Returning the license key more than 30 days before expiration

To generate a new license key file for a software-based license server, you must first return the existing license entitlement in the Rational® License Key Center, and then generate a new one. Returning the license entitlements is a process of telling the IBM License Key Center that you are no longer using the license entitlements that you previously assigned to the software-based license server. You do not need to return the physical software-based license server update file to the IBM License Key Center.

To return a software-based license key that has more than 30 days until expiration requires that you invalidate the license on the software-based license server as part of the return process. This process consists of these general steps:

  • Create a software-based license server request file from the software-based license server where the license key file is to be installed.
  • Obtain a license key file that invalidates the current license key from the IBM License Key Center.
  • Install the license key file that invalidates the current license key on the software-based license server.
  • Use the update file to complete the return process in the IBM License Key Center.

You can return a license entitlement in the IBM License Key Center in several ways. The easiest method is to use the View Keys by Host link. You can also use the Return Keys link.

To return a software-based license more than 30 days, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a software-based license server request file from the software-based license server where the license key file is installed:
    1. From the root user ID on the software-based license server, run this command: /opt/IBM/LDK/request_license. This command creates a request compressed file in the root home directory with a name similar to This file is unique to the software-based license server, and is used to generate the software-based license key file.
    2. If needed, transmit the file to the system you use to log in to the IBM License Key Center.
  2. Obtain a license key file that invalidates the current license key from the IBM License Key Center.
    1. Log in to the IBM License Key Center , and select your account.
    2. On the left side of the screen, select View Keys by Host.
    3. Select the Hostname corresponding to the license key you want to return.
    4. A table is displayed with data for the Hostname selected. At the far right of the table, click the Change link.
    5. The interface displays a list of license keys for this license entitlement. Locate the license key of the software-based license server you are returning. Click Browse, and browse to and select the file that you just created.
    6. Click Initiate Return.
    7. A window opens, prompting you to download the software-based license server update file with the file to invalidate the license on the software-based license server.
    8. To save the file, click Download. You can download the generated file either during this process or later. To download any files later, use the View Keys by Host link on the left side of the IBM License Key Center page.
    9. Transmit the software-based license server update file that invalidates the license key to the software-based license server.
  3. Install the license key file that invalidates the current license key on the software-based license server.
    1. From the root user ID on the software-based license server, unzip the file, run the following command:
      /opt/IBM/LDK/update_license Hostname_xxxxxxxxxx_update.v2c.

      This command installs the invalidating license key file on the server.

    2. Restart the license server daemon to make the license key file active by entering the following command from the root user ID.
      systemctl restart aksusbd.service

      The software-based license server is no longer active, and the licenses cannot be used anymore. However, the license entitlements in the IBM License Key Center are still reserved until the return process is completed.

    3. From the root user ID on the software-based license server, run the following command:

      This command creates a request compressed file in the root home directory with a name similar to This file verifies that the license key is invalidated and is used to complete the return of the software-based license key file.

    4. If needed, transmit the file to the system you use to log in to the IBM License Key Center.
  4. Use the verification file to complete the return process in the IBM License Key Center.
    1. Log in to the IBM License Key Center, and select your account.
    2. On the left side of the screen, select View Keys by Host.
    3. Select the Hostname corresponding to the host name of the software-based license server from which you want to return the license key.
    4. A table is displayed with data for the Hostname selected. At the far right of the table, click the Change link.
    5. The interface displays a list of the license keys for this license entitlement. Locate the license key of the software-based license server you are returning. Click Browse, and browse to and select the file that you just created.
    6. Click Complete Return.
    7. A message is displayed to confirm that the license entitlements were successfully returned.