Installing the web server

To install the ZD&T Enterprise Edition web server, run the installer with the root user ID.

  1. Open the directory that contains the installer zdt-install.tgz.
  2. Decompress the installer.
    tar -xvf zdt-install.tgz
  3. Optional: Read the README.txt file for the complete installation steps.
  4. Run the installer.
  5. Select if you want to install ZD&T Enterprise Edition by default or by your own customization.
    • Select 1 for standard installation. This option will install ZD&T Enterprise Edition with the default settings, such as installation location, ports, users and so on. Also, the software-based license server will be automatically installed on the same system.
    • Select 2 for customized installation, and complete the following steps:
      1. Read the license agreements carefully, and enter y to confirm. At the end of the license, enter y to accept the terms, or enter n to decline the terms.
      2. Enter y if you want to run the web server process with a user ID called 'zdt' that is automatically created on the system. Enter y to continue the process. Or, enter n to specify another user ID.
      3. Enter y if you want to install the web server in the default directory /opt/ibm. Or, enter n, and specify another directory.
      4. Enter y if you want to use the default port to access the web server. Or, enter n, and specify your installation port.
      5. Enter y if you want to use the default password for the user ID to log into the web server. Or, enter y, specify and verify your password.
      6. Enter y to install the software-based license server on the system. Or, enter n, and install the software-based license server separately by following the steps in the Installing the software-based license server.
      7. Enter y to set the web server to start and stop automatically. Or, enter n, start and stop the web server manually by following the description in the Starting the web server.
      8. If you want to use the default passphrase for the SSH private key for logging into the Linux® target, enter y. Otherwise, enter y and specify your passphrase.
  6. After the installation completes, run the following command to verify whether the installation is successful.
    • RHEL operating system
      rpm -qa | grep zdtapp
    • UBUNTU operating system
      dpkg -l | grep zdtapp

    If the package is installed successfully, the output contains string zdtapp 13.3.x.

Alternatively, after you complete steps 1 - 4, you can run the following commands to install the web server silently.
Note: Silent installation does not install any required dependencies. You need to install the dependencies before you start the installer silently. For the list of dependencies, see Hardware and software requirements.
  • To install the web server with the default user ID and installation path, run the following command:
    ./zdt-install --install --zdtee --zdtee_port=9443
    Note: If you install the web server with the default user ID and installation path, the default user ID is 'zdt', and the default installation path is /opt/ibm.
  • To install the web server with your own user ID and installation path, run the following command:
    ./zdt-install --install --zdtee --zdtee_port=9443 --zdtee_user=<username> --zdtee_path=<installationpath>