How to configure a locally generated JWT

To call an API with a locally generated JWT, you must configure the jwtBuilder and zosconnect_authTokenLocal elements in the server.xml configuration file and define SAF SURROGAT profiles.

Before you begin

  • You must be familiar with the information in Generating a JWT within IBM z/OS Connect.
  • Set up the connection from the z/OS subsystem to the IBM z/OS Connect server.
  • Complete the task How to activate and configure the SAF user registry to configure the IBM z/OS Connect server to use z/OS authorized services and a System Authorization Facility (SAF) user registry.
  • For the surrogate check on the z/OS application asserted user ID, you must ensure that the following requirements are completed:
    • The user ID that is used to run the IBM z/OS Connect server instance must have READ access to the BPX.SERVER FACILITY class profile.
    • The Java™ library must be program-controlled. For example, enter the following command:
      extattr +p /usr/lib/java_runtime/
    • Third-party native code or native libraries, such as those used by a IBM z/OS Connect interceptor must be program-controlled. To define the native code or native library to be program-controlled, enter the following command under z/OS UNIX System Services:
      extattr +p <your library file path>
      Note: When your administrator applies maintenance to the Java library, this setting might be reset, so you must reenter this command.

About this task

You configure the IBM z/OS Connect server to generate a JWT with the "sub" (Subject) claim set to the z/OS application asserted user ID, and send that JWT in the specified HTTP header on the request to the RESTful API.

The z/OS application asserted user ID needs to be defined in the SAF security manager on the LPAR where IBM z/OS Connect is running.

The authenticated link user ID must be a SAF user ID. Therefore, if authenticating with a TLS client certificate, the certificate must be mapped to a SAF user ID. If using a distributed identity to authenticate with basic authentication, then that distributed identity must be mapped to a SAF user ID. The link user ID requires surrogate access to generate a JWT on behalf of the z/OS application asserted user ID. This is achieved by using SAF SURROGAT class profiles. If there is no authenticated link user ID associated with the API requester request, then the check is performed against the SAF unauthenticated user ID. See SAF unauthenticated user ID.

The authenticated link user ID requires authorization to connect to the IBM z/OS Connect server. Either the authenticated link user ID, or the z/OS application asserted user ID, requires authorization to the API requester, depending on whether identity assertion is configured. For more information about authorization, see API requester authorization.

This task assumes that RACF is used as security manager. If you are using an alternative SAF security manager, refer to the appropriate product documentation for the equivalent commands.

To configure a locally generated JWT, you must update the server.xml configuration file to:
  • Configure the jwtBuilder and zosconnect_authTokenLocal elements to define the parameters that are used to generate a JWT locally. The parameters include the claims that are registered in the IANA "JSON Web Token Claims" registry (for example, the "aud" (Audience) claim), public and private claims, and additional attributes of a JWT. For more information about the IANA "JSON Web Token Claims" registry, see JSON Web Token Claims Registry.
  • Reference the zosconnnect_authTokenLocal element from the zosconnect_endpointConnection element.


  1. Typically, the z/OS subsystem that calls the IBM z/OS Connect server is authenticated using basic authentication or client authentication.
    Note: Locally generated JWTs can be used without an authenticated link user ID, in this case the SAF SURROGAT profile checks are performed against the SAF unauthenticated user ID.
  2. Define the appropriate SURROGAT profile definition in RACF. Consult your security administrator to confirm the appropriate definitions to use for your environment.
    1. Define a profile named assertedid.BAQTOKEN in the SURROGAT class, where assertedid represents the z/OS application asserted user ID. For example, if the asserted identity is FRED, enter the RACF command:
    2. Grant the authenticated link user ID READ access to the SURROGAT profile created in the previous step. For example, if the link user ID is LINKID1 and is allowed to generate JWTs containing a "sub" claim value of FRED, enter the RACF command:
    3. Repeat these commands for other z/OS application asserted user IDs and authenticated link user IDs that are used for locally generated JWTs.
    4. After you have entered all the RACF SURROGAT class profile commands, refresh the SURROGAT class. Enter the RACF command:
    Alternatively: If the authenticated link user ID is allowed to generate JWTs containing the "sub" claim value for any z/OS application asserted user IDs, you can choose to use a generic profile definition, for example:
    Note: It is recommended that the SAF unauthenticated user ID is authorized to use only the minimum number of SAF resources. An authenticated link user ID is typically used. However, if you choose not to have a link user ID and allow API requester requests to run under the SAF unauthenticated user ID, then you will need to permit that user ID READ access to the appropriate SURROGAT profile definitions. The default SAF unauthenticated user ID is WSGUEST. As the SAF unauthenticated user ID is defined with the RESTRICTED attribute, it must be explicitly permitted access to a non-generic profile name. For more information, see SAF unauthenticated user ID and Defining restricted user IDs.
  3. Configure a jwtBuilder element to specify the registered claims and additional attributes that are used to generate a JWT.
    For example,
        keyAlias="keyLabel" />

    By default the "iss" (Issuer) claim is set to https://{hostname}:{httpsPort}/jwt/{jwtBuilderId} where hostname and httpsPort are the hostname and HTTPS port of the IBM z/OS Connect server and jwtBuilderId is the id attribute value of the jwtBuilder element. To specify an alternative value for the "iss" (Issuer) claim, configure the issuer attribute of the jwtBuilder element. For more information about how to configure the jwtBuilder element, see JWT Builder (jwtBuilder) in the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Liberty documentation.

    • The claims attribute on the jwtBuilder allows only existing user attributes that are defined for the subject of this JWT in the user registry to be included as claims in the JWT. To specify public and private claim name value pairs, use the claims subelement on the zosconnect_authTokenLocal element as shown in Step 4.
    • The value for the registered claim "iat" (Issued At) is automatically set when the JWT is generated locally by the IBM z/OS Connect server.
  4. Configure a zosconnect_authTokenLocal element to specify the parameters that are used to generate the JWT that is used to authenticate with the RESTful API endpoint. The parameters include a reference to the jwtBuilder element, public and private claims, and the HTTP header name that is used to contain the JWT on the request to the RESTful API endpoint.
    For example,
    <zosconnect_authTokenLocal id="myLocalJWTConfig"  
    • The tokenGeneratorRef attribute references the jwtBuilder element with the ID value myLocalJWTBuilder that is defined in Step 3.
    • The header attribute specifies the name of the HTTP header that contains the JWT on the API request to the RESTful API endpoint. If you do not specify the header attribute, the HTTP Authorization header is used by default.
    • The claims subelement specifies the public and private claims as a JSON string.

    For more information about the zosconnect_authTokenLocal element, see zosconnect_authTokenLocal in the configuration elements section.

    • The claims subelement is intended to specify only public and private claims. If registered claims, such as "aud" (Audience), are specified on the claims subelement, then these values overwrite the corresponding values that are configured on the jwtBuilder element that is referenced by the tokenGeneratorRef attribute of the zosconnect_authTokenLocal element. If the "sub" claim is specified on the claims subelement, its value is overwritten by the IBM z/OS Connect server to be the z/OS application asserted user ID. Registered claims are defined in the IANA JSON Web Token Claims Registry.
    • If the JSON string value of the claims subelement contains XML markup characters, such as <, > and &, then include the JSON string inside a CDATA section. For more information, see zosconnect_authTokenLocal claims.
  5. Configure the zosconnect_endpointConnection element to identify the locally generated JWT authentication data.
    For example,
    <zosconnect_endpointConnection id="conn"
        authenticationConfigRef="myLocalJWTConfig" />
    • The authenticationConfigRef attribute references the zosconnect_authTokenLocal element with the ID value myLocalJWTConfig that was defined in Step 4.


The IBM z/OS Connect server performs a SAF SURROGAT profile check to ensure that the authenticated link user ID (or the SAF unauthenticated user ID) associated with the API requester request is allowed to generate a JWT on behalf of the z/OS application asserted user ID. If the surrogate check is successful, then the IBM z/OS Connect server generates a JWT based on the configuration on the jwtBuilder and zosconnect_authTokenLocal elements. The generated JWT payload contains the specified claim names and values, and the "sub" (Subject) claim of the JWT is set to the z/OS application asserted user ID. The JWT is sent on the API request to the RESTful API in the specified HTTP header (by default the Authorization header). The HTTP header includes the "Bearer" scheme keyword followed by the JWT.