These tables provide daily and monthly process accounting statistics on Linux systems. They contain data from the dump-acct command.

The default retention periods for these tables are:
30 days
765 days
Column name Key Data type Column description
DATE K DATE Date when the record was written. From DATE.
HOST_NAME K CHAR(16) Host name of system. From HOST_NAME.
USER_GROUP K CHAR(8) Group name. From AC_GID.
NODE_GROUP K CHAR(16) Node group. From ACCOUNTING_GROUP in the LINUX_HOST_NAME lookup table. This is derived using field HOST_NAME from the record as key. If no match is found, this column is set to '?'.
USER_NAME K CHAR(16) User name. From AC_UID.
COMMANDS INTEGER Total number of commands. This is the count of records.
USER_SEC FLOAT Total user time, in seconds. Calculated as the sum of AC_UTIME.
SYSTEM_SEC FLOAT Total system time, in seconds. Calculated as the sum of AC_STIME.
ELAPSED_SEC FLOAT Total elapsed time, in seconds. Calculated as the sum of AC_ETIME.
MEMORY_USAGE FLOAT Total memory usage, in KB. This value should be divided by COMMANDS to get the average memory usage. This is the sum of AC_MEM/1024.
IO_CHARS FLOAT Total characters transferred. This is the sum of AC_IO.
RW_BLOCKS FLOAT Total blocks read/written. This is the sum of AC_RW.