IBM Workload Automation, Version 9.4

Rolling back a master domain manager installation

Start of changeThis topic describes how to roll back a master domain manager to a previous fix pack level or release.End of change

Before you begin

Important: The first step of the procedure is to create a backup copy of some directories before you install the new fix pack or upgrade to a new release. The backup is required for the subsequent restore operation which returns the master domain manager to the previous version.

About this task

The rollback procedure is supported for a master domain manager that was installed using IBM Installation Manager. When upgrading the master domain manager, the installation also upgrades the database. After the rollback procedure, the database remains at the newer fix pack level or release and is not rolled back. It is still compatible with the master domain manager at the previous level.

You can revert back to an earlier version of an installed fix pack or release on the master domain manager by performing the following rollback procedure.


  1. Stop the IBM Workload Scheduler instance by running the following commands:
    • conman "stopappserver;wait"
    • conman "stopmon;wait"
    • conman "stop;wait"
    • conman "shut;wait" 
    • ShutDownLwa
  2. The backup phase. On the IBM Workload Scheduler instance, run the following commands to create a backup copy of the directories needed for a subsequent restore operation:
    Linux and UNIX
    1. Create a backup of the /var/ibm/InstallationManager directory, maintaining the file and directory permissions:
      1. cd /var/ibm
      2. cp -fRp InstallationManager <REPOSITORY>
      where <REPOSITORY> represents the directory where the backup files are stored, for example, /repo.
    2. Back up the IBM Workload Scheduler instance:
      1. mkdir <REPOSITORY>/instance
      2. cd <TWA_HOME>/TWS/_uninstall/ACTIONTOOLS
      3. ./ -backupDir <REPOSITORY>/instance 
        -installDir <TWA_HOME> -user <TWS_USER>
      Verify that a sub-directory named with a timestamp has been created in the <REPOSITORY>/instance directory.
    3. Back up the IBM Workload Scheduler registries:
      1. mkdir <REPOSITORY>/registries
      2. cd <REPOSITORY>/registries
      3. cp -pR /etc/TWA .
      4. cp -pR /etc/TWS .
    1. Create a backup of the C:\ProgramData\ibm\Installation Manager\ directory and store it in a directory, for example, C:\REPO\. In this procedure, the backup directory is represented by <REPOSITORY>.
    2. Back up the IBM Workload Scheduler instance by running the following commands:
      1. create <REPOSITORY>\instance
      2. cd <TWA_HOME>\TWS\_uninstall\ACTIONTOOLS
      3. backupInstance.cmd -backupDir <REPOSITORY>\instance
         -installDir <TWA_HOME> -user <TWS_USER>
      Verify that a sub-directory named with a timestamp has been created in the <REPOSITORY>\instance directory.
    3. Back up the IBM Workload Scheduler registries by running the following commands:
      1. create <REPOSITORY>\registries
      2. create <REPOSITORY>\registries\TWS
      3. Copy the C:\Windows\TWSRegistry.dat file into the <REPOSITORY>\registries\TWS directory.
      4. Copy the C:\Windows\TWA directory into the <REPOSITORY>\registries directory.
      5. cp -pR \etc\TWS .
  3. The restore phase. After installing the fix pack or upgrading to the new release, you perform the restore phase when you want to revert back to the previous fix pack level or release. Complete the following steps:
    1. Stop the IBM Workload Scheduler instance by running the following commands:
      • conman "stopappserver;wait"
      • conman "stopmon;wait"
      • conman "stop;wait"
      • conman "shut;wait" 
      • ShutDownLwa
    1. From the instance with the new fix pack level or release installed, create a backup copy of the IBM Workload Scheduler core files and folders, maintaining file permissions.
      Linux and UNIX
      Copy the files and folders as follows:
      mkdir <REPOSITORY>/core
      cp -fRp Symphony Sinfonia Symnew *.msg pobox Jobtable jmJobTableDir 
      nxtjobno mozart stdlist schedlog <REPOSITORY>/core
      Copy the following files from the <TWA_HOME>\TWS directory to the <REPOSITORY>\core directory:
      create <REPOSITORY>\core
      Symphony, Sinfonia, Symnew, *.msg, pobox\*.msg, Jobtable, 
      jmJobTableDir, nxtjobno, mozart, schedlog, stdlist
  4. Restore the IBM Workload Scheduler files.
    Linux and UNIX
    1. Restore IBM Installation Manager registries by running the following commands. In this example, 94fp2 refers to the newer installation.
      1. cd /var/ibm
      2. mv InstallationManager InstallationManager.94fp2
      3. cp -fRp <REPOSITORY>/InstallationManager
    2. Restore the IBM Workload Scheduler instance by running the following commands:
      1. cd <TWA_HOME>/TWS/_uninstall/ACTIONTOOLS
      2. ./ -backupDir <REPOSITORY>/instance
         -installDir <TWA_HOME>-user <TWS_USER>
    3. Restore the IBM Workload Scheduler registries by running the following commands:
      1. cd <REPOSITORY>/registries
      2. cp -pR TWA /etc/
      3. cp -pR TWS /etc/
    4. Restore the IBM Workload Scheduler core files by running the following command:
      cp -fRp <REPOSITORY>/core/* <TWA_HOME>/TWS
    1. Restore IBM Installation Manager registries by performing the following steps. In this example, 94fp2 refers to the newer installation.
      1. Rename "C:\ProgramData\ibm\Installation Manager\" to "C:\ProgramData\ibm\Installation Manager.94fp2\"
      2. Copy "<REPOSITORY>\Installation Manager" to "C:\ProgramData\ibm\"
    2. Restore the IBM Workload Scheduler instance by running the following commands:
      1. cd <TWA_HOME>\TWS\_uninstall\ACTIONTOOLS
      2. restoreInstance.cmd -backupDir <REPOSITORY>\instance
         -installDir <TWA_HOME> -user <TWS_USER>
    3. Restore the IBM Workload Scheduler registries by running the following commands:
      1. Copy cd <REPOSITORY>\registries\TWS\TWSReigstry.dat to "C:\Windows\"
      2. Copy <REPOSITORY>\registries\TWA to "C:\Windows\" overwriting both files and folders.
    4. Restore the IBM Workload Scheduler core files by copying the files and folders in the <REPOSITORY>\core directory to the <TWA_HOME>\TWS directory.
      cp -fRp <REPOSITORY>\core\* <TWA_HOME>\TWS


The IBM Workload Scheduler has now been restored to the previous fix pack level or release.