Reason Codes for Return Code 12

Table 1 describes the reason codes that are returned with return code 12.
Table 1. Reason Codes for Return Code 12
Reason Code Description Corrective Action
7 Not used. None
19 All or some of the response block overflow data is discarded because the overflow block does not have enough storage. Issue the query response block overflow function to clean up the overflow block. Retry the request using a larger response block. The Response_block_used field in the response block contains the amount of storage needed for the response data.
20 The requested function might not complete because an abend occurred during the transaction. Verify that the control blocks passed to RODM for the transaction are valid. See the IBM Z® NetView® Troubleshooting Guide for information on diagnosing abend problems.
25 The system rejects the request because the transaction tries to update data in a data window currently being written by RODM in a checkpoint process. Retry the request later.
63 The system rejects the request to create a method object because the system cannot load the module of the specified method into the RODM address space. Verify that the method exists in the method library.
68 Not used. None
82 The module of the specified method has been deleted by an unsuccessful module refresh. Refresh the module of the method again.
118 Not used. None
121 The system rejects the request because there is not enough storage. Storage has run out in one of the following places:
  • In the VSAM translation checkpoint data sets
  • In the translation window
The most likely reason for this return and reason code is that the VSAM data set is too small. If this is the case, message EKG1116I is also written to the console. If you receive this message, increase the size of the RODM translation checkpoint data set. The checkpoint data set size is specified by DDname EKGTRAN in the RODM startup JCL.
122 The system rejects the request because there is not enough storage. Storage has run out in one of the following places:
  • In the VSAM checkpoint data sets
  • In the RODM dataspace
The most likely reason for this return and reason code is that the VSAM checkpoint data sets are too small. If this is the case, you will also receive message EKG1117I on the system console. If you receive this message, increase the size of the RODM data window checkpoint data set or add another data window checkpoint data set. The checkpoint data sets are specified by DDname EKGDnnn in the RODM startup JCL.
123 Not used. None
124 The system rejects the request because there is no ID available for the class. Delete unused entities. Retry the request.
126 The system rejects the request because there is no ID available for the field. Delete unused fields. Retry the request.
156 The system rejects the request to create a queue object because there is no storage for the notification queue block. Delete unused entities. Retry the request later.
157 The system rejects the request because there is no storage for the notification information block. Retry the request later.
177 The system rejects the request because no system-generated object name is available. Specify the object name. Retry the request.
179 The system rejects the request because the system cannot create the user object. The possible cause is that not enough storage is available. Retry the request later.
188 Not used. None
194 The system cannot complete the request because the method has an execution error. Check the RODM log record for further information.
198 The system rejects the request because the system cannot change the fields of the user object. There might not be enough storage available. Free some storage and retry the request.
199 An operator canceled the user transaction. Check with the operator.
200 The system cancels the user transaction because of RODM is quiescing. Retry the request or method later.
211 The system cannot process the error because no storage is available. The storage held is not released. The system cannot be used until it is restarted. Contact the system administrator to restart RODM.
212 The system cannot complete the transaction because an unrecoverable error occurred. RODM will write a type-2 log record to the RODM log. Check the content of the log record for information about the transaction that caused the abend. See the IBM Z NetView Troubleshooting Guide for information on diagnosing abend problems.
213 The requested function did not complete because an abend occurred when RODM accessed the interface blocks of the application or method. Check the interface blocks for errors that can cause address exceptions. See the IBM Z NetView Troubleshooting Guide for information on diagnosing abend problems.
216 Not used. None
240 The RODM transaction did not complete normally. An ABEND might have occurred. Check the RODM log for information on the specific error that occurred. After correcting the error, repeat the transaction.
600 An EKG_QueryMultipleSubfields request issued by the correlation function failed for one real object. Ignore this error if the correlation function performed correctly. If the correlation function did not perform correctly, contact IBM® Software Support.
601 An EKG_QueryMultipleSubfields request issued by the correlation function failed for one aggregate object. Ignore this error if the correlation function performed correctly. If the correlation function did not perform correctly, contact IBM Software Support.
602 An EKG_ChangeMultipleFields request issued by the correlation function failed for one aggregate object. Ignore this error if the correlation function performed correctly. If the correlation function did not perform correctly, contact IBM Software Support.
603 An EKG_Locate request issued by the correlation function failed for one real object. Ignore this error if the correlation function performed correctly. If the correlation function did not perform correctly, contact IBM Software Support.
603 An EKG_Locate request issued by the correlation function failed for one real object. Ignore this error if the correlation function performed correctly. If the correlation function did not perform correctly, contact IBM Software Support.
604 An aggregateSystem object was not created by the correlate function because the correlatable value was less than 2 characters in length. Ignore this error if the correlation function performed correctly. If the correlation function did not perform correctly, contact IBM Software Support.
605 An EKG_CreateObject request issued by the correlate function failed for one aggregate object. Ignore this error if the correlation function performed correctly. If the correlation function did not perform correctly, contact IBM Software Support.
606 An EKG_TriggerOIMethod request issued by the correlate function failed to link to a DisplayResourceType for one aggregate object. Ignore this error if the correlation function performed correctly. If the correlation function did not perform correctly, contact IBM Software Support.
45085 Not used. None
45086 An error occurred when the objects in a view changed. Check the RODM log for information on the specific error that occurred. After correcting the error, repeat the transaction.