Updating lookup tables

To make the reports more useful, you can specify data specific to your installation by using the lookup tables.

About this task

Lookup tables contain user-defined data that describes your operating environment. You can specify:
  • Resource groups
  • User groups
  • Workload types
  • Project groups
  • Thresholds
  • Code conversions

First, you must decide how you want data grouped. You do this by developing a performance and service-level strategy. See the System Performance Feature Guide for information.

After developing your strategy, you can modify the lookup tables for each component to implement your strategy. Update the lookup tables and provide user-defined data to organize the system data collected from SMF and other logs. IBM Z Decision Support uses this data when collecting data into tables and when creating reports.

The Customization chapter for each component provides details on which lookup tables you must edit and the information you must supply.

Using the administration dialog, edit the lookup tables using the ISPF editor by performing these steps:
Note: If you are editing a lookup table directly from the online installation procedure, go to Step 4.
  1. From the Administration window, select 4 (Tables).

    IBM Z Decision Support displays the Tables window (see Figure 1).

    Figure 1. Tables window
      Table   Utilities  Edit  View  Other  Help
                                      Tables         ROW 366 TO 376 OF 413
    Select one or more tables.  Then press Enter to Open table definition.
    /   Tables              Prefix    Type
    _   PERIOD_PLAN         DRLSYS    TABLE
    _   RACF_COMMAND_T      DRL       TABLE
    _   RACF_EVENT_CODE     DRL       TABLE
    _   RACF_LOGON_T        DRL       TABLE
    _   RACF_RES_OWNER      DRL       TABLE
    _   RACF_RESOURCE_T     DRL       TABLE
    /   RACF_USER_OWNER     DRL       TABLE
    _   SAMPLE_H            DRL       TABLE
    _   SAMPLE_M            DRL       TABLE
    _   SAMPLE_USER         DRL       TABLE
    _   SCHEDULE            DRLSYS    TABLE
    _   SPECIAL_DAY         DRLSYS    TABLE
    Command ===> ______________________________________________________________
     F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F5=Updates   F6=PurCond   F7=Bkwd
     F8=Fwd       F9=Swap     F10=Actions  F11=Display  F12=Cancel
  2. Select the table you want to edit, but do not press Enter.
  3. From the Edit pull-down, select 3 (ISPF editor) and press Enter.

    IBM Z Decision Support copies the table rows to a sequential file and accesses the ISPF editor. An ISPF EDIT window is displayed.

    Figure 2. Editing a lookup table
    EDIT ---- XLLOYDA.DRLTAB ------------------------------------- COLUMNS 001 072
    ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ******************************
    ====== SYST|CLASS   |PROFILE_NAME                                |G|RESPONSI|SE
    ====== EM_I|        |                                            |E|BLE_USER|EL
    ====== D   |        |                                            |N|        |
    ======     |        |                                            |E|        |
    ======     |        |                                            |R|        |
    ======     |        |                                            |I|        |
    ======     |        |                                            |C|        |
    ====== ------------------------------------------------------------------------
           ! Use Tab Key to position to the next column. The decimal separator is!
           ! a period.                                                           !
    ****** **************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ****************************
    COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> 0020
     F1=HELP      F2=SPLIT     F3=END       F4=RETURN    F5=RFIND     F6=RCHANGE
     F7=UP        F8=DOWN      F9=SWAP     F10=LEFT     F11=RIGHT    F12=RETRIEVE
  4. Edit the data in the lookup table.

    The first part of the window shows column labels. You cannot change the column labels.

    Type in values in the data area below the column labels to add site-specific information.

  5. Press F3 (End) when you finish editing the table.

    The rows are inserted into the Db2 table and you return to the Tables window.

  6. Select another lookup table to edit, or press F3 (Exit).

    If you select F3, you return to the Administration window.

Note: You must use the Query Management Facility (QMF) to edit tables wider than 255 characters. For detailed instructions on using the QMF table editor, refer to the Db2 Query Management Facility Using Db2 QMF.

As the needs of your organization change, so will your service-level strategy. Update the lookup tables periodically to reflect these changes.