
z Systems CECs have unique serial numbers, allowing software to identify the machine and LPAR. Some operating systems verify that the “IPLed” machine has the same serial number as the machine that last used that copy of the operating system and may react differently if there is a mismatch. Some software products are licensed by machine serial number.

A simple zPDT® system has a simple unique serial number design: the serial number of the zPDT token becomes the serial number of the z Systems created by zPDT. Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual operation.
Figure 1. Simple local operation
When a remote license server is used (or if multiple local tokens are used) there needs to be a method of assigning unique serial numbers that do not change after they are assigned. Figure 2 illustrates the general concept.
Figure 2. License and UIM servers

There are two modes of operation, local and remote. In the simple local mode both the license function (by a local token) and the UIM function run in the same machine as the client, as shown in Figure 1, but are generally invisible to the user. An LDK-SL server cannot be used in local mode. In remote mode, the license server and UIM server program are in a remote machine which can serve licenses and serial numbers to a multitude of clients via TCP/IP.

Each Linux zPDT instance is assigned a unique serial number, either from a local token or by a UIM server. Every zPDT instance (running under a Linux user ID) has an LPAR ID assigned to it. An instance refers to multiple zPDT copies used on a base Linux system. The LPAR ID is not the same as the LPAR name. The LPAR name is the same as the Linux user ID that started the zPDT instance. zPDT instances have some of the characteristics of an LPAR, but full LPAR functionality is not provided by zPDT. The combination of serial number and LPAR ID becomes part of the CPUID. The CPUID is the information provided by the z Systems instruction Store CPU ID (STIDP).

Once assigned a serial number, the number is not changed even if the corresponding token (or software license) numbers are changed. The user must use the uimreset command to allow a serial number change. A user cannot assign an arbitrary serial number; the serial numbers are generated by UIM or taken from a token.

There are several notes relevant to Figure 2:
Firewalls between the servers and clients must allow the required IP and port access.

Any license or UIM configuration changes should be made when zPDT is not operational.

The rules for obtaining a zPDT license are straight-forward. Either a local token is used or a remote license server. The indicated source must have an appropriate token or software license pool to provide a zPDT license.

The rules for zPDT serial numbers are more complex. The goal is to always have the same unique serial number for a given zPDT instance. The following general rules are used to determine the z Systems serial number for a zPDT instance. The term UIM serial number means a serial number generated and assigned by a UIM server. The term random serial number is also used for serial numbers created by a UIM server. After a random serial number is generated and assigned to a client, it is used consistently. The term random applies only to the initial generation of a serial number by a UIM server and indicates that the serial is not related to a specific token serial number. You cannot create the random number yourself.

If a single local token is used (and no previous serial has been assigned):

If a single local token is used and if a UIM serial number is present in the local UIM database (due to a previous connection to a UIM server) then the UIM serial number is used and the local token serial number is ignored. (The local token still supplies the zPDT license unless a remote license server is configured.)

If multiple local tokens are present (and no previous serial number exists in the local UIM database) the serial number of one of the tokens is accepted and stored in the client UIM database. This stored serial number is used subsequently, without further reference to the serial numbers of the tokens. In this case the RANDOM option must be specified by using the clientconfig command.

If the client is configured for a remote UIM server the following information applies:

If the client changes to a local configuration after previously using a remote configuration the previously assigned serial number (from the remote server and stored in the local UIM database) is used. The local token serial number is ignored.