Using NetView Access Services (NVAS)
NetView® Access Services (NVAS) provides simultaneous access to one or several applications from a single terminal, using one user ID and password. The applications include any of the following:
- System (for example, CICS®)
- Subsystem (for example, TSO/E)
- Application
- Transaction within a system
AON/SNA supports only the relay mode sessions for NetView Access Services (NVAS).
To select NetView Access Services from the SNA Automation: Help Desk panel shown in Figure 76:
- Type your NVAS user ID in the Enter name field.
- Type 3 in the entry field.
- Press Enter.
FKVK1000 SNA Automation: Help Desk **** * ** ** ** ** *** ***** ** ** * ** ** **** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ***** ** ** **** ***** ** ** ** ****** ****** ****** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *** ** ** *** ** ** ** ** ****** ** ** ** ** ** ****** ** **** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** * ** ** ** ** **** **** ***** ***** **** ***** ** ** ** ** Enter name...: OPER1__ Select option: 3 1. Recycle resource 2. Problem Determination 3. NetView Access Services User ID n. NetView Help Desk Command ===> F1=Help F2=Main Menu F3=Return F6=Roll F12=Cancel
AON/SNA displays the SNA Help Desk panel for NetView Access Services shown in Figure 77.
FKVKCHP1 Operator Command Interface: SNA Help Desk CNM01 NetView Access Services: EMS01 USERID= OPER1 GROUP= PROD Enter a Non-blank character next to selection to Cancel. Then press enter. Terminal Address Relay LUs Application LUs ACB Type _ TA1TT170 _ EMS01F01 AON01026 I _ EMS01F03 AON06012 U _ EMS01F01 AON05012 I _ EMS01F02 AON04008 U Command ===> F1=Help F2=Main Menu F3=Return F5=Refresh F6=Roll F7=Backward F8=Forward F12=Cancel
The SNA Help Desk panel for NetView Access Services lists all available applications that are active for your user ID. The SNA Help Desk panel for NetView Access Services can display up to 99 applications for a single NetView Access Services user ID. You can use the F7 and F8 function keys to look at all of the applications.
The SNA Help Desk panel for NetView Access Services displays information about the ID and what LUs the ID is logged on to. From here, you can cancel the NetView Access Services user ID. This action cancels one or more of the applications under the NetView Access Services user ID.
The SNA Help Desk panel for NetView Access Services provides the following information for the user ID:
- Terminal Address
- The address on which the NetView Access Services user ID is logged on. If the address shows as DISCONNECTED, the ID is disconnected. However, AON/SNA might still run applications that you originally logged on to by the user ID.
- Relay LU
- The pseudo terminal name given when an application is selected by the NetView Access Services user ID. If the name shows as NO SESSIONS, the NetView Access Services user ID is logged on and is currently on the selection list.
- Application LU
- The primary logical unit for the application. The naming conventions are important to help identify the application.
- ACB Type
- Explains the type of session the ID is logged on to. The settings
- U
- Unique
- I
- Individual
- S
- Shared
A shared session is a special case because it uses the same relay LU as the other NetView Access Services user ID. To cancel a relay LU that is shared, AON/SNA cancels the terminal address instead. If AON/SNA cancels a shared user ID, the user of that ID can log on to NetView Access Services with that ID and issue the LF command against the application that is stopped.
Canceling a NetView Access Services user ID
To cancel a NetView Access Services user ID and all NetView Access Services applications:
- Type a non-blank character in the entry field next to the terminal address.
- Press Enter.
AON/SNA cancels the NetView Access Services user ID and all the NetView Access Services applications.
To cancel one or more applications running under the NetView Access Services user ID:
- Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Relay LUs column.
- Type a non-blank character in the entry field next to the relay LUs and applications you want to cancel.
- Press Enter.
AON/SNA cancels the applications you selected.
To cancel any other type of ACB session:
- Type a non-blank character in the entry field next to the terminal address.
- Press Enter.
AON/SNA cancels the ACB session you selected.