
Before you install or update ZD&T Personal Edition, you need to check the hardware and software requirements, and set up the base Linux® system.

Hardware and software requirements

For a complete list of ZD&T hardware and software requirements, you can generate the report from Software Product Compatibility Reports.

To download and extract files, the following hardware is also required.
  • 4.1 GB is required to download files.
  • There are 33 extracted files. 15 GB is needed for one of the files, and 8 GB is needed for each of others.
  • 300 GB is needed to hold the ACDC files.

Setting up the base Linux system

Before you access the Linux Software repository to download the required software, you need to ensure the following prerequisites.
  • You have access to internet on your machine.
  • You have root or sudo access to the Linux operating system.
  • Your Linux system is configured to download the required Linux packages. You can use yum install or apt-get commands to install the package that might be required during the installation procedure.
  • Acquiring Linux knowledge

    To set up the base Linux system, you need to have some Linux knowledge to ensure that you can go through some basic concepts and commands from internet. The following commands might be required to use when you install the package.

  • Obtaining access to software repository to run YUM or apt-get commands

    Make sure that you have access to software repository to run YUM commands on RHEL machine, or your Ubuntu machine have access to run apt-get commands. ZD&T Installer will install all required packages. However, if you don't want ZD&T installer to install the required packages that are listed below, you need to install the packages before you start ZD&T Installer.

    • YUM commands on RHEL operating system
      yum -y install iptables
      yum -y install ftp
      yum -y install libstdc++.i686
      yum -y install perl 
      yum -y install zip 
      yum -y install unzip 
      yum -y install gzip 
      yum -y install bc
    • apt-get commands on UBUNTU operating system
      apt-get -y install iptables
      dpkg --add-architecture i386
      apt-get -y update
      apt-get -y install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 lib32z1 lib32stdc++6
      apt-get -y install ftp
      apt-get -y install perl
      apt-get -y install zip 
      apt-get -y install unzip
      apt-get -y install gzip
      apt-get -y install bc
      apt-get -y install libasound2
      apt-get -f install
  • Setting up the system time

    Set your hardware clock to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to avoid problems when Daylight Saving Time starts and stops. The License Server is sensitive to the hardware clock time and does not operate if the time appears to move backward. If the machine is shared with another operating system that expects local time (instead of UTC time), you might experience a one-hour non-operational time when you shift from Daylight Saving Time to the standard time.

  • Installing a TN3270e client for the MVS™ console
    The following TN3270e clients are examples of clients that can be used with the recent ZD&T offerings:
    • x3270 (recent versions)
    • Recent Personal Communications releases that run on Windows systems.
    The most commonly used TN3270e client is x3270 running on the native Linux host. This client is used in the sample start script for ZD&T. Frequently, it is not included with Linux distributions. An x3270 package is usually a single rpm, such as:
  • Managing the firewall and other security functions
    You must manage the firewall and other security functions that you install with your Linux. To simplify the configuration and operation, disable any firewall when you first work with zPDT®. If your firewall is based on iptables, as is common for most current Linux releases, commands such as those shown in the following example might be used. This example is for setting a rule to allow any emulated local 3270 session traffic through the firewall, and then displaying the rules for the filter table afterward.
    $ su (switch to root)
    # iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 3270 -j ACCEPT
    # iptables -L -n 
    # exit (leave root)
Note: Installer scripts changes iptables. You need to make sure that your Linux distribution is authorized by your network administrator to make the changes. For more information about what ports are opened during installation, see Installing Personal Edition and Configuring the network.