Installing a Dynamic Workload Console server

Procedure for installing a Dynamic Workload Console server.

This picture describes the steps required for installing the Dynamic Workload Console. You are now at step 4: installing the Dynamic Workload Console server.
You can choose between installing a Dynamic Workload Console with version later than or equal to 10.2.1, or a Dynamic Workload Console with version earlier than or equal to 10.2.0. The main differences between the versions of the Dynamic Workload Console are as follows:
Dynamic Workload Console with version later than or equal to 10.2.1
SSL configuration is required and is provided with the custom certificates generated during the installation process. For more information, see Installing a Dynamic Workload Console with version later than or equal to 10.2.1.
Dynamic Workload Console with version earlier than or equal to 10.2.0
SSL configuration is optional. For more information, see Installing a Dynamic Workload Console with version earlier than or equal to 10.2.0.

Installing a Dynamic Workload Console with version later than or equal to 10.2.1

The IBM® Workload Scheduler administrator installs the Dynamic Workload Console by running the dwcinst command. You can run the dwcinst specifying a typical set of parameters. In this case, default values are used for all remaining parameters.

Default values are stored in the file, located in the root directory of the installation image. If you need to modify any of the default values, edit the file, but do not modify the dwcinst.template file located in the same path.

You have to configure your environment in SSL mode, by using the sslkeysfolder and sslpassword parameters. These parameters process automatically the certificates for each workstation in your environment. For details about these parameters, see Dynamic Workload Console installation - dwcinst script.

In a typical installation scenario, it is recommended that you install the Dynamic Workload Console as a non-root user on UNIX systems and as a local administrator on Windows systems.

This user is automatically created by the installation process in the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base repository. Ensure that the user has full access to the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base installation directory.

To install the Dynamic Workload Console, perform the following steps:
  1. Generate a z/OS certificate.
  2. Generate the distributed certificates. Consider the following example commands:
    openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048 (4096)
    openssl req -x509 -new -nodes –key ca.key -subj 
    "/CN=<common_name>" -days 3650 -out ca.crt
    openssl genrsa -des3 -out tls.key 2048 (4096)
    openssl req -new -key tls.key -out tls.csr  
    openssl x509 -req -in tls.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key 
    -CAcreateserial -out tls.crt -extfile /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf -extensions v3_req
  3. Store the resulting ca.crt, tls.crt, and tls.key files on the workstation where you plan to install the Dynamic Workload Console in a folder of your choice. When running the dwcinst script, specify that folder with the sslkeysfolder parameter. This folder must also contain two files named TWSServerKeyFile.p12 and TWSServerTrustFile.p12, in which your certificates are already stored.
  4. Convert the certificates to the p12 format.
  5. Export the z/OS certificate to a data set you have previously allocated.
  6. Import the certificate from the z/OS to the distributed environment in ASCII mode and add it to both the TWSServerKeyFile.p12 and TWSServerTrustFile.p12 files by running the following commands:
    • keytool -importcert -keystore keystore_path/TWSServerKeyFile.p12 
      -trustcacerts -alias alias_name -keypass key_pass 
      -storepass keystore_password -file path_to_zos_certificate 
      -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA
    • keytool -importcert -keystore keystore_path/TWSServerTrustFile.p12 
      -trustcacerts -alias alias_name -keypass key_pass 
      -storepass keystore_password -file path_to_zos_certificate 
      -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA
  7. Import the ca.crt and tls.crt certificates from the distributed to the z/OS environment in ASCII mode and add them to a data set you have previously allocated.
  8. Import the distributed certificate in the RING created in step 1.
  9. Start the installation specifying a typical set of parameters. Specify the user defined in step 1 in the --user parameter. Default values are used for all remaining parameters:
    On Windows operating systems
    cscript dwcinst.vbs --acceptlicense yes --rdbmstype db_type 
    --user dwc_admin_user --password dwc_pwd --dbname db_name 
    --dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_pwd --dbhostname db_hostname 
    --dbport db_port --wlpdir Liberty_installation_dir\wlp
    --sslpassword keystore_password --sslkeysfolder distributed_certificates_path
    On UNIX operating systems
    ./ --acceptlicense yes --rdbmstype db_type 
    --user dwc_admin_user --password dwc_pwd --dbname db_name 
    --dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_pwd --dbhostname db_hostname 
    --dbport db_port --wlpdir Liberty_installation_dir/wlp
    --sslpassword keystore_password --sslkeysfolder distributed_certificates_path
    On z/OS operating systems
    ./ --acceptlicense yes --rdbmstype DB2z 
    --user non-root_user --password dwc_pwd --dbname db_name 
    --dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_pwd --dbhostname db_hostname 
    --dbport db_port --wlpdir Liberty_installation_dir/wlp
    --zlocationname zOS_location_containing_db
    --sslpassword keystore_password --sslkeysfolder distributed_certificates_path
    The password of the Dynamic Workload Console user.
    The keystore password.
    The name and path of the folder containing the distributed certificates.
  10. Stop and start WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base for the Dynamic Workload Console, as described in Starting and stopping the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base.
  11. In the TCPOPTS statement of the server started task, define the following lines:
  12. In the connectionFactory.xml file set useSsl="true".

For more information about all dwcinst parameters and default values, see Dynamic Workload Console installation - dwcinst script.

Installing a Dynamic Workload Console with version earlier than or equal to 10.2.0

The IBM Workload Scheduler administrator installs the Dynamic Workload Console by running the dwcinst command. You can run the dwcinst specifying a typical set of parameters. In this case, default values are used for all remaining parameters.

Default values are stored in the file, located in the root directory of the installation image. If you need to modify any of the default values, edit the file, but do not modify the dwcinst.template file located in the same path.

You can optionally configure your environment in SSL mode, by using the sslkeysfolder and sslpassword parameters and generating automatically the certificates for each workstation in your environment. For details about these parameters, see Dynamic Workload Console installation - dwcinst script.

In a typical installation scenario, it is recommended that you install the Dynamic Workload Console as a non-root user on UNIX systems and as a local administrator on Windows systems.

This user is automatically created by the installation process in the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base repository. Ensure that the user has full access to the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base installation directory.

To install the Dynamic Workload Console, perform the following steps:
  1. Start the installation specifying a typical set of parameters. Specify the user defined in step 1 in the --user parameter. Default values are used for all remaining parameters:
    On Windows operating systems
    cscript dwcinst.vbs --acceptlicense yes --rdbmstype db_type 
    --user dwc_admin_user --password dwc_pwd --dbname db_name 
    --dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_pwd --dbhostname db_hostname 
    --dbport db_port --wlpdir Liberty_installation_dir\wlp
    On UNIX operating systems
    ./ --acceptlicense yes --rdbmstype db_type 
    --user dwc_admin_user --password dwc_pwd --dbname db_name 
    --dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_pwd --dbhostname db_hostname 
    --dbport db_port --wlpdir Liberty_installation_dir/wlp
    On z/OS operating systems
    ./ --acceptlicense yes --rdbmstype DB2z 
    --user non-root_user --password dwc_pwd --dbname db_name 
    --dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_pwd --dbhostname db_hostname 
    --dbport db_port --wlpdir Liberty_installation_dir/wlp
    --zlocationname zOS_location_containing_db
    The password of the Dynamic Workload Console user.

For more information about all dwcinst parameters and default values, see Dynamic Workload Console installation - dwcinst script.