TELNET command


The TELNET command enables you to log on to a foreign host that supports TCP⁄IP.
Note: For information about how to read syntax diagrams, see "How to read a syntax diagram".


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
           |               .-23----------. |   

        '-Linemode-'  '-DEBUG-'  '-TRANslate --data_set_name-'     


Specifies the name or IP address of the local or remote host. If you do not specify the name or IP address of the host, you are prompted for the foreign_host. This must be an IPv4 address or a host name that resolves to an IPv4 address.
Specifies the port number to which you want to connect on the host. The default is well-known port 23.
Provides a description of the TELNET command, its subcommands, and how it operates.
Uses the line mode and prevents operation in the transparent mode.
In line mode, the foreign host output is displayed on your screen one line at a time, without full-screen capabilities.
Note: You cannot use the TELNET command to log on to an MVS™ host from an existing MVS line mode TELNET session. In this situation, the error message TELNET requires a 327x-Type terminal is displayed.

In transparent mode, the foreign host full-screen capabilities are functional on your local terminal.

Transparent mode is the default.

Causes TELNET client-trace data, including the data transferred to and received from the TELNET server, to be written to a data set defined by the DEBUGFIL DD statement in the user TSO LOGON procedure, or as specified by issuing the TSO ALLOC command.
The following is an example of the DEBUGFIL DD statement:
The following is an example of the TSO ALLOC command:
TRANslate data_set_name
Specifies the name of a nonstandard translation table. If you specify this parameter, TELNET uses the translation table in the user_id.data_set_name.TCPXLBIN data set, rather than the standard translation tables user_id.TELNET.TCPXLBIN or hlq.TELNET.TCPXLBIN.

If user_id.data_set_name.TCPXLBIN does not exist, TELNET uses hlq.data_set_name.TCPXLBIN.

If user_id.data_set_name.TCPXLBIN and hlq.data_set_name.TCPXLBIN do not exist, or if they were incorrectly created, TELNET ends with an error message. A nonstandard translation table is used in line mode only.


  • To log on to a host with an IP address of, enter:
    The following is displayed:
      User:     TELNET
                 MVS TCP/IP TELNET CS V1R2
                 Connecting to, port TELNET (23)
                 Using Transparent Mode...
                 Notes on using TELNET when in Transparent Mode:
                 - To enter TELNET Command, Hit PA1
  • If your user ID is RON and the translation table RON.EXAMPLE.TCPXLBIN is required rather than the standard one, you should enter:
    • If the remote host is neither MVS nor VM, and you specify a nonstandard translation table, a linemode connection is automatically used.
    • If the remote host is an MVS or VM host and you specify a nonstandard translation table without the linemode parameter, the nonstandard translation table is ignored.
    • If the host is an MVS or VM host and both the linemode parameter and a nonstandard translation table are specified, the nonstandard translation table is used.


  • The minimum abbreviation for each parameter is shown in uppercase letters.
  • TELNET normally operates in transparent mode. In 3270 transparent mode, all full-screen capabilities of the remote host are functional at your local display station, but the PA1 key is the only special-function key whose intended function is passed to the application by Telnet. In line mode, the remote host output is displayed on your screen one line at a time, without full-screen capabilities.
  • The TELNET command supports IBM® 3270-type display stations. Examples of supported display stations are:
    • IBM 3178 Display Station
    • IBM 3179 Display Station
    • IBM 3180 Display Station
    • IBM 3191 Display Station
    • IBM 3192 Display Station
    • IBM 3193 Display Station
    • IBM 3194 Display Station
    • IBM 3275 Display Station Model 2
    • IBM 3276 Control Unit Display Station Models 2, 3, and 4
    • IBM 3277 Display Station Model 2
    • IBM 3278 Display Station Models 2, 3, 4, and 5
    • IBM 3279 Color Display Station Models 2 and 3