Preparing for installing IBM XL Fortran for Linux, V15.1.4

To prepare for installing IBM® XL Fortran for Linux, V15.1.4, do the following tasks:
  • Consult the product README files for any last-minute updates.
  • Familiarize yourself with the installation image, which contains the installable compiler packages.
  • Ensure that system prerequisites are met and that all required software packages are installed.
  • Become either the root user or a user with administrator privileges.

Upgrading the evaluation copy of the XL Fortran compiler

On SLES, RHEL, and CentOS

If you are using the evaluation copy of the XL Fortran compiler on SLES, RHEL, or CentOS, use one of the following options to upgrade it to a full product version:
  • Use install to install the full product version of the XL Fortran compiler as described in Basic installation.
  • Alternatively, upgrade your evaluation copy as follows::
    1. Install the license packages using the following command:
      rpm -Uvh xlf-license.15.1.4-*.ppc64le.rpm 
    2. Run the xlf_configure utility to accept the license if it is not accepted, and reconfigure the compiler.

On Ubuntu

If you are using the evaluation copy of the XL Fortran compiler on Ubuntu, use one of the following options to upgrade it to a full product version:
  • Use install to install the full product version of the XL Fortran compiler as described in Basic installation.
  • Alternatively, upgrade your evaluation copy as follows:
    1. Install the license packages using the following command:
      dpkg -iG xlf-license.15.1.4_*_ppc64el.deb 
    2. Run the xlf_configure utility to accept the license if it is not accepted, and reconfigure the compiler.

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