z/OS DFSMS OAM Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide for Tape Libraries
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Optional parameters

z/OS DFSMS OAM Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide for Tape Libraries

At least one of the following optional keywords must be specified with the function PTPMC:
If an optional keyword is not specified, the current setting for that option is retained. The operational modes specified are applied to all IBM® TotalStorage Virtual Tape Controllers (AX0).
Specifies a request to set the distributed library that is to be selected for all host I/O operations; this makes the selected library the master library. During mount processing, if the primary VTS is not available, the mount request is failed. If the VTS does not have a valid version of the volume, and a valid version is available on another VTS, a copy operation is performed as part of the mount process. If a valid version cannot be copied, the mount is failed. If the specified VTS does not have the needed volume in cache, and it is in cache in another VTS, a copy operation is also performed. If the needed volume is not in cache in any available VTS, a recall is performed on the specified VTS. The library specified for LIBNAME must be a distributed library.
Note: If you are setting IOLIB=PRIMARY and the specified distributed library is not currently the master library, the completion of this request can take up to 20 minutes.
Specifies a request to set the preferred distributed library for host I/O operations. The preferencing is honored as long as the VTS library specified is available and has a valid version of the volume in its cache, and as long as another available VTS does not have the volume in its cache. The library specified for LIBNAME must be a distributed library.
Specifies a request to let the library balance the workload across all the VTS libraries in the Peer-to-Peer VTS configuration. The balance of the workload is the primary criterion for selection of the VTS to perform host I/O operations.
Specifies a request to use the customer engineer's default I/O selection setting on the AX0s for host I/O operations.
Specifies a request to set the copy mode to IMMEDIATE. With this setting, a copy of the data is made upon receiving the host rewind/unload (RUN) command. The completion of the rewind/unload (RUN) command is held until the copy has been made.
Specifies a request to set the copy mode to DEFERRED. With this setting, upon receiving the host rewind/unload (RUN) command, the copying of the data is queued.
Specifies a request to use the customer engineer's copy mode setting and the customer engineer's deferred mode priority threshold value on the AX0s.
Specifies the name of a bit variable (1-byte length) that contains the number of hours between 0 and 255 for the deferred copy mode priority threshold value. If a copy operation has been queued longer than the number of hours specified by the deferred copy mode priority threshold value, when it is selected for processing, it is given a higher I/O priority than host I/O operations. This specified parameter value affects copy operations that are initiated after the successful completion of this command.

This parameter is only applicable with the COPYMODE=DEFERRED specification and is ignored with any other FUNC=PTPMC specification. If COPYMODE=DEFERRED is specified without this parameter, the current deferred mode priority threshold value is retained.

Specifies a request to enable copy operations that have been previously disabled.
Specifies a request to disable copy operations. Copies currently in progress are completed. Subsequent copies are queued to be performed later when copy operations are enabled again.
Specifies a request to enable the access mode of Read/Write Disconnected, a special mode that allows controlled access to data when one or more elements of a PTP VTS become unavailable and prevent normal operations. The Read/Write Disconnected mode allows logical volumes to be read, modified, or rewritten, unless the volumes are known to be invalid. This mode forces the available VTS to become the master; it should only be set for one VTS. This mode is no longer in effect when communication with both VTSs has been established and token updates have been completed.

The library specified for LIBNAME must be a distributed library. IOLIB, COPYMODE, and COPYOPER specifications are ignored at the library when the ACCESS keyword is specified.

Note: Check with your hardware support center for the availability of the Read/Write Disconnected option through this interface. If the installed microcode does not support this option, it will be ignored.

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