Managing folders

Folders help you to organize jobs and job streams into different categories. You can create folders with different levels of authorization that define the set of actions that users or groups can perform on each folder. More than one folder can be associated to the same Access Control List, and the level of security is also applied to the sub-folders.

You can also grant a user administrator privileges on a folder and its sub-folders so that this user can then create access control lists, with a dedicated role to manage the objects contained in the folder. See Granting administrator permissions to a user on a folder.

Creating, renaming, or deleting a folder

To create, rename, or delete a folder:
  1. From the navigation toolbar, click Administration.
  2. In the Security, select Manage Workload Security.
  3. From the drop-down list, select the IBM Workload Scheduler engine on which you want to manage security settings.
    The Manage Workload Security panel opens.
  4. In the folders section, click Manage Folder.
    The Manage Folders panel opens. From this panel you can:
    • Use the search box to search folders and job streams in the current view.
    • Create a folder or subfolder, rename or delete a folder.

Granting administrator permissions to a user on a folder

The IBM Workload Scheduler administrator can grant administrator permissions to a user on a folder so that the user can freely define access control lists for other users on the same folder or any sub-folders. Users can then access the objects in the folder or sub-folders in accordance with the access permissions they have on the objects.
Tip: Users with the FULLCONTROL security role assigned automatically have administrator rights on folders.

The following scenario demonstrates how Tim, the IBM Workload Scheduler administrator, grants Linda, the application administrator (app1_admin user), permissions on the folder named /PRD/APP1/, and how Linda grants access to Alex, the application user, to work with the objects defined in /PRD/APP1/FINANCE:

  1. Tim, the IBM Workload Scheduler administrator, grants Linda, the app1_admin user, administrator permissions on the folder, /PRD/APP1/, through the definition of an access control list and by modifying her currently assigned role, APPADMIN. Optionally, Tim can create a new role with the appropriate permissions to achieve the same result.
    1. From the Manage Workload Security page, Tim selects Manage roles.
    2. He then selects her current role from the list, APPADMIN and clicks Edit.
    3. He gives this role administrator permissions on folders by selecting Delegate folder permission (folder - acl) in the Administrative Tasks section and clicks Save and Exit.
    4. Tim then creates an access control list for Linda, the app1_admin user. From the Manage Workload Security page, Tim selects Give access to users or groups.
    5. From the Create Access Control List page, Tim selects User name from the drop-down and enters Linda's user name, app1_admin in the text box.
    6. In the Role text box, Tim enters the APPADMIN role he modified earlier.
    7. In the text box next to the Folder selection, Tim enters the folder path of the folders on which he wants to grant Linda permissions, /PRD/APP1/.
    Linda, the app1_admin user, with the APPADMIN role assigned, can now access the entire /PRD/APP1/ hierarchy, can create new folders in this path, and can assign access to these folders to other users.
  2. Linda needs to give application users such as Alex, access to the objects in the /PRD/APP1/FINANCE folder. She creates a new access control list on the folder for the application user and assigns a role to this user.
    1. From the Manage Workload Security page, Linda selects Give access to users or groups from the Access Control List section.
    2. On the Create Access Control List page, Linda selects User name from the drop-down and enters the user name for Alex, the application user, app1_user.
    3. Since Linda cannot create new roles, she specifies an existing role in the Role text box. Only Tim, the IBM Workload Scheduler administrator, can create new roles.
    4. In the text box next to the Folder selection, Linda enters the folder path to the new sub-folder she created and to which Alex requires access: /PRD/APP1/FINANCE.
    Alex now can access the /PRD/APP1/FINANCE folder. He does not have access permissions on the /PRD/APP1 folder.