Updating WebSphere Automation

You can update WebSphere Automation. Instructions are provided for both network-connected installations and installations in air gap environments.

Before you begin

If your WebSphere Automation installation is version 1.7.0 or later, follow these instructions.

If your WebSphere Automation installation is version 1.6.4, you can update version 1.6.4 to 1.7.0.

If your WebSphere Automation installation is lower than version 1.6.4, you must instead update it to version 1.6.4, then update version 1.6.4 to 1.7.0, then follow these instructions to update to version 1.7.2.

Updating a network-connected installation

To update a network-connected installation, follow these instructions.
  1. Update the update channel for the WebSphere Automation operator to v1.7. For more information, see Changing the update channel for an operator in the Red Hat® OpenShift® documentation.

    For patch updates, if the operator was configured with the Automatic update approval strategy, no action is needed. The WebSphere Automation operator automatically upgrades your installation.

    If the operator was configured with the Manual update strategy, follow the instructions for Manually approving a pending operator upgrade.

Updating an installation in an air gap environment

To update an installation of WebSphere Automation in an air gap environment, follow these instructions.
Note: Many of these steps link to steps in the airgap installation instructions. When you complete such a step in the airgap installation instructions, return to this page to find the next step in the updating process. Do not continue to the subsequent steps in the airgap installation instructions.
  1. Ensure that your cluster still meets all of the prerequisites for an air-gapped deployment.
  2. On your Red Hat OpenShift cluster, set the environment variables and download CASE files.
  3. Mirror the updated images to the offline registry.
  4. Configure ImageContentSourcePolicy and create a global pull secret.
  5. Update the catalog source.
  6. Update the installation.

    For patch updates, if the operator was configured with the Automatic update approval strategy (the default), no action is needed. The WebSphere Automation operator automatically upgrades your installation.

    If the operator was configured with the Manual update strategy, follow the instructions for Manually approving a pending operator upgrade.

  7. Validate the installation.

Updating custom roles

If you created custom roles with the can_view_websphere_inventory permission in a previous version, you must change them to use a different permission. Using the UI with such a custom role in a later version results in an error when the UI displays some of the pages.

For instructions on updating the custom roles, see The MyCustomRole role includes an invalid permission: can_view_websphere_inventory.

What to do next

Validate the installation and access the WebSphere Automation UI.

If your installation stalls during an update, you might need to update the WebSphereSecure custom resource (CR) to use a storage class that supports ReadWriteMany (RWX) access mode. For more information, see Installation stalls during an update.