z/OS TSO/E User's Guide
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Listing Data Set Information

z/OS TSO/E User's Guide

You can request that the system display various types of information about data sets such as:
  • A list of data sets currently allocated to your terminal session. (LISTALC command)
  • A list of data sets with your prefix as the first qualifier, or a list of data sets from a particular catalog. (LISTCAT command or ISPF/PDF UTILITIES option)
  • Data set attributes such as the record format, record length, block size, and data set organization. (LISTDS command or ISPF/PDF UTILITIES option).
In addition, you can display the contents of a data set by using:
  • ISPF/PDF BROWSE or EDIT - You can display data set contents on a panel and scroll backward and forward through the contents. For more information about ISPF/PDF EDIT, see Editing Data Sets or .
  • LIST subcommand of EDIT - While you are in EDIT mode, you can enter the LIST subcommand to display the contents of the data set you are editing. For more information, see Using Line Mode Edit.

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