Updating the master domain manager and its backup

Complete this procedure to apply the latest fix pack to your General Availability version 10.1 or later components.

Update a master domain manager and a backup master domain manager at the latest fix pack level by running the serverinst script. Launch the script on the workstation where the master domain manager is running to update the master domain manager, then launch the script on the workstation where the backup master domain manager is running to update the backup master domain manager.

  1. Log in as root or Administrator to the workstation where you plan to install.
  2. Download the installation images from IBM Fix Central.
  3. Browse to the folder image_location>/TWS/interp_name.
  4. If possible, stop both master domain manager and backup master domain manager.
    If this is not possible, launch the configureDB script at a time when the server components are processing a low workload. If the configureDB script should fail because of conflicts with the server components, restart the script.
  5. To update the database version, run the following command:
    On Windows operating systems
    cscript configureDb.vbs --rdbmstype db_type --dbhostname db_hostname --dbport db_port --dbname db_name --dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_password --dbadminuser db_administrator --dbadminuserpw db_administrator_password
    On UNIX operating systems
    ./configureDb.sh --rdbmstype db_type --dbhostname db_hostname --dbport db_port --dbname db_name --dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_password --dbadminuser db_administrator --dbadminuserpw db_administrator_password
  6. Start the installation launching the following command:
    On Windows operating systems
    cscript serverinst.vbs --acceptlicense yes --inst_dir INST_DIR
    On UNIX operating systems
    ./serverinst.sh --acceptlicense yes --inst_dir INST_DIR

    where INST_DIR is the directory where the component is installed. To find out the installation directory, see Finding out what has been installed in which IBM Workload Automation instances.

    Note: The acceptlicense and inst_dir parameters are required. All other parameters are ignored by the serverinst command, except for the following two optional parameters: lang and skipcheckprereq.
  7. To align the database tables, run the following command:
    planman resync
    Note: Before running the "planman resync" command, check to see if batchman process is up and running. If batchman is down, then run the "conman start" command. If batchman is down, then planman resync remains in hang status.
  8. To link all fault-tolerant agents, type the following command:
    conman "link @!/@/@ "
  9. If you are exposing metrics to monitor your workload, perform the following steps to update the prometheus.xml file.
    1. Move the prometheus.xml file outside of the overrides folder.
    2. Update the master domain manager.
    3. In the prometheus.xml file, modify the cdi version from 1.2 to 2.0, from:
        <mpMetrics authentication="false" />
        <mpMetrics authentication="false" />
    4. Move the prometheus.xml file back to the overrides folder
    For more information about exposing metrics, see Exposing metrics to monitor your workload.
To verify that the installation completed successfully, browse to the directory where you installed the master domain manager and type the following commands:
. ./tws_env.sh 
optman ls

This command lists the IBM Workload Scheduler configurations settings and confirms that IBM Workload Scheduler installed correctly.

For further details about commands, see Reference.

You can now proceed to Completing the security configuration.