z/OS Infoprint Server Customization
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Customizing z/OS UNIX sendmail

z/OS Infoprint Server Customization

Customizing z/OS UNIX sendmail

When the email protocol is selected in a printer definition, IP PrintWay™ uses z/OS UNIX sendmail to prepare and send emails to the recipients listed in the printer definition. Sendmail is a mail transfer agent provided with z/OS Communications Server that provides enhanced SMTP support.

If you have not already customized z/OS® UNIX sendmail, you must do so before IP PrintWay can send output to email destinations. For information about how to customize sendmail, see:

  • z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide describes how to customize sendmail and the other components of z/OS Communications Server that sendmail requires.
  • The industry-accepted publication Sendmail, published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. (ISBN 1–56592–222–0), describes the sendmail configuration file (sendmail.cf), how to set up sendmail aliases files, how to ensure security, and how to debug problems with your sendmail configuration.
  • The Sendmail Consortium website at http://www.sendmail.org.

Guidelines: Follow these guidelines when you customize sendmail:

  • Sendmail highly depends on the domain name server (DNS). Therefore, be sure to set up this component correctly.
  • Customize the Timeout option in the sendmail configuration file to suit your installation. The Timeout option specifies how long sendmail waits before sending a warning that email could not be delivered to a remote system and how long sendmail waits before bouncing email. Bounced email is undeliverable email.
  • To use sendmail aliases or to receive messages from sendmail about bounced emails, start sendmail as a daemon. The sendmail -bd option starts sendmail as a daemon, and the -q option specifies how often sendmail is to look in its queue to process pending mail.


    /usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -q1m &

    The su command switches to an effective UID of 0. To use su, you must be permitted to the BPX.SUPERUSER profile in the FACILITY class in RACF®.

    Tip: To start sendmail automatically when the z/OS system is initialized, specify the sendmail command in the /etc/rc file.

  • In the sendmail aliases file, you can create alias names to represent a list of real email addresses. When you create an alias, you should specify the user ID that owns the list in the owner-alias statement. The user ID that owns the list receives notification about bounced emails. If you do not specify the user ID that owns the alias name, sendmail sends notification of bounced emails to the user ID assigned to the IP PrintWay startup procedure (basic mode) or to the user ID who started the Infoprint Server daemons (extended mode).
  • Configure the z/OS system so that a firewall does not prevent users from sending emails. Also if you want to receive replies from emails or sendmail notifications about undeliverable emails, configure your z/OS system so that it can receive emails from outside the firewall.
  • If you do not install the sendmail command in the default directory, /bin, specify the full path name of the sendmail command in one of these ways:
    • If you run IP PrintWay extended mode and dynamic configuration is enabled, specify the mailer-path-name attribute in the system configuration definition.
    • If you run IP PrintWay extended mode and dynamic configuration is not enabled, specify the AOPMAILER environment variable in the aopstart EXEC.
    • If you run IP PrintWay basic mode, specify the AOPMAILER environment variable in the IP PrintWay startup procedure.
  • If you need to specify sendmail command options, specify the options in one of these ways:
    • If you run IP PrintWay extended mode and dynamic configuration is enabled, specify the mailer-options attribute in the system configuration definition.
    • If you run IP PrintWay extended mode and dynamic configuration is not enabled, specify the AOPMAILER_OPTIONS environment variable in the aopstart EXEC.
    • If you run IP PrintWay basic mode, specify the AOPMAILER_OPTIONS environment variable in the IP PrintWay startup procedure.
    IP PrintWay specifies the options that you specify in addition to the -i option when it sends emails.

Tip: To verify that you have configured sendmail correctly, run the sendmail command directly from the z/OS UNIX command line. The sendmail command is described in z/OS Communications Server: IP User’s Guide and Commands. Some tests that you can do are:

  • Send a file to a local user: Run this command to send file myfile to yourself:
    sendmail youruserID <myfile
    Result: The email should be delivered to you and you should receive no error messages from sendmail. To view the mail sent to your user ID, run the z/OS UNIX mail command:
  • Send a file to a remote address: To verify that firewalls do not prevent sending emails, send a file to a remote user on a domain that is not in your installation:
    sendmail username@domain <myfile
    Result: The email should be delivered to the remote address and you should receive no error messages from sendmail.
  • Send a file to an alias name: To verify that the sendmail aliases file is configured correctly, send a file to a sendmail alias name:
    1. To edit the aliases file, use the su command to switch to an effective UID of 0. Then edit the file using your favorite editor and save your changes:
      oedit /etc/mail/aliases

      To use the su command, you must be permitted to the BPX.SUPERUSER profile in the FACILITY class in RACF.


    2. To create alias testlist, type these lines in the sendmail aliases file, /etc/mail/aliases:
      testlist: youruserID
      owner-testlist: youruserID


    3. Run the sendmail newaliases command to update the sendmail aliases file:


    4. If you switched to an effective UID of 0 in step 1, switch back to your own UID:


    5. Run the sendmail command to send file myfile to alias name testlist:
      sendmail testlist <myfile


    Result: The email should be delivered to you and you should receive no error messages from sendmail.


Related information: For information about:

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