Setting up credentials for Fix Central

To have WebSphere Automation fetch and install security fixes, you must configure WebSphere Automation with credentials to access IBM Fix Central.

Before you begin

You must have namespace administrator privileges on the cluster where WebSphere Automation is installed.

Setting up credentials

  1. Log in to the cluster where WebSphere Automation is installed by using an account with namespace administrator privileges.
  2. Ensure that you are in the namespace where WebSphere Automation instance is installed.
  3. You can use a single command or edit and apply the fixcentral-secret.yaml file.
    • To use the single command, run the following command.
      oc create secret generic wsa-secure-fixcentral-creds \
         --from-literal=user=<FIX_CENTRAL_USERNAME> \
    • To use the fixcentral-secret.yaml file, edit the file with the username and password for the IBM Fix Central account. The password and user data must be base64-encoded.
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: wsa-secure-fixcentral-creds
      type: Opaque
        password: <FIX_CENTRAL_PASSWORD>
        user: <FIX_CENTRAL_USERNAME>

      Run the command that applies your IBM Fix Central credentials to WebSphere Automation.

      oc apply -f fixcentral-secret.yaml

Changing credentials

  1. Ensure that there are no running or in progress installations.
  2. To update the username and password, do one of the following steps.
    • Run the oc delete command,
      oc delete secret wsa-secure-fixcentral-creds
      Then run the oc create secret ... command again.

      In the name, wsa-secure refers to the WebSphereSecure CR name.

    • Update the password in fixcentral-secret.yaml and run the oc apply command:
      oc apply -f fixcentral-secret.yaml

      The user and password in the yaml file must be base64 encoded. The base64 encoded value can be obtained by the following commands.

      echo -n <user> | base64
      echo -n <password> | base64

After the secret is updated, the fix manager pods and installation manager pods are restarted.