z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference
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z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference

The .RESP control variable indicates normal or exception response on the part of the user.

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Normal response. ISPF always sets .RESP to ENTER unless the user enters an END or RETURN command.
Exception response. ISPF sets .RESP to END if the user enters an END or RETURN command.

The value in .RESP can be tested in the processing section to determine the user's response.


Setting .RESP in the )INIT or )REINIT section of the panel definition has no effect if a message is being displayed.

The )INIT or )REINIT section can be coded with these statements to ensure that the panel is not displayed, regardless of whether a message was specified on the DISPLAY service request.

)INIT   or   )REINIT
  IF (.MSG ¬= &Z)
    .MSG = &Z

This variable can be set in a panel processing section to force an END or ENTER response. This can be useful if a verification has failed (or .MSG was set) and you want that panel to be redisplayed with the message even if the user entered END or RETURN.

The .RESP control variable can appear on the right side of an assignment statement, making it act like a function.

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