Mapping a Dynamic Workload Console user ID to a RACF user ID

For any operations performed through Dynamic Workload Console, make sure that the Dynamic Workload Console user ID is associated with a corresponding RACF® user ID. The RACF user ID must have the permissions required to access the IBM Z Workload Scheduler resources.

IBM Z Workload Scheduler server uses the RACF user ID to build the RACF environment to enable the user to access IBM Z Workload Scheduler services.

You can obtain the RACF user ID in one of the following ways:
The three methods for obtaining the RACF user ID are alternative to each other. The logic applied is as follows:
  • IBM® Z Workload Scheduler checks whether the resource class EQQADMIN is defined and enabled (meaning that you set AUTOMAPPING in the class). For details, see Creating the EQQADMIN class to associate a RACF user ID
  • If the EQQADMIN class is enabled, it is used to obtain the RACF user ID. If the class is not enabled, the SERVOPTS USERMAP parameter is used to obtain the RACF user ID.
  • If the SERVOPTS USERMAP parameter is not set, the resource class TMEADMIN is used to obtain the RACF user ID.
This example shows the authentication process performed by the Z connector when you connect as a Dynamic Workload Console user. Suppose that:
  • The name of the host in which the Z connector runs is ROME1.
  • The Z connector user is named ZCONN1.
  • The Dynamic Workload Console user ID with which you connect to the Z connector is GRAPHUSR.
When GRAPHUSR connects to the Z connector, this user ID is authenticated on ROME1. Also, ZCONN1 is authenticated on the Z engine by providing the following credentials:
USER 'ZCONN1@domain' --> RACF ID (TSOuser)
where TSOuser is the TSO user ID with which the IBM Z Workload Scheduler dialogs are run.

When GRAPHUSR performs an operation, the Z connector uses these credentials, therefore it is required that both GRAPHUSR and ZCONN1 are associated with a RACF user ID. The RACF user ID associated with the Z connector user does not need to have particular permissions to the IBM Z Workload Scheduler resources, while the RACF user ID associated with the console user needs the permissions to perform the required operations.

The following table shows the relationship between the security products and security selections.

Table 1. Relationship between security products and security selections
Security Product used Solution Prerequisite
Security Server (RACF) TMEADMIN None (TMEADMIN class provided in z/OS® base).
EQQADMIN Define the RACF class EQQADMIN manually, either:
  • Dynamically, by updating a dynamic CDT
  • Statically
Other SAF-compliant TMEADMIN Manually define the resource class TMEADMIN, by using the EQQ9RFDE and EQQ9RF01 samples.
EQQADMIN Statically define the RACF class EQQADMIN.
All security products ID mapping table