Script for configuring usage metering on WebSphere Application Server

The example script registers a WebSphere Application Server server with the usage metering service by using the configuretWasUsageMetering wsadmin script. You can copy the example script, try it on your development environment, and make changes as needed.

For instructions on using this script, see Running the example configuretWasUsageMetering wsadmin script to register your application server with WebSphere Automation.

In the following example script, the use of "less than" symbols (<) and "greater than" symbols (>) around text indicates variables.

# - configure tWAS server with usage metering feature  
#  This script configures a traditional WebSphere Application Server with the usage 
#  metering service using the scripting client wsadmin.  This script creates a keystore, 
#  retrieves signer from api-usagemetering-host and store it to keystore. It also creates 
# file including all required properties (input) and copy 
#  them to the given node and server. If node and server names are not given, it will copy 
#  keystore and to all servers. The script also synchronizes
#  the changes to the active nodes and start servers.  We assume an environment in which
#  the scripting client is connected to the Network Deployment manager, but this script 
#  could be used in a base install.
#  This script contains the following required and optional parameters:  
#    Required parameters:
#      url    - url for accessing cpd route in "https://<cpd-route>/websphereauto/meteringapi" format 
#      apiKey - API key for authentication token
#      sslRef - SSL name of server SSL configuration
#         or 
#      trustStorePassword - trustStore password to create a new truststore
#    If the environment is in WebSphere Application Server 9.0.x and 
#       has the open shift CLI client command tool installed and connected to Open shift 
#       container (oc login), the script can obtain url and apiKey automatically.  User only needs to specify 
#       the "namespace" parameter such as namespace=wasautomation and other required 
#       (sslRef or trustStorePassword) and optional parameters. If namespace is not specified, default WebSphere
#       Automation namespace will be used.
#      namespace - namespace where WebSphere Automation instance is installed on OpenShift container.  
#                           namespace is needed only when url and apiKey are not specified and the environment 
#                           has installed open shift CLI client tool and connected to OpenShift container.                            
#    Optional parameters: 
#      trustStoreName     - truststore name, e.g. meteringTrustStore, if not specified, use default keystore name
#      certAlias          - certificate alias, a unique name to identify a certificate, if not specified, use default certificate alias
#      nodeName           - node name where to register the usage metering service, if not specified, it will configure to all nodes
#      serverName         - server name where to register the usage metering service, if not specified, it will configure to all servers 
#      clusterName        - clusterName where to register the usage metering service
#      startServers       - start all servers or a given server, e.g. startServers=true. By default, it will not start all servers or a given server 
#      cellScope          - apply to all nodes/servers under the cell scope, e.g. cellScope=true. 
#      note - url and apiKey can be obtained from open shift CLI commands or WebSphere Automation console
#  The script syntax: parameters can be passed in random order in paramName=paramValue
#   wsadmin -lang jython -f url=<url> apiKey=<api_key> sslRef=<ssl_name> 
#        or
#   wsadmin -lang jython -f url=<url> apiKey=<api_key> trustStorePassword=<trustStore_password>
#        or
#   wsadmin -lang jython -f namespace=<namespace> sslRef=<ssl_name>
#  The syntax including optional parameters something like:  
#    wsadmin -lang jython -f url=<url> apiKey=<api_key> sslRef=<ssl_name> certAlias=<certificate_alias>
#                                                          nodeName=<node_name> serverName=<server_name> startServer=false
#    wsadmin -lang jython -f url=<url> apiKey=<api_key> trustStorePassword=<trustStore_password> trustStoreName=<trustStore_name> 
#                                                          certAlias=<certificate_alis> nodeName=<node_name> serverName=<server_name>
#    wsadmin -lang jython -f url=<url> apiKey=<api_key> trustStorePassword=<trustStore_password> trustStoreName=<trustStore_name> 
#                                                          certAlias=<certificate_alis> clusterName=<cluster_name>
#    wsadmin -lang jython -f url=<url> apiKey=<api_key> trustStorePassword=<trustStore_password> trustStoreName=<trustStore_name> 
#                                                          cellScope=true

import os
import os.path
import sys
import shutil

## Retrieve scripting objects from local name space
   AdminConfig = sys._getframe(1).f_locals['AdminConfig']
   AdminControl = sys._getframe(1).f_locals['AdminControl']
   AdminTask = sys._getframe(1).f_locals['AdminTask']

## Configure WebSphere Application Server with the usage metering feature
def configuretWasUsageMetering(url, apiKey, sslRef, trustStoreName, trustStorePassword, certAlias, nodeName, serverName, clusterName, startServers, namespace, cellScope):

   # check required parameters 
   if len(url) == 0:
       url = getURL(namespace)
       if len(url) == 0:
          print "Error -- required parameter `url` is missing. Please specify url=<url>"
   if len(apiKey) == 0: 
       apiKey = getApiKey(namespace)
       if len(apiKey) == 0:
          print "Error -- required parameter `apiKey` is missing. Please specify apiKey=<apiKey>"
   if len(sslRef) == 0 and len(trustStorePassword) == 0:
       print "Error -- required parameter `sslRef` or `trustStorePassword` is missing. Please specify either one."
   if len(sslRef) != 0 and len(trustStorePassword) != 0:
       print "Error -- both `sslRef` and `trustStorePassword` are specified.  Only one is required." 
   # get host and port info from url
   r = url.split("https://")
   r1 = r[1]
   # url=https://<cpd-route>:443
   if r1.find(":") == -1:
      host = r1
      port = "443"
      hostport = r1.split(":")
      host = hostport[0] 
      port = hostport[1]
   # url=hthttps://<cpd-route>/websphereauto/meteringapi
   if host.find("/") != -1:
      h = host.split("/")
      host = h[0] 
   # create keystore if trustStorePassword is specified
   if len(trustStorePassword) > 0:
       if len(trustStoreName) == 0:
           # use default keystore if trustStoreName is not specified or does not exist
           trustStoreName = "meteringTrustStore"
       trustStoreLocation = trustStoreName + ".p12"
       # delete existing keystore
       ks = AdminConfig.getid('/KeyStore:'+trustStoreName+'/')
       if len(ks) > 0:
           AdminTask.deleteKeyStore(['-keyStoreName', trustStoreName, '-removeKeyStoreFile', 'true' ])
           #delete keystore file to clean up
       # create keystore
       print "Creating keystore " + trustStoreName + " ..." 
       ks = AdminTask.createKeyStore(['-keyStoreName', trustStoreName, '-keyStoreType PKCS12', '-keyStoreLocation', trustStoreLocation, '-keyStorePassword', trustStorePassword, '-keyStorePasswordVerify', trustStorePassword, '-keyStoreDescription', 'Usage metering truststore file'])    
       print "Keystore was created: " + ks
   # Retrieve trustStore info from sslRef
   tsLocation = ""
   if len(sslRef) > 0:
       ssl = AdminTask.getSSLConfig(['-alias', sslRef ])
       # get trustStore config object from ssl
       trustStoreStart = ssl.find("[trustStore")
       trustStoreEnd = ssl.find("] [trustManager")
       trustStore = ssl[trustStoreStart+12:trustStoreEnd]
       # get truststore name, scope and location
       trustStoreName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(trustStore, "name")
       tsManagementScope = AdminConfig.showAttribute(trustStore, "managementScope")
       tsScope = AdminConfig.showAttribute(tsManagementScope, "scopeName")
       tsLocation = AdminConfig.showAttribute(trustStore, "location")
       print "Truststore was retrieved from sslRef: " + trustStore

   # retrieve signer from host and port
   if len(certAlias) == 0:
       # use default certificate alias if it is not specified 
       certAlias = "meteringalias"
       print "Using default certificate alias: " + certAlias
   # delete certificate if it exists in keystore
   certs = AdminTask.listSignerCertificates(['-keyStoreName', trustStoreName ] )
   certs = _splitlines(certs)
   for cert in certs:
       start = cert.find("alias")
       end = cert.find("] [version")
       alias = cert[start+6:end]
       if alias == certAlias.lower():
           print "Deleting existing certificate: " + alias
           AdminTask.deleteSignerCertificate(['-keyStoreName', trustStoreName, '-certificateAlias', alias ])
   # retrieve new certificate from api-usagemetering-host and port
   print "Retrieving signer from port ..."
   if len(sslRef) > 0:        
       AdminTask.retrieveSignerFromPort(['-keyStoreName', trustStoreName, '-host', host, '-port', port, '-keyStoreScope', tsScope, '-certificateAlias', certAlias ])
   # store certificate to truststore created from createKeyStore command
   if len(trustStorePassword) > 0:
       AdminTask.retrieveSignerFromPort(['-keyStoreName', trustStoreName, '-host', host, '-port', port, '-certificateAlias', certAlias])
   print "Signer was retrieved from host: " + host + ", port: " + port + " and store to keystore: " + trustStoreName

   # create file
   print "Creating file with all specified properties ..."
   propFileName = ""
   createPropFile(propFileName, url, apiKey, sslRef, trustStoreName, trustStorePassword)
   # copy and keystore files to given node and server. 
   # If no node name and server name given, copy them to all servers
   # sync changes to node/server and start server if it is not started
   # find keystore file from trust store location
   if len(sslRef) > 0 and len(tsLocation) > 0:   
       # replace ${CONFIG_ROOT} with configPath  
       if tsLocation.strip().startswith("${CONFIG_ROOT}/"):
          loc = tsLocation[tsLocation.find("${CONFIG_ROOT}")+14:len(tsLocation)]
          userInstallRoot = java.lang.System.getProperty("user.install.root")
          tsLocation = userInstallRoot + os.sep + "config" + loc 

       # find truststore file 
       keystoreFile = tsLocation[tsLocation.rfind("/")+1:len(tsLocation)] 
       keystoreFile = trustStoreName + ".p12"
   # copy and keystore file to cell config
   if len(cellScope) > 0:
       # copy files to cell config
       createDocumentsToCellConfig(propFileName, keystoreFile, tsLocation)
       # copy files to all servers
       createDocumentsToAllServers(propFileName, keystoreFile, tsLocation)
   # copy and keystore file to a given node and server
   if AdminConfig.getid("/Node:" + nodeName + "/Server:" + serverName + "/") == "":
       print "Error: server " + serverName + " does not exist on node " + nodeName + ". Unable to create documents."
       if len(nodeName) > 0 and len(serverName) > 0:
           # copy files to given node and server
           print "Copying keystore " + keystoreFile + " and to the node " + nodeName + " and server " + serverName + " ..."
           createDocumentsToGivenNodeServer(propFileName, keystoreFile, nodeName, serverName, tsLocation)
           if whatEnv() == 'base':
               print "No sync on WebSphere Base Server!"
               # sync changes to active node 
               print "Syncing config changes to node " + nodeName + " ..."
               nodeagent = AdminControl.queryNames("type=NodeAgent,node="+nodeName+",*")
               if (len(nodeagent) == 0):      
                   print "WARNING: was unable to sync node. The node agent is not running!"
                   result = syncActiveNodes()
                   print "Sync nodes were done!"
               # start server if it is not started
   # copy and keystore file to all servers on a given node
   if len(nodeName) > 0 and len(serverName) == 0:
      if AdminConfig.getid("/Node:" + nodeName + "/") == "":
          print "Error: node " + nodeName + " does not exist. Unable to create documents."
          # copy files to all servers of a given node
          print "Copying keystore " + keystoreFile + " and to all servers under the node " + nodeName + " ..."
          createDocumentsToAllServerOfGivenNode(propFileName, keystoreFile, nodeName, tsLocation)
          if whatEnv() == 'base':
              print "No sync on WebSphere Base Server!"
              # sync changes to active node
              print "Syncing config changes to node " + nodeName + " ..."
              nodeagent = AdminControl.queryNames("type=NodeAgent,node="+nodeName+",*")
              if (len(nodeagent) == 0):      
                  print "WARNING: was unable to sync node. The node agent is not running!"
                  result = syncActiveNodes()
                  print "Sync node was done!"
              # start all servers on a given node 
              if len(startServers) > 0  and startServers == "true":
                  startServer(nodeName, "")
                  # do not start servers by default

   # copy and keystore file to all servers
   if len(nodeName) == 0 and len(serverName) == 0 and len(clusterName) == 0: 
      # copy files to all servers of all nodes
      print "Copying keystore " + keystoreFile + " and to all servers ..."
      createDocumentsToAllServers(propFileName, keystoreFile, tsLocation)
      # sync changes to all nodes 
      if whatEnv() == 'base':
          print "No sync on WebSphere Base Server!"
          print "Syncing config changes to all nodes ..."
          result = syncActiveNodes()
          if len(result) > 0:
              print "Sync nodes were done!"
              print "WARNING: was unable to sync node. Node agents are not running!" 
          # start all servers 
          if len(startServers) > 0  and startServers == "true":
              # do not start servers by default

   # copy and keystore file to servers by the given server name of all nodes
   if len(nodeName) == 0 and len(serverName) > 0: 
       # copy files to all servers of all nodes
       print "Copying keystore " + keystoreFile + " and to server name " + serverName + " ..."
       nodenames = getNodeNamesFromGivenServer(serverName)
       if len(nodenames) == 0:
           print "Error: server " + serverName + " does not exist. Unable to create documents."
           for nodeName in nodenames:
               createDocumentsToGivenNodeServer(propFileName, keystoreFile, nodeName, serverName, tsLocation)
               if whatEnv() == 'base':
                   print "On sync on WebSphere Base Server!"
                   # sync changes to all active nodes
                   print "Syncing config changes to node " + nodeName + " ..."
                   nodeagent = AdminControl.queryNames("type=NodeAgent,node="+nodeName+",*")
                   if (len(nodeagent) == 0):      
                       print "WARNING: was unable to sync node. The node agent is not running!"
                       result = syncActiveNodes()
                       print "Sync nodes were done!"
                   # start server
                   if len(startServers) > 0  and startServers == "true":
                       startServer(nodeName, serverName)
                       # do not start server by default
   # copy and keystore file to a given cluster
   if len(clusterName) > 0: 
      if AdminConfig.getid("/ServerCluster:" + clusterName + "/") == "":
          print "Error: cluster: " + clusterName + " does not exist. Unable to create documents to cluster"
          # copy files to cluster
          print "Copying keystore " + keystoreFile + " and to cluster " + clusterName + " ..."
          createDocumentsToCluster(propFileName, keystoreFile, clusterName, tsLocation)
          # sync changes to all cluster members

          # start all cluster members 
          if len(startServers) > 0  and startServers == "true":
              # do not start cluster members by default
# private methods

## Return config id of the Dmgr node
def getDmgrNode():
    node_ids = _splitlines(AdminConfig.list( 'Node' ))
    for node_id in node_ids:
        nodename = getNodeName(node_id)
        if nodeIsDmgr(nodename):
            return node_id
    return None

## Return node name of the Dmgr node
def getDmgrNodeName():
    return getNodeName(getDmgrNode())
## Return node name of the standalone node
def getStandAloneNodeName():
    node_ids = _splitlines(AdminConfig.list('Node'))
    if len(node_ids) == 1:
       for node in node_ids:
           nodename = getNodeName(node)
           return nodename
    return None  
## Return the WebSphere version of the node
def getNodeVersion(nodename):
    version = AdminTask.getNodeBaseProductVersion(  '[-nodeName %s]' %  nodename   )
    return version
## Return true if the node is the deployment manager
def nodeIsDmgr( nodename ):
    return nodeHasServerOfType( nodename, 'DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER' )
## Return true if the node is an unmanaged node.
def nodeIsUnmanaged( nodename ):
    return not nodeHasServerOfType( nodename, 'NODE_AGENT' )

## Check if node has server types 
def nodeHasServerOfType( nodename, servertype ):
    node_id = getNodeId(nodename)
    serverEntries = _splitlines(AdminConfig.list( 'ServerEntry', node_id ))
    for serverEntry in serverEntries:
        sType = AdminConfig.showAttribute( serverEntry, "serverType" )
        if sType == servertype:
            return 1
    return 0

## Given a node name, get its config ID
def getNodeId( nodename ):
    return AdminConfig.getid( '/Cell:%s/Node:%s/' % ( getCellName(), nodename ) )

## Return the name of the cell
def getCellName():
    cellObjects = getObjectsOfType('Cell')  # should only be one
    cellname = getObjectAttribute(cellObjects[0], 'name')
    return cellname

## Return the config object ID of the cell we're connected to
def getCellId(cellname = None):
    if cellname == None:
        cellname = getCellName()
    return AdminConfig.getid( '/Cell:%s/' % cellname )

## Return the value of the named attribute of the config object with the given ID.  
def getObjectAttribute(objectid, attributename):
    result = AdminConfig.showAttribute(objectid, attributename)
    if result != None and result.startswith("[") and result.endswith("]"):
        # List looks like "[value1 value2 value3]"
        result = _splitlist(result)
    return result
## Return a python list of objectids of all objects of the given type in the given scope  
def getObjectsOfType(typename, scope = None):
    if scope:
        return _splitlines(AdminConfig.list(typename, scope))
        return _splitlines(AdminConfig.list(typename))

## Get the OS of the named node. Some confirmed values: 'linux', 'windows', 'os390', 'solaris', 'hpux'
def getNodePlatformOS(nodename):
    return AdminTask.getNodePlatformOS('[-nodeName %s]' % nodename)

## Get the name of the node with the given config object ID
def getNodeName(node_id):
    return getObjectAttribute(node_id, 'name')

## Return the absolute path of the given node's profile directory
def getWasProfileRoot(nodename):
    return getNodeVariable(nodename, "USER_INSTALL_ROOT")

## Return the value of a variable for the node -- or None if no such variable or not set
def getNodeVariable(nodename, varname):                                                     
    vmaps = _splitlines(AdminConfig.list('VariableMap', getNodeId(nodename)))
    if 0 < len(vmaps):  # Tolerate nodes with no such maps, for example, IHS nodes.
        map_id = vmaps[-1] # get last one
        entries = AdminConfig.showAttribute(map_id, 'entries')
        # this is a string '[(entry) (entry)]'
        entries = entries[1:-1].split(' ')
        for e in entries:
            name = AdminConfig.showAttribute(e,'symbolicName')
            value = AdminConfig.showAttribute(e,'value')
            if name == varname:
                return value
    return None

## Return list of node names, excluding the dmgr node.
def listNodes():
    node_ids = _splitlines(AdminConfig.list( 'Node' ))
    result = []
    for node_id in node_ids:
        nodename = getNodeName(node_id)
        if not nodeIsDmgr(nodename):
            if nodename not in result:
    return result

## Return list of server names, excluding the node agent 
def listServers(nodeName):
    result = []
    servers = _splitlines(AdminConfig.getid("/Node:"+nodeName+"/Server:/"))
    for server in servers:
        servername = AdminConfig.showAttribute(server,"name")
        if servername != "nodeagent":
            if servername not in result:
    return result 
## create file
def createPropFile(propFileName, url, apiKey, sslRef, trustStoreName, trustStorePassword):
   if os.path.exists(propFileName):
   propsFile= open(propFileName,"w+")
   propsFile.write("## required. Obtain url and apiKey from websphere automation console \n")
   propsFile.write("url=" + url + "\n")
   propsFile.write("apiKey=" + apiKey + "\n")
   propsFile.write("## One of the following is required for SSL\n")
   if len(sslRef) > 0:
       propsFile.write("sslRef=" + sslRef + "\n")
       propsFile.write("# Or the following 3 properties\n")
   if len(trustStorePassword) > 0: 
       propsFile.write("# sslRef=<SSL name of server SSL configuration>\n")
       propsFile.write("# Or the following 3 properties\n")
       propsFile.write("trustStore=" + trustStoreName + ".p12" + "\n")
       propsFile.write("trustStorePassword=" + trustStorePassword + "\n")

   propsFile.write("## proxy only - to use, remove # and define proxy configuration\n")
   propsFile.write("# proxyUrl=<proxyURL>\n")
   propsFile.write("# proxyUser=<proxyUserName>\n")
   propsFile.write("# proxyPassword=<proxyPassword>\n")
   propsFile.write("## optional - to use, remove #\n")
   propsFile.write("# group=<group>\n")
   propsFile.write("# logData=<csv|json|all>\n")   
## create keystore and was-usage-properties files to cell config
def createDocumentsToCellConfig(propFileName, keystoreFile, tsLocation):
    nodename = ""
    if whatEnv() == 'base':
        nodename = getStandAloneNodeName()
        nodename = getDmgrNodeName()
    etcDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(nodename), 'etc')  
    configDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(nodename), 'config')     
    # get node's platform
    platform = getMachinePlatform(nodename)
    version = getNodeVersion(nodename)

    keystoreEtcName = etcDir + os.sep + keystoreFile
    cellConfigDir = configDir+os.sep+"cells"+os.sep+getCellName()+os.sep
    # copy files to dmgr config
    if len(cellScope) == 0 and len(tsLocation) > 0: 
        copyFile(tsLocation, cellConfigDir, platform, version)
        copyFile(keystoreEtcName, cellConfigDir, platform, version)
    copyFile(propFileName, cellConfigDir, platform, version)
    print "keystoreFile " + keystoreFile + " was created on cell config: " + getCellName() + "."
    print " was created on cell config: " + getCellName() + "." 
## create keystore and was-usage-properties files to a given node and server
def createDocumentsToGivenNodeServer(propFileName, keystoreFile, nodeName, serverName, tsLocation):
    if whatEnv() == 'base':
        etcDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(nodeName), 'etc')  
        configDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(nodeName), 'config')  
        # get node's platform
        platform = getMachinePlatform(nodeName)
        version = getNodeVersion(nodeName)
        dmgrNodeName = getDmgrNodeName()
        etcDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(dmgrNodeName), 'etc')  
        configDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(dmgrNodeName), 'config')  
        # get node's platform
        platform = getMachinePlatform(dmgrNodeName)
        version = getNodeVersion(dmgrNodeName)
    keystoreEtcName = etcDir + os.sep + keystoreFile
    serverConfigDir = configDir+os.sep+"cells"+os.sep+getCellName()+os.sep+"nodes"+os.sep+nodeName+os.sep+"servers"+os.sep+serverName+os.sep
    # copy files to dmgr config
    if len(tsLocation) > 0: 
        copyFile(tsLocation, serverConfigDir, platform, version)
        copyFile(keystoreEtcName, serverConfigDir, platform, version)
    print "keystoreFile " + keystoreFile + " was created on node: " + nodeName + " and server: " + serverName + "."
    print " was created on node: " + nodeName + " and server: " + serverName + "." 
## create keystore and was-usage-properties files to all servers of a given node 
def createDocumentsToAllServerOfGivenNode(propFileName, keystoreFile, nodeName, tsLocation):
    if whatEnv() == 'base':
        etcDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(nodeName), 'etc')  
        configDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(nodeName), 'config')
        # get node's platform
        platform = getMachinePlatform(nodeName)
        version = getNodeVersion(nodeName)
        dmgrNodeName = getDmgrNodeName()
        etcDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(dmgrNodeName), 'etc')  
        configDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(dmgrNodeName), 'config')  
        # get node's platform
        platform = getMachinePlatform(dmgrNodeName)
        version = getNodeVersion(dmgrNodeName)

    keystoreEtcName = etcDir + os.sep + keystoreFile
    nodeConfigDir = configDir+os.sep+"cells"+os.sep+getCellName()+os.sep+"nodes"+os.sep+nodeName
    # get server config paths
    serverpaths = getServerPaths(nodeConfigDir)
    for path in serverpaths:
        copyFile(propFileName, path, platform, version)
        if len(tsLocation) > 0: 
           copyFile(tsLocation, path, platform, version)
           copyFile(keystoreEtcName, path, platform, version)
    print "keystoreFile " + keystoreFile + " was created on all servers of node: " + nodeName + "."
    print " was created on all server of node: " + nodeName + "."
## create keystore and was-usage-properties files to all servers
def createDocumentsToAllServers(propFileName, keystoreFile, tsLocation): 
    nodename = ""
    if whatEnv() == 'base':
        nodename = getStandAloneNodeName()
        nodename = getDmgrNodeName()
    etcDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(nodename), 'etc')  
    configDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(nodename), 'config')      
    # get node's platform
    platform = getMachinePlatform(nodename)
    version = getNodeVersion(nodename)

    keystoreEtcName = etcDir + os.sep + keystoreFile
    nodeConfigDir = configDir+os.sep+"cells"+os.sep+getCellName()+os.sep+"nodes"
    # get server config paths
    serverpaths = getServerPaths(nodeConfigDir)
    for path in serverpaths:
        copyFile(propFileName, path, platform, version)
        if len(tsLocation) > 0: 
           copyFile(tsLocation, path, platform, version)
           copyFile(keystoreEtcName, path, platform, version)
    print "keystoreFile " + keystoreFile + " was created on all servers."
    print " was created on all servers."
## create keystore and was-usage-properties files to a given cluster
def createDocumentsToCluster(propFileName, keystoreFile, clusterName, tsLocation):
    dmgrNodename = getDmgrNodeName()
    etcDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(dmgrNodename), 'etc')  
    configDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(dmgrNodename), 'config')  
    keystoreEtcName = etcDir + os.sep + keystoreFile
    clusterConfigDir = configDir+os.sep+"cells"+os.sep+getCellName()+os.sep+"clusters"+os.sep+clusterName+os.sep
    # get node's platform
    platform = getMachinePlatform(dmgrNodename)
    version = getNodeVersion(dmgrNodename)
    # copy files to dmgr config
    copyFile(propFileName, clusterConfigDir, platform, version)
    if len(tsLocation) > 0: 
        copyFile(tsLocation, clusterConfigDir, platform, version)
        copyFile(keystoreEtcName, clusterConfigDir, platform, version)
## Return a list of all server members in the specified cluster
def listServersInCluster(clusterName):
    clusterMembers = []
    if AdminConfig.getid("/ServerCluster:" + clusterName + "/") != "":
        clusterId = AdminConfig.getid("/ServerCluster:" + clusterName + "/")
        clusterMembers = _splitlines(AdminConfig.list("ClusterMember", clusterId ))
    return clusterMembers

## Returns 'nd' if connected to a dmgr, 'base' if connected to an unmanaged server
def whatEnv():
    # Simpler version - should work whether connected or not
    servers = getObjectsOfType('Server')
    for server in servers:
        servertype = getObjectAttribute(server, 'serverType')
        if servertype == 'DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER':
            return 'nd'  # we have a deployment manager
    return 'base'  # no deployment manager, must be base
## Return a list of node names for a given server name
def getNodeNamesFromGivenServer(serverName):
    result = []
    if whatEnv() == 'base':
        node = AdminConfig.list('Node')
        nodeName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(node, 'name')
        nodenames = listNodes()
        for nodeName in nodenames:
            servernames = listServers(nodeName)
            for name in servernames:
                if name == serverName:
    return result

## Sync config to nodes - return 0 on success, non-zero on error
def syncCluster(clusterName): 
    if len(clusterName) > 0:
       clusterMembers = listServersInCluster(clusterName)
       for clusterMember in clusterMembers:
           nodeName = AdminConfig.showAttribute( clusterMember, "nodeName" )
           # sync changes to all active nodes
           print "Syncing config changes to node " + nodeName + " ..."
           nodeagent = AdminControl.queryNames("type=NodeAgent,node="+nodeName+",*")
           if (len(nodeagent) == 0):      
               print "WARNING: was unable to sync node. The node agent is not running!"
               result = syncActiveNodes()
               print "Sync nodes were done!"

## sync active node
def syncActiveNodes():
    repository = AdminControl.queryNames("type=ConfigRepository,process=dmgr,*")
    AdminControl.invoke(repository, "refreshRepositoryEpoch")
    dp = AdminControl.queryNames("type=DeploymentManager,*")
    result = AdminControl.invoke(dp, "syncActiveNodes", "true")
    return result
## sync node
def syncNode(nodeName):
    if whatEnv() == 'base':
       print "No sync on WebSphere Base Server!"

    if len(nodeName) == 0:
        nodenames = listNodes()
        for nodename in nodenames:
        if not nodeIsDmgr( nodeName ) and not nodeIsUnmanaged( nodeName ):
            print "Syncing config changes to node " + nodeName + " ..."
            sync = AdminControl.completeObjectName( "type=NodeSync,node=%s,*" % nodeName )
            if sync != "":
                rc = AdminControl.invoke( sync, 'sync' )
                if rc != 'true':  # failed
                   print "Sync of node " + nodeName + " FAILED"
                   print "Sync was done on node " + nodeName + " !"   
                print "WARNING: was unable to get sync object for node " + nodeName + " . The node agent is not running!" 
                print "Start node and rerun the script!"
## start servers on a given node
def startServer(nodeName, serverName):
    if whatEnv() == 'base':
       print "WebSphere Base Server, server was started already!"

    nodeagent = AdminControl.queryNames("type=NodeAgent,node="+nodeName+",*")
    if (len(nodeagent) == 0):      
        print "WARNING: was unable to start server " + serverName + " on node " + nodeName + ". The node agent is not running!"
        print "Start node and rerun the script!" 
        if len(serverName) == 0:
            servernames = listServers(nodeName)
            for serverName in servernames:
                if (serverName != "nodeagent"):
                    runningServer = AdminControl.queryNames("type=Server,node="+nodeName+",name="+serverName+",*")
                    if len(runningServer) == 0 or AdminControl.getAttribute(runningServer, "state") != "STARTED":
                        print "Starting server " + serverName + " on node " + nodeName + " ..."
                        AdminControl.startServer(serverName, nodeName)
            runningServer = AdminControl.queryNames("type=Server,node="+nodeName+",name="+serverName+",*")
            if len(runningServer) == 0 or AdminControl.getAttribute(runningServer, "state") != "STARTED":
                print "Starting server " + serverName + " on node " + nodeName + " ..."
                AdminControl.startServer(serverName, nodeName)
## start all servers
def startAllServers():
    nodenames = listNodes()
    for nodeName in nodenames:
        servernames = listServers(nodeName)
        for serverName in servernames:
            startServer(nodeName, serverName)
## start all cluster members
def startClusterMembers(clusterName):
    clusterMembers = listServersInCluster(clusterName)
    for clusterMember in clusterMembers:
        nodeName = AdminConfig.showAttribute( clusterMember, "nodeName" )
        serverName = AdminConfig.showAttribute( clusterMember, "memberName" )
        startServer(nodeName, serverName)

##  Get the machine Platform. Return win if the OS is Windows, otherwise return unix         
def getMachinePlatform(nodename):
    platformOS = getNodePlatformOS(nodename)
    if platformOS == "windows":
        platform = "win"
        platform = "unix"
    return platform

# search all server directories
def getServerPaths(configNodedir):
    paths = []
    for file in os.listdir(configNodedir):
        if configNodedir.endswith("nodes"):
           d = os.path.join(configNodedir, file)
           s = os.path.join(d, "servers") 
           for s1 in os.listdir(s):
               # dmgr profile
               if len(os.listdir(s)) == 1 and s1 == "dmgr":
                  path = os.path.join(s, s1)
               # cell or appserver profile
               if s1 != "dmgr" and s1 != "nodeagent":
                  path = os.path.join(s, s1)
        else: # ends with nodename
           if file == "servers":
              ss = os.path.join(configNodedir, file)
              for s1 in os.listdir(ss):
                  if len(os.listdir(ss)) == 1 and s1 == "dmgr":
                     path = os.path.join(ss, s1)

                  if s1 != "dmgr" and s1 != "nodeagent":
                     path = os.path.join(ss, s1)
    return paths  

# obtain url value from openshift container
def getURL(namespace): 

    # get machine platform
    if whatEnv() == 'base':
       nName = getStandAloneNodeName()
       nName = getDmgrNodeName()   
    # get node's platform
    platform = getMachinePlatform(nName)
    # get node's WAS version
    version = getNodeVersion(nName)
    # only support for WAS V9.0
    if version.startswith("9.0"):
       import subprocess
       # check if user is login to open shift container"
       output = ""
          command = "oc whoami"
          # convert command string to arguments list to avoid subprocess os injection
          commandList = stringToList(command)
          # check if user login to open shift container
          output = subprocess.check_output(commandList, shell=False)
          print "Warning: user is not login to open shift container and please login to openshift or specify url parameter."

       # execute oc command to get url
       if len(output) > 0:  
          if len(namespace) == 0:
             # use default WebSphereAutomation namespace
             namespace = "wasautomation"
             print "Using WebSphere Automation default namespace: " + namespace

          # check if namespace exists
          command = "oc get namespace " + namespace
          # convert command string to arguments list to avoid subprocess os injection
          commandList = stringToList(command)
          # error is thrown if namespace does not exist
          output = subprocess.check_output(commandList, shell=False)
          # invoke oc comamnd to get cpd route url
             command = "oc get route cpd -n "+namespace+" -o jsonpath=https://{}/websphereauto/meteringapi"
          except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
             print "Error: oc command failed and unable to obtain url from openshift."
          # convert command string to arguments list to avoid subprocess os injection
          commandList = stringToList(command)
          # obtain url string 
          url = subprocess.check_output(commandList, shell=False)

          if len(url) > 0:
             print "Obtained from open shift:"  
             print "  url: " + url
         print "Unable to obtain url value in WebSphere Application Server v8.5.5"   
    return url
# obtain apiKey value from openshift container
def getApiKey(namespace):
    apiKey = ""

    # get machine platform
    if whatEnv() == 'base':
       nName = getStandAloneNodeName()
       nName = getDmgrNodeName()   
    platform = getMachinePlatform(nName)
    # get node's platform
    platform = getMachinePlatform(nName)
    # get node's WAS version
    version = getNodeVersion(nName)

    # only support for WAS V9.0
    if version.startswith("9.0"):
       import subprocess

       # check if user is login to open shift"
       output = ""
          command = "oc whoami"
          # convert command string to arguments list to avoid subprocess os injection
          commandList = stringToList(command)
          output = subprocess.check_output(commandList, shell=False)
          print "Warning: user is not login to open shift container and please login to openshift or specify apiKey parameter."
       if len(output) > 0: 
          if len(namespace) == 0:
             # use default WebSphereAutomation namespace
             namespace = "wasautomation"
             print "Using WebSphere Automation default namespace: " + namespace

          command = "oc get namespace " + namespace
          # convert command string to arguments list to avoid subprocess os injection
          commandList = stringToList(command)
          # error is thrown if namespace does not exist
          output = subprocess.check_output(commandList, shell=False)

          if platform == "win":
             # invoke oc command to get apiKey
                # oc command to obtain instance_name
                command = "oc get WebSphereSecure -n "+namespace+" -o jsonpath={.items[?(@.kind=='WebSphereSecure')]}"
                # convert command string to arguments list
                commandList = stringToList(command)
                # obtain WebSphereSecure instance_name  
                instance_name = subprocess.check_output(commandList, shell=False) 
                # oc command to obtain secret
                command = "oc -n "+namespace+" get secret "+instance_name+"-metering-apis-encrypted-tokens -o jsonpath={.data."+instance_name+"-metering-apis-sa}"
                # convert command string to arguments list to avoid subprocess os injection
                commandList = stringToList(command)
                # get encoded apiKey
                output = subprocess.check_output(commandList, shell=False)
                # get decoded apiKey
                apiKey = output.decode('base64', 'strict')
             except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
                print "oc command failed and unable to obtain apiKey from openshift."
          # unix environment
             # invoke oc command to get apiKey
                # oc command to obtain instance_name
                command = "oc get WebSphereSecure -n "+namespace+" -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.kind==\"WebSphereSecure\")]}'"
                # convert command string to arguments list to avoid subprocess os injection
                commandList = stringToList(command)
                # obtain WebSphereSecure instance_name 
                instance_name = subprocess.check_output(commandList, shell=False) 
                # trim head/end quotes
                if instance_name.startswith("'") and instance_name.endswith("'"):
                   instance_name = instance_name[1:len(instance_name)-1]
                # oc command to obtain secret
                command = "oc -n "+namespace+" get secret "+instance_name+"-metering-apis-encrypted-tokens -o jsonpath='{.data."+instance_name+"-metering-apis-sa}'"
                # convert command string to arguments list to avoid subprocess os injection
                commandList = stringToList(command)
                # get encoded apiKey
                output = subprocess.check_output(commandList, shell=False)
                # get decoded apiKey
                apiKey = output.decode('base64', 'strict')

             except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
                print "oc command failed and unable to obtain apiKey from openshift."
          if len(apiKey) > 0:
             print "  apiKey: " + apiKey
        print "Unable to obtain apiKey value in WebSphere Application Server v8.5.5"   
    return apiKey   
# delete existing keystore file
def delKeyStoreFile(fileName):
    if whatEnv() == 'base':
        nodeName = getStandAloneNodeName()
        etcDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(nodeName), 'etc')  
        dmgrNodeName = getDmgrNodeName()
        etcDir = os.path.join(getWasProfileRoot(dmgrNodeName), 'etc')  
    keystoreEtcName = etcDir + os.sep + fileName

    if os.path.exists(keystoreEtcName):

# copy file from src to target     
def copyFile(fileName, targetDir, platform, version):
    file =
    srcPath = file.getAbsolutePath()
    target =
    if (target.exists() == 0):
       dir =
       dir = targetDir
    # in case paths have space on
    if platform == "unix": 
       srcPath = "\"" + srcPath + "\""
       targetDir = "\"" + targetDir + "\""
    if platform == "win":
       srcPath = srcPath.replace("\\", "/")
       targetDir = targetDir.replace("\\", "/")
       shutil.copy2(srcPath, targetDir)
       command = "cp " + srcPath + " " + targetDir

## Split a line
def _splitlines(s):
    rv = [s]
    if '\r' in s:
       rv = s.split('\r\n')
    elif '\n' in s:
       rv = s.split('\n')
    if rv[-1] == '':
       rv = rv[:-1]
    return rv
## Given a string of the form [item item item], return a list of strings, one per item.
def _splitlist(s):
    if s[0] != '[' or s[-1] != ']':
       raise "Invalid string: %s" % s
    return s[1:-1].split(' ')

## Convert a string to a list
def stringToList(s):
    listRes = list(s.split(" "))
    return listRes

# Main

if (len(sys.argv) == 0):
    print "configuretWasUsageMetering: this script requires parameters: url, apiKey, sslRef or trustStorePassword and optional parameters: trustStoreName, certAlias, nodeName, serverName, clusterName, startServers, cellScope or "
    print "requires parameters: sslRef or trustStorePassword, namespace (used to obtain url and apiKey from openshift) and optional parameters: trustStoreName, certAlias, nodeName, serverName, clusterName, startServers, cellScope" 
    print "e.g.: wsadmin -lang jython -f configuretWasUsageMetering url= apikey=abcd sslRef=mySSL" 
    print "e.g.: wsadmin -lang jython -f configuretWasUsageMetering url= apikey=abcd trustStorePassword=password"
    print "e.g.: wsadmin -lang jython -f configuretWasUsageMetering namespace=wasautomation sslRef=mySSL" 
    print "e.g.: wsadmin -lang jython -f configuretWasUsageMetering url= apikey=abcd trustStorePassword=password trustStoreName=meteringTrustStore certAlias=meteringAlias cellScope=true"
    url = ""
    apiKey = ""
    sslRef = ""
    trustStoreName = ""
    trustStorePassword = ""
    certAlias = ""
    nodeName = ""
    serverName = ""
    clusterName = ""
    startServers = ""
    namespace = ""
    cellScope = ""

    # Get full command-line arguments
    args = sys.argv
    argslist = args[0:]
    for arg in argslist:
        if arg.find("=") != -1:
            argName = arg.split("=")[0].strip()
            argValue = arg.split("=")[1].strip()
            if argName.lower() == "url":
                url = argValue
            if argName.lower() == "apikey":
                apiKey = argValue
            if argName.lower() == "sslref":
                sslRef = argValue
            if argName.lower() == "truststorepassword":
                trustStorePassword = argValue
            if argName.lower() == "truststorename":
                trustStoreName = argValue
            if argName.lower() == "certalias":
                certAlias = argValue
            if argName.lower() == "nodename":        
                nodeName = argValue
            if argName.lower() == "servername":
                serverName = argValue
            if argName.lower() == "clustername":
                clusterName = argValue 
            if argName.lower() == "startservers":
                startServers = argValue   
            if argName.lower() == "namespace":
                namespace = argValue
            if argName.lower() == "cellscope":
                cellScope = argValue
    print "Input arguments:"   
    if len(url) > 0:
        print "  url: " + url
    if len(apiKey) > 0:
        print "  apiKey: " + "********"
    if len(sslRef) > 0:
        print "  sslRef: " + sslRef
    if len(trustStoreName) > 0:
        print "  trustStoreName: " + trustStoreName
    if len(trustStorePassword) > 0:    
        print "  trustStorePassword: " + "********"
    if len(certAlias) > 0:    
        print "  certAlias: " + certAlias
    if len(nodeName) > 0:
        print "  nodeName: " + nodeName
    if len(serverName) > 0:   
        print "  serverName: " + serverName
    if len(clusterName) > 0:
        print "  clusterName: " + clusterName  
    if len(startServers) > 0:
        print "  startServers: " + startServers  
    if len(namespace) > 0:
        print "  namespace: " + namespace
    if len(cellScope) > 0: 
        print "  cellScope: " + cellScope
    configuretWasUsageMetering(url, apiKey, sslRef, trustStoreName, trustStorePassword, certAlias, nodeName, serverName, clusterName, startServers, namespace, cellScope)