Summary of changes

Start of change


  • z/OS 2.5
    • Support is added for z/OS 2.5.
  • IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go
  • 64-bit support
  • Source level code coverage for COBOL
    • When you start a code coverage session with the Eclipse IDE or headless code coverage, you can now choose to use the source listing. Source level code coverage offers direct mapping between code coverage entries and the program source, to exclude the need to post process the code coverage data. Source level code coverage improves integration with tools like ZUnit and SonarQube as part of an automated pipeline. For more information, see How does z/OS Debugger locate COBOL source during code coverage.
  • Code Coverage Service API
    • Code Coverage Service (CCS) RESTful API is now available to enable custom extensions.
  • z/OS Debugger Profiles view
    • Remote IMS Application with Isolation launch configurations have been replaced by the IMS Isolation debug profiles. All existing IMS launch configurations are automatically migrated to the z/OS Debugger Profiles view. You can create and activate IMS Isolation profiles in the view to debug and run code coverage for IMS transactions in private regions.
      To use this function, ensure that the system programmer installed and configured the IMS transaction isolation extension for the ADFz Common Components server. If you want to configure the region name for the private region, ask the system programmer to update z/OS Debugger to 15.0.3 or later, with the PTF for APAR PH41774 applied.
      Note: IMS Isolation profiles are only available in IBM® Developer z/OS® Enterprise Edition.
    • You can now view the Remote System Explorer z/OS connection status in the view. A new option Refresh z/OS Connections is provided in the view toolbar to establish all z/OS connections and synchronize the profiles.
    • You can now duplicate the content from an existing debug profile to create a new one efficiently.
    • Generic profiles might trigger z/OS Debugger unexpectedly and consume unnecessary resources. When you activate a generic profile, warnings are now displayed. You can choose to hide the warnings.
    • In the Debug Profile Editor, you can now save a debug profile without activating it, and leave it for future use.
    For more information, see Managing debug profiles with the z/OS Debugger Profiles view.

  • Debug Profile Service
    • You now only need to expose one port to use Debug Profile Service. A new configuration switch is added to eqaprof.env to select whether to use secure HTTP protocol. For more information, see Customizing with the sample job EQAPRFSU.
  • z/OS Debugger commands
    • The following commands are now supported in Debug Tool compatibility mode for remote debugging:
  • Dark theme support
    • Dark theme is now supported for remote debugger in the Eclipse IDE.
  • Message EQA9924U
    • Message ICH408I is now issued in the console with EQA9924U to provide you with more information to address the issue.
End of change


  • IBM Z® Open Debug 1.2.5
    • You can now debug High Level Assembler (HLASM) z/OS programs with IBM Z Open Debug. For more information, see Preparing an assembler program.
    • For Wazi Developer for Workspaces, the log files are now in /projects/.debug/logs.
  • Code coverage
    • In the Code Coverage Results view, you can now export code coverage results in Cobertura format.
    • You can now specify parameters in the startup key to generate code coverage results in Cobertura and SonarQube formats. In addition, short parameters values -e,exportertype=SQ|PDF|COB are added for you to use both in the startup key and in the headless code coverage daemon.
    • When you view code coverage results in an editor, you can now see a code coverage summary of the included files for PL/I source files with %INCLUDE statements.
  • z/OS batch applications launches
    • In the Remote Systems or z/OS Projects view, or when you are editing the JCL source in the editor, after you choose Debug As or Code Coverage As from the menu, the following options are available:
      • z/OS Batch Application: Launch a debug or code coverage session without a debug profile.
      • z/OS Batch Application with a debug profile: Launch a debug or code coverage session with a debug profile.
      • z/OS Batch Application ...: Create a launch configuration to launch a debug or code coverage session.
      For more information, see Launching a debug session for z/OS batch applications using existing JCL.
  • IBM z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard
    • The Program/Procedure Selection List panel is updated to include procedures, in addition to programs. Selecting a procedure will provide a panel to enter the procedure step override for the DD statements generated. The After (A) and Before (B) line commands are no longer required.
    • You can now select SVC screening to enable SVC screening for batch non-Language Environment® programs.
    • You can now select Intercept on to show COBOL DISPLAY statements on the IBM z/OS Debugger log or Debug Console in the Eclipse IDE.
    • Error messages are improved.
    • The END command (PF3) in the Program/Procedure Selection List panel is modified to cancel the request. Previously, selecting PF3 would not exit the panel.
    • When the process is completed, the cursor is now placed on the command line.
    • The z/OS Debugger LDD Generation for Non-LE Programs panel is now populated with the initial program name and subprograms selected in the Request AT ENTRY Sub-Program Breakpoints panel. Program names provided in this panel can be modified.
    • After you select Code Coverage from the parameters selection panel, the EQAXOPT lines are generated to specify CCPROGSELECTDSN, CCOUTPUTDSN and CCOUTPUTDSNALLOC, if the CODE_COVERAGE_SETUP value is configured to YES in the EQAJCL REXX procedure.
    • Previously the wizard would verify the program source members identified in the z/OS Debugger LDD Generation for Non-LE Programs panel with each library identified by the z/OS Debugger Debug Libraries panel to verify that the members are present. This function is removed because z/OS Debugger now flags any such members in the IBM z/OS Debugger log or Debug Console in the Eclipse IDE when the LDD command is entered.
    For more information, see IBM z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard.
  • AT LABEL * command
    • For Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5 and later, AT LABEL * now highlights the labels similar to statement breakpoints.
    • You can now use PF6 or AT LINE to remove or add a single global label hook if AT LABEL * was issued. To disable this functionality, use DISABLE AT LABEL *.
    • If you issue AT LABEL * again or use ENABLE AT LABEL *, the global label hooks are reset. The hooks that you removed are added back.
    For more information, see AT LABEL command.


  • 64-bit support
  • Code coverage
    • With Concurrent Debug and Code Coverage, you can run code coverage collection in parallel with the active debug session in the Eclipse IDE. The code coverage data is collected during the debug run, and code coverage annotations are displayed and updated in the debug editor.
    • Headless code coverage report can now be exported with a Cobertura exporter.
    • Headless code coverage collector now supports filtering of module, compiler units, and files.
  • Debug Profile Editor
    • In the Debug Profile Editor of the Eclipse IDE, new key bindings are available to show the error tooltip and the overall error summary. For more information, see Debug profile key bindings.
  • Debug Profile Service
    • As an alternative of a keystore file, you can now use a RACF managed key ring to enable secure communication with Debug Profile Service. For more information, see Enabling secure communication with a RACF managed key ring.
    • A new optional HOST attribute is added to the CICS region configuration. For more information, see the instructions in the /etc/debug/dtcn.ports sample configuration file.
    • The Debug Profile Service API now provides more detailed diagnostic messages when authentication fails.
  • IBM Z Open Debug
  • CICS trace entries
    • A new parameter, DNT, is added to the CICS startup parameter INITPARM to support disabling generation of z/OS Debugger trace entries. For more information, see Adding support for debugging under CICS.


  • 64-bit support
    • Debug Tool compatibility mode now supports the following compiler features:
      • The 64-bit COBOL feature of z/OS for COBOL V6.3 and later
      • The 64-bit C/C++ feature of z/OS
      For the limitations, see Limitations of 64-bit support in Debug Tool compatibility mode.

      The PTFs for z/OS Language Environment APARs PH26071 and PH28997 are required for this support.

  • IBM Z Open Debug
    • IBM Z Open Debug is now also available with the Wazi Developer for Workspaces IDE, in addition to the Wazi Developer for VS Code IDE. Both IDEs are offered in IBM Wazi Developer for Red Hat® CodeReady Workspaces and IBM Developer for z/OS Enterprise Edition. For a comparison of features provided in different products and IDEs, see Overview of IBM z/OS Debugger.
    • You can now specify TEST(,,,RDS:*) for the TEST runtime option to start a debug session using Remote Debug Service for Wazi Developer for VS Code or Wazi Developer for Workspaces.
  • Debug Profile Editor
  • z/OS C/C++
  • Debug Tool plug-ins
  • Load Module Analyzer
    • The Load Module Analyzer is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  • Host configuration
    • Remote Debug Service can now be configured to collect headless code coverage. For more information, see Adding support for Remote Debug Service.
    • The record size for the DTCN VSAM file is increased to 3000 bytes. To use the DTCN VSAM repository with z/OS Debugger 15.0, create a new file using the SEQASAMP(EQAWCRVS) sample JCL. You can also convert your existing VSAM file to the new record size and format using the EQADPCNV utility. For more information, see Migrating a debug profiles VSAM file from an earlier release.
    • The IMS Transaction Isolation Facility is enhanced to utilize type 2 IMS commands for retrieving information on transactions, in cases where the type 1 commands that are normally used are disallowed. For more information, see Scenario F: Enabling the Transaction Isolation Facility.