type or a pointer to void.

The following rules apply to the dynamic_cast<T>(v) expression:
  • If T is a pointer type, v must be a C++11(prvalue)C++11 rvalue, and dynamic_cast<T>(v) is a C++11(prvalue)C++11 rvalue of type T.
  • If T is an lvalue reference type, v must be an lvalue, and dynamic_cast<T>(v) is an lvalue of the type that is referred by T.
  • C++11If T is an rvalue reference type, dynamic_cast<T>(v) is an xvalue of the type that is referred by T.C++11

If T is a pointer and the dynamic_cast operator fails, the operator returns a null pointer of type T. If T is a reference and the dynamic_cast operator fails, the operator throws the exception std::bad_cast. You can find this class in the standard library header <typeinfo>.

If T is a void pointer, then dynamic_cast returns the starting address of the object pointed to by v. The following example demonstrates this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct A {
  virtual ~A() { };

struct B : A { };

int main() {
  B bobj;
  A* ap = &bobj;
  void * vp = dynamic_cast<void *>(ap);
  cout << "Address of vp  : " << vp << endl;
  cout << "Address of bobj: " << &bobj << endl;
The output of this example is similar to the following result. Both vp and &bobj refer to the same address:
Address of vp  : 12FF6C
Address of bobj: 12FF6C

The primary purpose for the dynamic_cast operator is to perform type-safe downcasts. A downcast is the conversion of a pointer or reference to a class A to a pointer or reference to a class B, where class A is a base class of B. The problem with downcasts is that a pointer of type A* might point to an object that is not a base class subobject of type A that belongs to an object of type B or a class derived from B. The dynamic_cast operator ensures that if you convert a pointer to class A to a pointer to class B, the object of type A pointed to by the former belongs to an object of type B or a class derived from B as a base class subobject.

The following example demonstrates the use of the dynamic_cast operator:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct A {
  virtual void f() { cout << "Class A" << endl; }

struct B : A {
  virtual void f() { cout << "Class B" << endl; }

struct C : A {
  virtual void f() { cout << "Class C" << endl; }

void f(A* arg) {
  B* bp = dynamic_cast<B*>(arg);
  C* cp = dynamic_cast<C*>(arg);

  if (bp)
  else if (cp)

int main() {
  A aobj;
  C cobj;
  A* ap = &cobj;
  A* ap2 = &aobj;
See the output of the above example:
Class C
Class A
The function f() determines whether the pointer arg points to an object of type A, B, or C. The function does this by trying to convert arg to a pointer of type B, then to a pointer of type C, with the dynamic_cast operator. If the dynamic_cast operator succeeds, it returns a pointer that points to the object denoted by arg. If dynamic_cast fails, it returns 0.

You may perform downcasts with the dynamic_cast operator only on polymorphic classes. In the above example, all the classes are polymorphic because class A has a virtual function. The dynamic_cast operator uses the runtime type information generated from polymorphic classes.