z/OS MVS JCL User's Guide
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Entering data through the input stream

z/OS MVS JCL User's Guide

Enter data through the input stream by coding one of the following:
   //ddname  DD  *
   //ddname  DD  DATA  

A step can contain more than one in-stream data set. Use the DD DATA statement when the data contains JCL statements.

If the statement that begins the data set contains a DLM parameter, end the in-stream data set with a statement containing the two characters in the DLM parameter. Otherwise, end the in-stream data set with either of the following delimiters:
   Another JCL statement, if begun with a DD * statement  

Naming an in-stream data set

Code the DSNAME parameter on the DD * or DATA statement to assign the last qualifier of the system-generated name to an in-stream data set.

Example 1

//DSIN  DD  *

Example 2


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