Reserved TCP/IP ports for XSLD

XSLD servers have reserved TCP/IP port numbers. Use the following table to refer to the port numbers reserved by XSLD servers. You can change the reserved port numbers for XSLD administrative and database servers.

Table 1. XSLD reserved ports. For an XSLD administrative or database server, examine the table to find the reserved HTTP, HTTPs, or other TCP port numbers.
Server HTTP HTTPs ports Other TCP ports
restAdminServer 9082 9445  
restDataServer 9081 9444  
restUIServer   9443  
XS server and reserved ports (JMX)     1099-1178 (Reserved Ports)
XS server and reserved ports (XIO)     4809-4848 (Reserved Ports)
XS server and reserved ports (Peer)     6601-6680 (Reserved Ports)
Database ports     1527
Database Failover/shipping logs reserved ports     4851, 30000-88000 (reserved by the Derby database)

Steps to change port numbers

  • [Version and later]Starting in V8.6.1.2, you change ports with a JSON file.
    1. Create a JSON file that sets new port numbers. The following example JSON file sets many ports:
         "dataHttpPorts":[9081, 9444],
         "dataJmsPorts":[7277, 7287],
         "adminHttpPorts":[9082, 9445],
         "adminJmsPorts":[7276, 7286],
         "jmxPortRange":[1099, 1178],
         "xioPortRange":[4809, 4848],
         "peerPortRange":[6601, 6680]
      • uiHttpsPort sets the administrative console server HTTPS port (optional).
      • dataHttpPorts sets the data server HTTP and HTTPS ports (optional).
      • dataJmsPorts sets the data server wasJmsPort and wasJmsSSLPort (optional).
      • adminHttpPorts sets the administrative server HTTP and HTTPS ports (optional).
      • adminJmsPorts sets the administrative server wasJmsPort and wasJmsSSLPort (optional).
      • jmxPortRange sets the range of JMS ports (optional).
      • xioPortRange sets the range of XIO ports (optional).
      • peerPortRange sets the range of peer server ports (optional).
    2. From a command line at the XSLD_install_root/wxs directory, run commands that stop servers, change the ports, and then start servers. Run the same commands to make the same port changes for all members in the cache member group.
      1. Run the stopXSLD command to stop XSLD servers.
      2. Ensure all servers are stopped.
      3. Run the updateXSLDPorts command with the JSON file name to change the ports.
        ./ JSON_file_name
        updateXSLDPorts.bat JSON_file_name
      4. Run the startXSLD command to start XSLD servers.

      For more information about running commands in XSLD, see Restarting XSLD servers.

  • For V8.6.1.1, you change ports in a server.xml file.
    1. Go to an administrative or database server directory on the computer. For example, go to a subdirectory of XSLD_install_root/wlp/usr/servers/restDataServer for a database server directory.
    2. Open the server.xml file in an editor.
    3. In the httpEndpoint element, set httpPort and httpsPort to the port numbers on which you want the server to run.
    4. Save the changes and close the editor.
    5. Make the same port changes for all other members in the current cache member group.
    6. At a command line at the XSLD_install_root/wxs directory, run commands that stop and then start XSLD servers. You must stop and then start servers for all members in the cache member group.
      1. Stop servers.
      2. Start servers.