Federating stand-alone server profiles to a deployment manager

Learn how to use the addNode command to federate a stand-alone server profile into a deployment manager cell. After federation, a node agent process is created. Both this node agent and the server process are managed by the deployment manager. If you federate a stand-alone server profile and include all of its applications, the act of federation installs the applications on the deployment manager. A stand-alone server profile can be federated only if there are no other federated profiles.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
  • You have installed WSRR and created a WSRR deployment manager, or augmented an existing deployment manager to include WSRR (you can only federate a WSRR stand-alone profile into the cell of a WSRR deployment manager).
  • The stand-alone server profile is a WSRR profile.
  • The stand-alone server uses a database driver that supports remote access, such as DB2® or Oracle.
  • The deployment manager is running. If it is not, start it either by selecting Start the deployment manager from its First steps console or by entering the following command, where profile_root represents the installation location of the deployment manager profile:
    • profile_root/bin/startManager
    • For Linux operating systemFor Unix operating system profile_root/bin/startManager.sh
    • For Windows operating system profile_root\bin\startManager.bat
  • The stand-alone server is not running. If it is, stop it either by selecting Stop the server from its First steps console or by entering the following command, where profile_root represents the installation location of the stand-alone server profile:
    • profile_root/bin/stopServer
    • For Linux operating systemFor Unix operating system profile_root/bin/stopServer.sh
    • For Windows operating system profile_root\bin\stopServer.bat
  • The deployment manager is at the same release level or higher than the profile you created or augmented.
  • The deployment manager has a JMX administrative port enabled. The default protocol is SOAP.

If you federate a stand-alone server profile when the deployment manager is not running or is not available for other reasons, profile federation fails and the resulting profile is unusable. You must then move this stand-alone server profile directory out of the profile repository before creating another profile with the same profile name.

About this task

Perform this task when you have an existing stand-alone server profile and you need to add the capabilities that network deployment offers to that server (central management or clustering). This function provides a growth path for an existing stand-alone server profile.

Perform this task once for each cell and only for the first profile federated to the cell. Do not perform this task if the cell already has federated nodes. If you do not have an existing stand-alone server profile, create the environment using custom profiles. See Creating profiles for information about creating custom profiles.


  1. Go to the bin directory of the stand-alone server profile you want to federate. Open a command window and go to one of the following directories, depending on platform, where profile_root represents the installation location of the stand-alone server profile:
    • profile_root/bin/
    • For Linux operating systemFor Unix operating system profile_root/bin
    • For Windows operating system profile_root\bin
  2. Issue the addNode command.
    If security is not enabled issue one of following commands . The port parameter is optional and can be omitted if you used the default port numbers when creating the deployment manager profile:
    • addNode deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_SOAP_port -includeapps -includebuses
    • For Linux operating systemFor Unix operating system ./addNode.sh deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_SOAP_port -includeapps -includebuses
    • For Windows operating system addNode.bat deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_SOAP_port -includeapps -includebuses
    If security is enabled issue one of the following commands :
    • addNode deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_SOAP_port -username userID_for_authentication -password password_for_authentication -localusername localuserID_for_authentication -localpassword localpassword_for_authentication -includeapps -includebuses
    • For Linux operating systemFor Unix operating system ./addNode.sh deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_SOAP_port -username userID_for_authentication -password password_for_authentication -localusername localuserID_for_authentication -localpassword localpassword_for_authentication -includeapps -includebuses
    • For Windows operating system addNode.bat deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_SOAP_port -username userID_for_authentication -password password_for_authentication -localusername localuserID_for_authentication -localpassword localpassword_for_authentication -includeapps -includebuses
    If your stand-alone server was successfully federated a message is displayed. For example:
    ADMU0003I: Node DMNDID2Node02 has been successfully federated.


The stand-alone server profile is federated into the deployment manager. For more information about the addNode command and its parameters, see the topic Using wsadmin scripting to run the addNode command in the WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment Information Center.