Welcome file

IBM Workload Automation


You can install a full deployment of IBM Workload Automation on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

An IBM Certified Container meets standard criteria for packaging and deployment of containerized software with platform integrations and accelerates time to value and improves enterprise readiness at a lower cost than containers alone.

The information in this README contains the steps for deploying and running the IBM Workload Automation Operator that is then used to deploy the following IBM Workload Automation components:

IBM Workload Automation, which comprises master domain manager and its backup, Dynamic Workload Console, and Dynamic Agent

For more information about IBM Workload Automation, see the product documentation library in IBM Documentation.


By default, a single server (master domain manager), Dynamic Workload Console (console) and dynamic agent is installed.

To achieve high availability in an IBM Workload Automation environment, the minimum base configuration is composed of 2 Dynamic Workload Consoles and 2 servers (master domain managers). For more details about IBM Workload Automation and high availability, see An active-active high availability scenario.

Workload Automation can be deployed across a single cluster, but you can add multiple instances of the WA Operator and product components by using a different project for each of the Operators you deploy in the cluster. The WA Operators and product components can run in multiple failure zones in a single cluster.

In addition to the product components, the following objects are installed:

Operator Agent Console Server (MDM)
Deployments 1 - ibm-workload-automation-operator
Pods ibm-workload-automation-operator-xxxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxxxx is a random name wa-waagent-0 wa-waconsole-0 wa-waserver-0
Stateful Sets wa-waagent for dynamic agent wa-waconsole wa-waserver
Secrets sa-workload-automation (pull Operator images from entitled registry)
sa-{{ .Release.Namespace }} (pull images from entitled registry)
wa-pwd-secret wa-pwd-secret
Certificates (Secret) wa-waagent wa-waserver wa-waserver
Network Policy da-network-policy dwc-network-policy mdm-network-policy
Services wa-waagent-h wa-waconsole wa-waconsole-h wa-waserver wa-waserver-h
Routes wa-console-route wa-server-route
PVC (generated from Helm chart). Default deployment includes a single (replicaCount=1) server, console, agent. Create a PVC for each instance of each component. 1 PVC data-wa-waagent-waagent0 1 PVC data-wa-waconsole-waconsole0 1 PVC data-wa-waserver-waserver0
PV (Generated by PVC) 1 PV 1 PV 1 PV
Service Accounts workload-automation-operator wauser (default)
Roles wa-pod-role wa-pod-role wa-pod-role
Role Bindings wa-pod-role-binding wa-pod-role-binding wa-pod-role-binding
Cluster Roles wa-automation-operator service accounts {{ .Release.Namespace }}-wa-pod-cluster-role-get-routes (name of clusterRole and, where {{ .Release.Namespace }} represents the name of the project <workload-automation-prject>) {{ .Release.Namespace }}-wa-pod-cluster-role-get-routes {{ .Release.Namespace }}-wa-pod-cluster-role-get-routes
Cluster Role Bindings workload-automation-operator service accounts {{ .Release.Namespace }}-wa-pod-cluster-role-get-routes-binding (name of ClusterRoleBinding and, where {{ .Release.Namespace }} represents the name of the project <workload-automation-prject>) {{ .Release.Namespace }}-wa-pod-cluster-role-get-routes-binding {{ .Release.Namespace }}-wa-pod-cluster-role-get-routes-binding
Custom resources (CR) WorkloadAutomation (a shared, unique resource across the OCP cluster that remains the same even for additional Operators in different projects)

Data encryption:

Supported Platforms

Accessing the Certified Container Software Images

You can access the IBM Workload Automation certified container images from the IBM Entitled Registry. For information about obtaining your entitlement key from the IBM Entitled Registry, see the instructions in the README Deploying the IBM Workload Automation Operator.


Before you begin the deployment process, ensure your environment meets the following prerequisites:

Storage classes static PV and dynamic provisioning

Provider Disk Type PVC Size IOPS per GB PVC Access Mode
GCP Persistent Disk Standard HDD Default Default ReadWriteOnce
GCP Persistent Disk Fast SSD Default Default ReadWriteOnce
Ceph - Default Default ReadWriteOnce
AWS EBS GP2 SSD Default Default ReadWriteOnce
AWS EBS IO1 SSD 100 GB 50 ReadWriteOnce
AWS EBS ST1 HDD 500 GB Default ReadWriteOnce

The reclaim policy can be either Retain or Delete.
For more details about the storage requirements for your persistent volume claims, see the Storage section of this README file.

PodSecurityPolicy Requirements

This chart requires a Pod Security Policy to be bound to the target namespace prior to the installation. To meet this requirement there may be cluster scoped as well as namespace scoped pre and post actions that need to occur.

The predefined PodSecurityPolicy name: ibm-restricted-psp has been verified for this chart when deploying Agents, Consoles and a single instance of the Server (ReplicaCount=1). If your target namespace is bound to this PodSecurityPolicy you can proceed to install the chart.

SecurityContextConstraints Requirements

Before installing the Operator, ensure that you apply the SecurityContextConstraints for Workload Automation: ibm-workload-automation-restricted-scc policy.

Custom SecurityContextConstraints definition:

To grant the ibm-workload-automation-restricted-scc policy, a cluster admin can run the command related to the SecurityContextConstraints (SCC) as described in the README Deploying the IBM Workload Automation Operator.

The following is the SCC definition:

apiVersion: security.openshift.io/v1
kind: SecurityContextConstraints
    kubernetes.io/description: "This policy is the most restrictive for {Insert Product Name}, 
      requiring pods to run with a non-root UID, and preventing pods from accessing the host.
      The UID and GID will be bound by ranges specified at the Namespace level." 
    cloudpak.ibm.com/version: "1.1.0"
  name: ibm-workload-automation-restricted-scc
    app.kubernetes.io/name: ibm-workload-automation-operator
    app.kubernetes.io/instance: ibm-workload-automation-operator-instance
    app.kubernetes.io/version: "1.0.0"
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: ibm-workload-automation-operator
allowHostDirVolumePlugin: false
allowHostIPC: false
allowHostNetwork: false
allowHostPID: false
allowHostPorts: false
allowPrivilegedContainer: false
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
allowedCapabilities: null
allowedFlexVolumes: null
allowedUnsafeSysctls: null
defaultAddCapabilities: null
defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation: false
  - "*"
  type: MustRunAs
  - max: 65535
    min: 1
readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
  type: MustRunAsNonRoot
- docker/default
# This can be customized for seLinuxOptions specific to your host machine
  type: RunAsAny
# seLinuxOptions:
#   level:
#   user:
#   role:
#   type:
  type: MustRunAs
  - max: 65535
    min: 1
# This can be customized to host specifics
- configMap
- downwardAPI
- emptyDir
- persistentVolumeClaim
- projected
- secret

Resources Required

The following resources correspond to the default values required to manage a production environment. These numbers might vary depending on the environment.

Component Container resource limit Container resource request
WA Operator CPU: 500m, Memory: 750Mi CPU: 250m, Memory: 500Mi
Server CPU: 4, Memory: 16Gi CPU: 1, Memory: 6Gi, Storage: 10Gi
Console CPU: 4, Memory: 16Gi CPU: 1, Memory: 4Gi, Storage: 5Gi
Dynamic Agent CPU: 1, Memory: 2Gi CPU: 200m, Memory: 200Mi, Storage size: 2Gi

Required Roles

The following table outlines the personas and related OCP cluster role required to perform each task:

Use Case WA Personas OCP Cluster Role
Install CASE (Operator) Admin cluster administrator
Install IBM common services Admin cluster administrator
IBM CertManager Admin cluster administrator
IBM IAM management Admin cluster administrator
IBM Grafana/Prometheus Admin cluster administrator
Configure the CASE (Install WA components) Operator workload-automation-project administrator
Verify the installation Deployer workload-automation-project administrator
Install Automation Hub plug-ins Admin/Operator workload-automation-project administrator
Scaling the product Operator workload-automation-project administrator
Upgrade the CASE (Operator) Admin cluster administrator
Upgrade WA components Operator workload-automation-project administrator
Rollback the CASE (Operator) Admin cluster administrator
Rollback WA components Operator workload-automation-project administrator
Add custom Grafana dashboards Operator workload-automation-project administrator
Create scheduling objects Developer workload-automation-project administrator

For more information about which IBM Workload Automation tasks users can perform depending on the group to which they are assigned, see Users and groups.


Installing and configuring the CASE (Operator), involves the following high-level steps:

  1. Creating a Kubernetes Secret by accessing the IBM entitled registry to store an entitlement key for the IBM Workload Automation offering on your cluster.
  2. Deploying the IBM Workload Automation Operator.
  3. Securing communication using either IBM cert-manager tool or using your custom certificates.
  4. Creating a secrets file to store passwords for the console and server components, or if you use custom certificates, to add your custom certificates to the Certificates Secret.
  5. Deploying the IBM Workload Automation product components.
  6. Installing Automation Hub plug-ins.

The procedures related to these steps can be found in the following README files:


The following tables list the configurable parameters of the chart, an example of the values and the default values. The tables are organized as follows:

The following table lists the global configurable parameters of the chart relative to all product components and an example of their values:

Parameter Description Mandatory Example Default
global.license Use ACCEPT to agree to the license agreement yes not accepted not accepted
global.enableServer If enabled, the Server application is deployed no true true
global.enableConsole If enabled, the Console application is deployed no true true
global.enableAgent If enabled, the Agent application is deployed no true true
global.serviceAccountName The name of the serviceAccount to use. The Workload Automation default service account (wauser) and not the default cluster account no default ** wauser**
global.language The language of the container internal system. The supported language are: en (English), de (German), es (Spanish), fr (French), it (Italian), ja (Japanese), ko (Korean), pt_BR (Portuguese (BR)), ru (Russian), zh_CN (Simplified Chinese) and zh_TW (Traditional Chinese) yes en en
global.customLabels This parameter contains two fields: name and value. Insert customizable labels to group resources linked together. no name: environment value: prod name: environment value: prod
global.enablePrometheus Use to enable (true) or disable (false) Prometheus metrics no true true
global.customPlugins If specified, the plug-ins and integrations listed in the configMap file are automatically installed when deploying the server and console containers. See Installing Automation Hub integrations in the Case for details about the procedure. no mycustomplugin (the value specified must match the value specified in the configMap file)
global.customPluginsImageName To install a custom plug-in when deploying the server and console containers, specify the name of the Docker registry, the plug-in image, and the tag assigned to the Docker image. See Installing custom plug-ins in the Case for details about the procedure. no myregistry/mypluginimage:my_tag

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart relative to the agent and an example of their values:

Parameter Description Mandatory Example Default
waagent.fsGroupId The secondary group ID of the user no 999
waagent.supplementalGroupId Supplemental group id of the user no
waagent.replicaCount Number of replicas to deploy yes 1 1
waagent.image.repository @PRODUCT.NAME@ Agent image repository yes @DOCKER.AGENT.IMAGE.NAME@ @DOCKER.AGENT.IMAGE.NAME@
waagent.image.tag @PRODUCT.NAME@ Agent image tag yes @VERSION@ @VERSION@
waagent.image.pullPolicy image pull policy yes Always Always
waagent.licenseType Product license management (IBM Workload Scheduler only) yes PVU PVU
waagent.agent.name Agent display name yes WA_AGT WA_AGT
waagent.agent.tz If used, it sets the TZ operating system environment variable no America/Chicago
waagent.agent.networkpolicyEgress Customize egress policy. Controls network traffic and how a component pod is allowed to communicate with other pods. If empty, no egress policy is defined no See Network enablement
waagent.agent.nodeAffinityRequired A set of rules that determines on which nodes an agent can be deployed using custom labels on nodes and label selectors specified in pods. no See Network enablement
waagent.agent.dynamic.server.mdmhostname Hostname or IP address of the master domain manager no (mandatory if a server is not present inside the same project) wamdm.demo.com
waagent.agent.dynamic.server.port The HTTPS port that the dynamic agent must use to connect to the master domain manager no 31116 31116
waagent.agent.dynamic.pools* The static pools of which the Agent should be a member no Pool1, Pool2
waagent.agent.dynamic.useCustomizedCert If true, customized SSL certificates are used to connect to the master domain manager no false false
waagent.agent.dynamic.certSecretName The name of the secret to store customized SSL certificates no waagent-cert-secret
waagent.agent.containerDebug The container is executed in debug mode no no no
waagent.agent.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The number of seconds after which the liveness probe starts checking if the server is running yes 60 60
waagent.resources.requests.cpu The minimum CPU requested to run yes 200m 200m
waagent.resources.requests.memory The minimum memory requested to run yes 200Mi 200Mi
waagent.resources.limits.cpu The maximum CPU requested to run yes 1 1
waagent.resources.limits.memory The maximum memory requested to run yes 2Gi 2Gi
waagent.persistence.enabled If true, persistent volumes for the pods are used no true true
waagent.persistence.useDynamicProvisioning If true, StorageClasses are used to dynamically create persistent volumes for the pods no true true
waagent.persistence.dataPVC.name The prefix for the Persistent Volumes Claim name no data data
waagent.persistence.dataPVC.storageClassName The name of the Storage Class to be used. Leave empty to not use a storage class no nfs-dynamic
waagent.persistence.dataPVC.selector.label Volume label to bind (only limited to single label) no my-volume-label
waagent.persistence.dataPVC.selector.value Volume label value to bind (only limited to single value) no my-volume-value
waagent.persistence.dataPVC.size The minimum size of the Persistent Volume no 2Gi 2Gi

(*) Note: for details about static agent workstation pools, see:

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart relative to the console and an example of their values:

Parameter Description Mandatory Example Default
waconsole.fsGroupId The secondary group ID of the user no 999
waconsole.supplementalGroupId Supplemental group id of the user no
waconsole.replicaCount Number of replicas to deploy yes 1 1
waconsole.image.repository @PRODUCT.NAME@ Console image repository yes @DOCKER.CONSOLE.IMAGE.NAME@ @DOCKER.CONSOLE.IMAGE.NAME@
waconsole.image.tag @PRODUCT.NAME@ Console image tag yes @VERSION@ @VERSION@
waconsole.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy yes Always Always
waconsole.console.containerDebug The container is executed in debug mode no no no
waconsole.console.db.type The preferred remote database server type (e.g. DERBY, DB2, ORACLE, MSSQL, IDS). Use Derby database only for demo or test purposes. yes DB2 DB2
waconsole.console.db.hostname The Hostname or the IP Address of the database server yes <dbhostname>
waconsole.console.db.port The port of the database server yes 50000 50000
waconsole.console.db.name Depending on the database type, the name is different; enter the name of the Server’s database for DB2/Informix/MSSQL, enter the Oracle Service Name for Oracle yes TWS TWS
waconsole.console.db.tsName The name of the DATA table space no TWS_DATA
waconsole.console.db.tsPath The path of the DATA table space no TWS_DATA
waconsole.console.db.tsTempName The name of the TEMP table space (Valid only for Oracle) no TEMP leave it blank
waconsole.console.db.tssbspace The name of the SB table space (Valid only for IDS). no twssbspace twssbspace
waconsole.console.db.user The database user who accesses the Console tables on the database server. In case of Oracle, it identifies also the database. It can be specified in a secret too yes db2inst1
waconsole.console.db.adminUser The database user administrator who accesses the Console tables on the database server. It can be specified in a secret too yes db2inst1
waconsole.console.db.sslConnection If true, SSL is used to connect to the database (Valid only for DB2) no false false
waconsole.console.db.usepartitioning Enable the Oracle Partitioning feature. Valid only for Oracle. Ignored for other databases no true true
waconsole.console.pwdSecretName The name of the secret to store all passwords yes wa-pwd-secret wa-pwd-secret
waconsole.console.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The number of seconds after which the liveness probe starts checking if the server is running yes 100 100
waconsole.console.useCustomizedCert If true, customized SSL certificates are used to connect to the Dynamic Workload Console no false false
waconsole.console.certSecretName The name of the secret to store customized SSL certificates no waconsole-cert-secret
waconsole.console.libConfigName The name of the ConfigMap to store all custom liberty configuration no libertyConfigMap
waconsole.console.routes.enabled If true, the ingress controller rules is enabled no true true
waconsole.console.enableSSO If true, single sign-on for the Dynamic Workload Console is enabled with LDAP. The console is configured in SSO using Json Web Token (JWT) If false, LTPA keyes are used for enabling SSO. no true true
waconsole.console.adminGroup The group defined in the YAML for LDAP. The group to which the console grants the admin role. For IAM, the team defined in the IAM that coincides with the group defined on the IAM. no (mandatory when waconsole.console.enableSSO is set to true) icp:wa-admins:admin icp:wa-admins:admin
waconsole.resources.requests.cpu The minimum CPU requested to run yes 1 1
waconsole.resources.requests.memory The minimum memory requested to run yes 4Gi 4Gi
waconsole.resources.limits.cpu The maximum CUP requested to run yes 4 4
waconsole.resources.limits.memory The maximum memory requested to run yes 16Gi 16Gi
waconsole.persistence.enabled If true, persistent volumes for the pods are used no true true
waconsole.persistence.useDynamicProvisioning If true, StorageClasses are used to dynamically create persistent volumes for the pods no true true
waconsole.persistence.dataPVC.name The prefix for the Persistent Volumes Claim name no data data
waconsole.persistence.dataPVC.storageClassName The name of the StorageClass to be used. Leave empty to not use a storage class no nfs-dynamic
waconsole.persistence.dataPVC.selector.label Volume label to bind (only limited to single label) no my-volume-label
waconsole.persistence.dataPVC.selector.value Volume label value to bind (only limited to single label) no my-volume-value
waconsole.persistence.dataPVC.size The minimum size of the Persistent Volume no 5Gi 5Gi
waconsole.console.networkpolicyEgress Customize egress policy. Controls network traffic and how a component pod is allowed to communicate with other pods. If empty, no egress policy is defined no See Network enablement
waconsole.console.nodeAffinityRequired A set of rules that determines on which nodes a console can be deployed using custom labels on nodes and label selectors specified in pods. no See Network enablement

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and an example of their values:

Parameter Description Mandatory Example Default
waserver.replicaCount Number of replicas to deploy yes 1 1
waserver.image.repository IBM Server image repository yes <repository_url> <repository_url> defined when creating the Operator
waserver.image.tag IBM Server image tag yes 1.0.0 the tag specified when creating the Operator
waserver.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy yes Always Always
waserver.licenseType Product license management (IBM Workload Scheduler only) yes PVU PVU
waserver.fsGroupId The secondary group ID of the user no 999
waserver.server.company The name of your Company no my-company my-company
waserver.server.agentName The name to be assigned to the dynamic agent of the Server no WA_SAGT WA_AGT
waserver.server.dateFormat The date format defined in the plan no MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY
waserver.server.timezone The timezone used in the create plan command no America/Chicago
waserver.server.startOfDay The start time of the plan processing day in 24 hour format: hhmm no 0000 0700
waserver.server.tz If used, it sets the TZ operating system environment variable no America/Chicago
waserver.server.networkpolicyEgress Controls network traffic and how a component pod is allowed to communicate with other pods. Customize egress policy. If empty, no egress policy is defined no See Network enablement
waserver.server.nodeAffinityRequired A set of rules that determines on which nodes a server can be deployed using custom labels on nodes and label selectors specified in pods. no See Network enablement
waserver.server.createPlan If true, an automatic JnextPlan is executed at the same time of the container deployment no no no
waserver.server.containerDebug The container is executed in debug mode no no no
waserver.server.db.type The preferred remote database server type (e.g. DERBY, DB2, ORACLE, MSSQL, IDS) yes DB2 DB2
waserver.server.db.hostname The Hostname or the IP Address of the database server yes <dbhostname>
waserver.server.db.port The port of the database server yes 50000 50000
waserver.server.db.name Depending on the database type, the name is different; enter the name of the Server’s database for DB2/Informix/MSSQL, enter the Oracle Service Name for Oracle yes TWS TWS
waserver.server.db.tsName The name of the DATA table space no TWS_DATA
waserver.server.db.tsPath The path of the DATA table space no TWS_DATA
waserver.server.db.tsLogName The name of the LOG table space no TWS_LOG
waserver.server.db.tsLogPath The path of the LOG table space no TWS_LOG
waserver.server.db.tsPlanName The name of the PLAN table space no TWS_PLAN
waserver.server.db.tsPlanPath The path of the PLAN table space no TWS_PLAN
waserver.server.db.tsTempName The name of the TEMP table space (Valid only for Oracle) no TEMP leave it empty
waserver.server.db.tssbspace The name of the SB table space (Valid only for IDS) no twssbspace twssbspace
waserver.server.db.usepartitioning If true, the Oracle Partitioning feature is enabled. Valid only for Oracle, it is ignored by other databases. The default value is true no true true
waserver.server.db.user The database user who accesses the Server tables on the database server. In case of Oracle, it identifies also the database. It can be specified in a secret too yes db2inst1
waserver.server.db.adminUser The database user administrator who accesses the Server tables on the database server. It can be specified in a secret too yes db2inst1
waserver.server.db.sslConnection If true, SSL is used to connect to the database (Valid only for DB2) no false false
waserver.server.pwdSecretName The name of the secret to store all passwords yes wa-pwd-secret wa-pwd-secret
waserver.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The number of seconds after which the liveness probe starts checking if the server is running yes 600 850
waserver.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The number of seconds before the prob starts checking the readiness of the server yes 600 530
waserver.server.useCustomizedCert If true, customized SSL certificates are used to connect to the master domain manager no false false
waserver.server.certSecretName The name of the secret to store customized SSL certificates no waserver-cert-secret
waserver.server.libConfigName The name of the ConfigMap to store all custom liberty configuration no libertyConfigMap
waserver.server.enableSSO If true, single sign-on for the server is enabled with LDAP. The server is configured in SSO using Json Web Token (JWT) If false, LTPA keyes are used for enabling SSO. no true true
waserver.server.adminGroup The group defined in the YAML for LDAP. The group to which the server grants the admin role. For IAM, the team defined in the IAM that coincides with the group defined on the IAM. no (mandatory when waserver.server.enableSSO is set to true) icp:wa-admins:admin icp:wa-admins:admin
waserver.server.routes.enabled If true, the routes controller rules is enabled no true true
waserver.server.routes.hostname The virtual hostname defined in the DNS used to reach the Server no server.mycluster.proxy
waserver.resources.requests.cpu The minimum CPU requested to run yes 1 1
waserver.resources.requests.memory The minimum memory requested to run yes 4Gi 4Gi
waserver.resources.limits.cpu The maximum CUP requested to run yes 4 4
waserver.resources.limits.memory The maximum memory requested to run yes 16Gi 16Gi
waserver.persistence.enabled If true, persistent volumes for the pods are used no true true
waserver.persistence.useDynamicProvisioning If true, StorageClasses are used to dynamically create persistent volumes for the pods no true true
waserver.persistence.dataPVC.name The prefix for the Persistent Volumes Claim name no data data
waserver.persistence.dataPVC.storageClassName The name of the StorageClass to be used. Leave empty to not use a storage class no nfs-dynamic
waserver.persistence.dataPVC.selector.label Volume label to bind (only limited to single label) no my-volume-label
waserver.persistence.dataPVC.selector.value Volume label value to bind (only limited to single value) no my-volume-value
waserver.persistence.dataPVC.size The minimum size of the Persistent Volume no 5Gi 5Gi
waserver.server.ftaName The name of the IBM Workload Automation workstation for this installation. no WA-SERVER


Network enablement

You can specify an egress network policy to include a list of allowed egress rules for the server, console, and agent components. Each rule allows traffic leaving the cluster which matches both the “to” and “ports” sections. For example, the following sample demonstrates how to allow egress to another destination:


- name: to-mdm
  - to:
    - podSelector:
	  app.kubernetes.io/name: waserver
    - port: 31116
      protocol: TCP
- name: dns
    - to:
      - namespaceSelector:
	    name: kube-system
    - ports:
        - port: 53
	  protocol: UDP
	- port: 53
	  protocol: TCP

For more information, see Network Policies.

Node affinity Required

You can also specify node affinity required to determine on which nodes a component can be deployed using custom labels on nodes and label selectors specified in pods. The following is an example:


-key: iwa-node
  operator: In
  - 'true'

where iwa-node represents the value of the node affinity required.

Scaling the product

By default a single server, console, and agent is installed. If you want to change the topology for IBM Workload Automation, then modify the values of the replicaCount parameter in the YAML file for each component and save the changes. The IBM Workload Automation Operator instance automatically updates the number of instances for each of the components accordingly. See Required Roles for information about the role required to run the scaling procedures.

Scaling up

Perform the following steps to scale up one or more Workload Automation components:
As the admin OCP use, you can scale up the Workload Automation components by performing the following steps from the OCP console:

  1. From the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform console, go to Operators -> Installed Operators and click the Workload Automation Operator hyperlink. The IBM Workload Automation Operator instance page is displayed.
  2. Select the YAML tab and in the YAML file that displays, increase the value of the replicaCount parameter for the component you want to scale up and click Save.

Note: When you scale up a server, the additional server instances are installed with the Backup Master role, and the workstation definitions are automatically saved to the Workload Automation relational database. To complete the scaling up of a server component, run JnextPlan -for 0000 from the server that has the role of master domain manager to add new backup master workstations to the current plan. The agent workstations installed on the new server instances are automatically saved in the database and linked to the Broker workstation with no further manual actions.

Scaling down

Perform the following steps to scale down one or more Workload Automation components:

  1. From the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform console, go to Operators -> Installed Operators and click the Workload Automation Operator hyperlink. The IBM Workload Automation Operator instance page is displayed.
  2. Select the YAML tab and in the YAML file that displays, decrease the value of the replicaCount parameter for the component you want to scale down and click Save.


Scaling to 0

The Workload Automation Helm Operator does not support automatic scaling to zero. If you want to manually scale the Dynamic Workload Console component to zero, set the value of the replicaCount parameter to zero. To maintain the current Workload Automation scheduling and topology, do not set the replicaCount value for the server and agent components to zero.

Proportional scaling

The Workload Automation Helm Operator does not support proportional scaling.

Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration

By default, SSO configuration is enabled using Json Web Token (JWT). If you maintain the default SSO setting (enableSSO=true), both master domain manager and Dynamic Workload Console are configured in SSO, using JWT. For more information, see Defining Single Sign-On options.

To enable SSO using LTPA keys (enableSSO=false), follow this procedure.

To enable SSO between console and server, LTPA tokens must be the same. The following procedure explains how to create LTPA tokens to be shared between server and console (this procedure must be run only once and not on both systems).

To access the container:

  1. From the command line, log into the OpenShift Enterprise cluster…

  2. Launch the following command:

    oc exec -it <server_pod_name> /bin/bash

  3. Create new LTPA token, by launching the following command:

    /opt/wautils/wa_create_ltpa_keys.sh -p <keys_password> -o /home/wauser

<keys_password> is the LTPA keys password.
For more information, see Configuring the Dynamic Workload Console.

The “ltpa.keys” and “wa_ltpa.xml” files are created in /home/wauser.

  1. Exit from the container by launching the “exit” command.

  2. Copy the created files to the local machine, by launching the following command:

    oc cp <server_pod_name>:/home/wauser/ltpa.keys <host_dir>
    oc cp <server_pod_name>:/home/wauser/wa_ltpa.xml <host_dir>

<host_dir> is an existing folder on the local machine where oc runs.

  1. The “ltpa.keys” file must be placed into the secret that stores customized SSL certificates (on both server and console charts); to place it into the secret, launch the following command:

    oc apply secret generic <secret_name> --from-file=<host_dir>/ltpa.keys --namespace=<workload-automation-project>

  2. The “wa_ltpa.xml” file must be placed in the ConfigMap that stores all custom liberty configurations (on both server and console charts); to place it into the ConfigMap, launch the following command:

    oc apply configmap <configmap_name> --from-file=<host_dir>/wa_ltpa.xml --namespace=<workload-automation-project>

For further details about ConfigMap, see the “Creating ConfigMaps” chapter on the cloud platform documentation.

In both server and console charts, useCustomizedCert property must set to be “true”, the libConfigName and certSecretName properties must be configured with the related name defined in the commands previously launched.


Storage requirements for the workload

IBM Workload Automation requires persistent storage for each component (server, console and agent) that you deploy to maintain the scheduling workload and topology.

To make all of the configuration and runtime data persistent, the Persistent Volume you specify must be mounted in the following container folder:


The Pod is based on a StatefulSet. This guarantees that each Persistent Volume is mounted in the same Pod when it is scaled up or down.

For test purposes only, you can configure the chart so that persistence is not used.

IBM Workload Automation can use either dynamic provisioning or static provisioning using a pre-created persistent volume
to allocate storage for each component that you deploy. You can pre-create Persistent Volumes to be bound to the StatefulSet using Label or StorageClass. It is highly recommended to use persistence with dynamic provisioning. In this case, you must have defined your own Dynamic Persistence Provider. IBM Workload Automation supports the following provisioning use cases:

Specify a custom storageClassName per volume or leave the value blank to use the default storageClass.

Note: By configuring the following two paramters, the persistent volum claim is automatically generated. Ensure that this label=value pair is inserted in the persistent volume you created:

Let the Kubernetes binding process select a pre-existing volume based on the accessMode and size. Use selector labels to refine the binding process.

Before you deploy all of the components, you have the opportunity to choose your persistent storage from the available persistent storage options in OpenShift Container Platform that are supported by Workload Automation or, you can leave the default storageClass.
For more information about all of the supported storage classes, see the table in Storage classes static PV and dynamic provisioning.

If you create a storageClass object or use the default one, ensure that you have a sufficient amount of backing storage for your IBM Workload Automation components.
For more information about the required amount of storage you need for each component, see the Resources Required section.

Custom storage class:
Modify the the persistence.dataPVC.storageClassName parameter in the YAML file by specifying the custom storage class name, when you deploy the IBM Workload Automation product components.

Default storage class:
Leave the values for the persistence.dataPVC.storageClassName parameter blank in the YAML file when you deploy the IBM Workload Automation product components.
For more information about the storage parameter values to set in the YAML file, see the tables, Agent parameters, Dynamic Workload Console parameters, and Server parameters (master domain manager).

File system permissions

File system security permissions need to be well known to ensure uid, gid, and supplemental gid requirements can be satisfied.

Persistent volume storage access modes

IBM Workload Automation supports only ReadWriteOnce (RWO) access mode. The volume can be mounted as read-write by a single node.

Metrics monitoring

IBM Workload Automation uses Grafana to display performance data related to the product. This data includes metrics related to the server and console application servers (WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base), your workload, your workstations, critical jobs, message queues, the database connection status, and more. Grafana is an open source tool for visualizing application metrics. Metrics provide insight into the state, health, and performance of your deployments and infrastructure. IBM Workload Automation cloud metric monitoring uses an opensource Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project called Prometheus. It is particularly useful for collecting time series data that can be easily queried. Prometheus integrates with Grafana to visualize the metrics collected.

The following metrics are collected and available to be visualized in the preconfigured Grafana dashboard named Workload Automation Performance Metrics:

Metric Display Name Metric Name Description
Workload application_wa_JobsInPlanCount_jobs Workload by job status: WAITING, READY, HELD, BLOCKED, CANCELED, ERROR, RUNNING, SUCCESSFUL, SUPPRESS, UNDECIDED
application_wa_JobsByWorkstation Job status by workstation
application_wa_JobsByFolder_jobs Job status by folder
application_wa_JobsInPlanCount_jobs Workload throughput (jobs/minute)
Critical Jobs application_wa_criticalJob_incompletePredecessor Incomplete predecessors
application_wa_criticalJob_potentialRisk_boolean Risk level: potential risk
application_wa_criticalJob_highRisk_boolean Risk level: high risk
application_wa_criticalJob_estimateEnd_seconds Estimated end
application_wa_criticalJob_confidence_factor Confidence factor
WA Server - Internal Message Queues application_wa_msgFileFill_percent Internal message queue usage for Appserverbox.msg, Courier.msg, mirrorbox.msg, Mailbox.msg, Monbox.msgn, Moncmd.msg, auditbox.msg, clbox.msg, planbox.msg, Intercom.msg, pobox messages, and server.msg
Workstation Status application_wa_workstation_running Workstations running
application_wa_workstation_linked_boolean Workstations linked
Database Connection Status application_wa_DB_connected_boolean 1 - connected, 0 - not connected
PODs kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total Pod restarts (server, console, and agent)
kube_pod_status_phase Failing pods (server, console, and agent)
container_cpu_usage_seconds_total POD CPU usage (server, console, and agent)
container_network_transmit_bytes_total Network I/O (server and console)
container_network_receive_bytes_total Network I/O (server and console)
container_memory_usage_bytes RAM usage (server, console, and agent)
Persistent Volumes kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes For server, console, and agent: volume capacity (used, free)
WA Server and Console - Liberty base_memory_usedHeap_bytes Heap usage percentage
vendor_session_activeSessions Active sessions
vendor_session_liveSessions Live sessions
vendor_threadpool_activeThreads Active threads
vendor_threadpool_size Threadpool size
base_gc_time_seconds Time per garbage collection cycle moving average
WA Sever and Console - Connection Pools (Liberty) vendor_connectionpool_inUseTime_total_seconds Average time usage per connection over last
vendor_connectionpool_managedConnections Managed connections
vendor_connectionpool_freeConnections Free connections
vendor_connectionpool_connectionHandles Connection handles
vendor_connectionpool_destroy_total Created and destroyed connections

The following is an example of the various metrics available with focus on the workload job status:

Job status

The following is an exammple of how persistent volume capacity for the server, console and agent are visualized:

Job status

Viewing the preconfigured dashboard

To get an overview of the cluster health, you can view a selection of metrics on the Workload Automation Performance Metrics predefined dashboard:

  1. From the OpenShift web console, go to Grafana. The Home Dashboard is displayed.

  2. Switch to the Workload Automation organization.

  3. In the left navigation toolbar, click Dashboards.

  4. On the Manage page, select the Workload Workload Automation Performance Metrics dashboard.

  5. On the Workload Automation Performance Metrics page, select the <workload-automation-project> namespace from the pull-down menu.

The dashboard plays. Drill down into the metrics to gain insight into the state, health, and performance of your deployments and infrastructure.

For more information about using Grafana dashboards see Dashboards overview.



To access the complete product documentation library for IBM Workload Automation, see the IBM Knowledge Center.


In the event a problem should occur while using IBM Workload Automation, IBM® Customer Support might ask you to supply information about your system and environment to perform problem determination. The following utilities are available:

In case of problems related to the product, see Troubleshooting.

Known problems

Problem: The broker server cannot be contacted. The Dynamic Workload Broker command line requires additional configuration steps.

Workaround: Perform the following configuration steps to enable the Dynamic Workload Broker command line:

  1. From the machine where you want to use the Dynamic Workload Broker command line, master domain manager (server) or dynamic agent, locate the following file:


  2. Modify the values for the fields, keyStore and trustStore, in the CLIConfig.properties file as follows:



  3. Save the changes to the file.

Problem: When you try to access the Console, an error similar to the following is returned: 401 Unauthorized.

Workaround: See the information available at Authentication onboarding and single sign-on.

Change history

Added November 2021

Added June 2021 - version

Added Febbruary 2021 - version 1.4.1